Shedding a light on college campus left wing stupidity...and how they get away with it...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I heard Victor Davis Hanson on Dennis Miller's radio show today.....he first pointed out how those who shed tears over the thought we waterboarded 3 monsters who murdered 3,000 americans....look the other way as obama uses drones to kill terrorists....and all the civilians around them...

But that is a different post....this one is about the absurd silliness taking place on our college the middle class is getting steam rolled by wealthy and poor students.....

The Campus as California Works and Days

Tuition and Debt

But there are lots of campus topics that garner little publicity. Take tuition costs. Aggregate student debt is reaching $1 trillion — a result of an insidious relationship between federally guaranteed loans (many of which cost over 5% annually to service) and tuition spikes that habitually exceed the rate of inflation.

As a result, in a logical universe, there would be widespread student protests against the lack of transparency in university budgeting. There would anger at paying Hillary Clinton nearly a third of a million dollars for a boilerplate 30-minute chat. There would be grassroots complaints about the costly epidemic of new administrative positions and federal mandates that have nothing to do with in-class instruction. There would be inquiries about why teaching loads have declined as tuition skyrocketed.

Instead, there is mostly silence on campus. Why? Perhaps the answer reflects the fact that the campus bookends the trajectory of California — in that elite and wealthy students do not really care that much whether their combined tuition, room, and board tab goes from $55,000 a year to $60,000, given their parents’ ample resources. At the other end, poorer and often minority students are more likely to have access to college grants and scholarships. The working classes in between, who often lack familial capital and are not designated as disadvantaged in ethnic or class terms, more often pay the full bill.

Do universities count on such dichotomies — that the most influential in terms of race, class, and gender issues are the most likely not to have to pay themselves the spiraling tab?
What do right wingers care about any college campus? They think education is for snobs.
Colleges and universities the rest of the world call the best in the world, in Blue States, Republicans think are "too liberal".
I don't know what rock the author of that piece lives under, but there have been massive protests for the last few months at UC Berkeley over proposed tuition hikes.

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