"She was asking for it"

Are women who dress provocatively "asking for it"

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • No

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
i always love when men admit they just have no damned self control and are ruled by their dicks....

or else you have self control and it does not matter how a woman is dressed

Well according to statistics 95% of us men control their dicks as far as rape is concerned. As for philandering, I can't say.
If a guy was walking down the street at 3AM in a bad neighborhood with hundred dollar bills hanging out of his pockets and got robbed.

People would say that he was an idiot and got what he deserved for being so stupid.

Yet if a woman dressed like a stripper walked down the same street at 3AM and got raped.

The same people would say that she was a victim and nothing was her fault. :doubt:

Both may have questionable judgement but neither deserved to get raped or robbed.
Questionable judgement?!?! :eek:

Both were begging to be violated by their actions.

To call them "victims" is absurd. :cuckoo:

Does a mentally retarded woman confined to a nursing home bed asked to be raped? An 80 year old woman, a baby? For God's sake. nine times out of ten it's not the gals who "asking for it" as YOU say that are raped. Rapists want to force it, they are not interested in willing participants.
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You shouldn't project so often.
Date rape is never consensual which is why it is called rape,

So it is the act of calling it rape that makes it not consensual?

what you are referring to is not specifically rape unless it can be proven as such, it is a bad decision made among less than honorable boys who can't think past the end of their dick and will take a drunken nod as a yes.

So essentially, a girl who get drunk and has sex is a victim, a boy who does so is a violent criminal who must go to prison and be branded with a Scarlet Letter for life.

Got it!

All of these are degrees of violence and control.

I see, so having sex with a drunken women is violence and control. But, having sex with a drunken man isn't (for the women.)

Maybe we could be proactive and just lock all men in prison as rapists in the first place, then no need to worry.

So obviously:
In your alleged mind I'm sure no sexual contact is "rape." :eusa_whistle:

Rape is an act of violence. Rape is the violent attack which uses penetration as domination and brutalization.

Rape is real, is violent and is ugly. Your terming of casual sex as "rape" cheapens the definition and degrades the horror that women who have been victims of real rape have suffered.

Waking up with a hangover and thinking "eww, he's ugly" just doesn't rise to the level that someone beaten and having a knife held to their throat while the attacker brutally enters them suffered through.
You shouldn't project so often.
Date rape is never consensual which is why it is called rape,

So it is the act of calling it rape that makes it not consensual?

what you are referring to is not specifically rape unless it can be proven as such, it is a bad decision made among less than honorable boys who can't think past the end of their dick and will take a drunken nod as a yes.

So essentially, a girl who get drunk and has sex is a victim, a boy who does so is a violent criminal who must go to prison and be branded with a Scarlet Letter for life.

Got it!

All of these are degrees of violence and control.

I see, so having sex with a drunken women is violence and control. But, having sex with a drunken man isn't (for the women.)

Maybe we could be proactive and just lock all men in prison as rapists in the first place, then no need to worry.

So obviously:
In your alleged mind I'm sure no sexual contact is "rape." :eusa_whistle:

Rape is an act of violence. Rape is the violent attack which uses penetration as domination and brutalization.

Rape is real, is violent and is ugly. Your terming of casual sex as "rape" cheapens the definition and degrades the horror that women who have been victims of real rape have suffered.

Waking up with a hangover and thinking "eww, he's ugly" just doesn't rise to the level that someone beaten and having a knife held to their throat while the attacker brutally enters them suffered through.

I never said that, you did.
You're myopic association of word definitions is getting in the way of understanding. Or are you a serial date rapist trying to justify his crime? :dunno:
Well according to statistics 95% of us men control their dicks as far as rape is concerned. As for philandering, I can't say.

I'd love to see statistics that support the claim that 5% of men at rapists. 9 million rapists in the USA?

Myopic thinking again, who said in the US only. :eusa_eh:

Dude you need to learn reading comprehension.
I'll have my wife give me the reference later, errand time.
In the mean time could you possibly grow a rational thought process.
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All I can say to this uninformed tripe is, :cuckoo:
You need to actually study the rape issue before you comment on it and before you say the same about me, my wife's a psychologist, I read (and have read in the past) much of the scientific material on this subject and we've had recent discussions on this subject due to a couple of study papers she has presented for peer review.
And your conclusions are?

Meanwhile, most of what I've read in this thread amounts paraphrased declarations that no man has the right to rape any woman. Period. And what can I say to that except, no kidding? But the fact remains rape does occur and the circumstances under which it occurs are as varied as the directions the human libido can follow. So to even suggest that every rapist is motivated by the same impulse is arrogantly naive.

Perhaps a more suitable analogy for rape than car theft would be the act of mugging, because in many cases the same type of personality is involved. A mugger is an opportunistic, aggressive sociopath who finds you vulnerable, wants your money and is willing to beat the hell out of you or worse if you won't give it up. That is one type of rapist and the mentality is precisely the same as that of the mugger except that he wants something other than money -- or in addition to money. There are other types, including those for whom the act of forcible rape is their only means of complete gratification because they are stimulated by the woman's fear. Also, the use of alcohol is commonly associated with not only forcible rape but assault, homicide and other behaviors which would not normally manifest in the individual.

The bottom line is simply declaring that no man should rape any woman is a redundant waste of time. Some men will rape a woman if aroused and the opportunity presents itself -- just as some men will take your possessions by force. So my advice to women who read this is the same as I had for each of my three girls as they became young women: There are all kinds of predatory screwballs in the world. Be aware of that and don't make yourself vulnerable to them.

So, the women who are raped DID make themselves vulnerable to the screwballs? Do you know any rape stats? Do you really think only "predatory screwballs" rape?


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I never said that, you did.

Of course you said that. You can't defend it and are backtracking, but you jumped right on the Jillian bandwagon for the attack. You didn't bother to read or understand what was written.

You're myopic association of word definitions is getting in the way of understanding.

Ah, so I am myopic since I don't simply charge all men as violent animals who really should be castrated prior to puberty. Of course, I understand.

Thank god the whole men hating fad is fading. The younger generation don't buy into it. And while I find the sexual promiscuity and Clintonian attitude toward casual sex degrading, I must admit it is preferable to the Feminazi version of Sharia that Jillian and apparently you, promote.

Or are you a serial date rapist trying to justify his crime? :dunno:

Are you Saul Alinsky, or merely a disciple?

BTW, Who's crime?
Myopic thinking again, who said in the US only. :eusa_eh:

Lets see, 6 billion people on the planet - 150 wild rapists running around.

You must spend a great deal of time under your bed.

Dude you need to learn reading comprehension.

Dudette, you need to occasionally sprinkle a little fact in with your bullshit.

I'll have my wife give me the reference later, errand time.

You just do that, now.

In the mean time could you possibly grow a rational thought process.

Irony alert.
Myopic thinking again, who said in the US only. :eusa_eh:

Lets see, 6 billion people on the planet - 150 wild rapists running around.

You must spend a great deal of time under your bed.

Dude you need to learn reading comprehension.

Dudette, you need to occasionally sprinkle a little fact in with your bullshit.

I'll have my wife give me the reference later, errand time.

You just do that, now.

In the mean time could you possibly grow a rational thought process.

Irony alert.

Ya know what moron, you obviously didn't read the thread, you would have found where I did link all the above including the difference between date rape and what you're talking about. It is two different things.
So do you want to educate yourself or just continue to be an ignorant ass? :dunno:
All I can say to this uninformed tripe is, :cuckoo:
You need to actually study the rape issue before you comment on it and before you say the same about me, my wife's a psychologist, I read (and have read in the past) much of the scientific material on this subject and we've had recent discussions on this subject due to a couple of study papers she has presented for peer review.
And your conclusions are?

Meanwhile, most of what I've read in this thread amounts paraphrased declarations that no man has the right to rape any woman. Period. And what can I say to that except, no kidding? But the fact remains rape does occur and the circumstances under which it occurs are as varied as the directions the human libido can follow. So to even suggest that every rapist is motivated by the same impulse is arrogantly naive.

Perhaps a more suitable analogy for rape than car theft would be the act of mugging, because in many cases the same type of personality is involved. A mugger is an opportunistic, aggressive sociopath who finds you vulnerable, wants your money and is willing to beat the hell out of you or worse if you won't give it up. That is one type of rapist and the mentality is precisely the same as that of the mugger except that he wants something other than money -- or in addition to money. There are other types, including those for whom the act of forcible rape is their only means of complete gratification because they are stimulated by the woman's fear. Also, the use of alcohol is commonly associated with not only forcible rape but assault, homicide and other behaviors which would not normally manifest in the individual.

The bottom line is simply declaring that no man should rape any woman is a redundant waste of time. Some men will rape a woman if aroused and the opportunity presents itself -- just as some men will take your possessions by force. So my advice to women who read this is the same as I had for each of my three girls as they became young women: There are all kinds of predatory screwballs in the world. Be aware of that and don't make yourself vulnerable to them.

So, the women who are raped DID make themselves vulnerable to the screwballs? Do you know any rape stats? Do you really think only "predatory screwballs" rape?

If you are asleep in your home at night with doors and windows locked and some asshole pries open the window with a crowbar and holds a knife to your throat or gun to your head, just how are you to avoid the "predatory screwballs" in that case? naturally you should use common sense and don't leave with some guy you meet at a bar. But good grief you should be allowed to be out and about by yourself at the mall or beauty shop or work for god's sake. How is a baby or an elderly or mentally retarded person supposed to avoid the "predatory screwballs?" Any advice on that?
The question isn't "does the way a woman is dressed excuse an attack". Nothing excuses the attack. No excuse is being made for the attacker. That's not the correctly framed issue.

A woman dressing provocatively is exactly the same as wearing a lot of jewely in the middle of watts, leaving your cell phone and laptop on the passenger side car seat. Leaving your keys in the car ignition and going to the movies. We do millions of things every day that invite an attack of some kind. The attacker doesn't have a right to attack. Nothing the victim does can legally contribute to the attack yet it happens anyway! Yes you have a right to do it, it's still not wise. At some point, a person, even a woman should exercise some good judgment and personal responsibility.
Remind me again what Saul Alinsky has to do with consensual sex.

So correct me if I'm misunderstanding this. What's being said, is that even if one's date is so snowed from drugs or alcohol that she cannot say yes or no, that so long as there isn't force or violence involved...it is consensual? That this falls under implied consent? I'm sure that our prisons are filled with people who assumed implied consent on someone who was passed out.

Many of Ted Bundy's "partners", in his mind, fell under implied consent too.

Sorry, but I find this alarming, if this is really how you feel.
And your conclusions are?

Meanwhile, most of what I've read in this thread amounts paraphrased declarations that no man has the right to rape any woman. Period. And what can I say to that except, no kidding? But the fact remains rape does occur and the circumstances under which it occurs are as varied as the directions the human libido can follow. So to even suggest that every rapist is motivated by the same impulse is arrogantly naive.

Perhaps a more suitable analogy for rape than car theft would be the act of mugging, because in many cases the same type of personality is involved. A mugger is an opportunistic, aggressive sociopath who finds you vulnerable, wants your money and is willing to beat the hell out of you or worse if you won't give it up. That is one type of rapist and the mentality is precisely the same as that of the mugger except that he wants something other than money -- or in addition to money. There are other types, including those for whom the act of forcible rape is their only means of complete gratification because they are stimulated by the woman's fear. Also, the use of alcohol is commonly associated with not only forcible rape but assault, homicide and other behaviors which would not normally manifest in the individual.

The bottom line is simply declaring that no man should rape any woman is a redundant waste of time. Some men will rape a woman if aroused and the opportunity presents itself -- just as some men will take your possessions by force. So my advice to women who read this is the same as I had for each of my three girls as they became young women: There are all kinds of predatory screwballs in the world. Be aware of that and don't make yourself vulnerable to them.

So, the women who are raped DID make themselves vulnerable to the screwballs? Do you know any rape stats? Do you really think only "predatory screwballs" rape?

If you are asleep in your home at night with doors and windows locked and some asshole pries open the window with a crowbar and holds a knife to your throat or gun to your head, just how are you to avoid the "predatory screwballs" in that case? naturally you should use common sense and don't leave with some guy you meet at a bar. But good grief you should be allowed to be out and about by yourself at the mall or beauty shop or work for god's sake. How is a baby or an elderly or mentally retarded person supposed to avoid the "predatory screwballs?" Any advice on that?

The point is, because there are predators out there who will pry open a locked window, no one has to leave the window unlocked because they have a right to have unlocked windows. Bad things are going to happen no matter what we do. We do not have to make it easy for them though.
Is this really all that entrenched a position in our society any longer? (This = thinking someone who is sexually assaulted is asking for it based on demeanor and/or dress.)

I know it used to be, but in general, it seems to me that our society has become enlightened enough about this to belong in this century.

Islamic societies? Not at all.
Is this really all that entrenched a position in our society any longer? (This = thinking someone who is sexually assaulted is asking for it based on demeanor and/or dress.)

I know it used to be, but in general, it seems to me that our society has become enlightened enough about this to belong in this century.

Islamic societies? Not at all.

You'd be surprised, some people in this thread think like Middle Easterners in regards to this subject, particularly retiredgunnerysgt.
Ya know what moron, you obviously didn't read the thread, you would have found where I did link all the above including the difference between date rape and what you're talking about. It is two different things.

Yet here you are, demanding that drunken boys bopping drunken girls are hardened criminals, violent predators who belong in prison after being neutered down at the NOW free clinic.

So do you want to educate yourself or just continue to be an ignorant ass? :dunno:

Rape is a violent crime that should be severely punished, by death in my opinion.

A bad date isn't rape. I take it you already had your appointment at the NOW clinic....

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