She-Ra/Cruise: A Consumerism Freshener


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a consumerism-culture vignette (my last one!) inspired by the shopping-lore film Mannequin.

Signing off,


She-Ra traveled from Venus to Earth with her lucky unicorn-stallion Lucky and wanted to see what human beings were doing. She-Ra looked like a beautiful woman (human), but she was Venutian and an immortal, so she wasn't compatible with any human male. However, when she laid eyes on the human American movie-superstar Tom Cruise, her heart skipped and she started thinking idealistically (and in terms of Utopia!) about 'consumerism-consciousness' on Earth.

Suddenly, She-Ra was a huge fan of Wall Street, Facebook, the United Nations, MTV, Bank of America, and even the Home Shopping Network (HSN). She-Ra was admittedly a 'human civilization cheerleader'...and it was all thanks to Tom Cruise! She-Ra noted that Cruise used his media 'spotlight' and muscle to promote his church, Scientology, in the press (and demanded his girlfriends/wives do the same!). She-Ra decided to read about Dianetics (a reference-work for Scientologists). She hid Lucky in a stable at Churchill Downs.

Dianetics became a newfound fascination for She-Ra the Venutian. When she confronted Tom Cruise at a Saturday night Halloween party at the house of celebrity-friend Colin Farrell, she was dressed as a galactic centurion-woman modeled after a character right out of Flash Gordon adventure-comics, and Cruise was hypnotized. She-Ra explained to Cruise she wanted to be a 'queen of commerce,' but the American celebrity demanded she simply be his 'muse' (a quiet 'first-lady of Hollywood'), so she returned to Venus (but she remembered Cruise's proposition for media-based 'witchcraft'!).



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