Sexing up your kids as fast as they can


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
LA Schools Blame Girl for Sex With Teacher
District wins civil suit brought by family of 14-year-old

Critics contend that the answer is obvious: An eighth-grader can't consent to a sexual relationship with a 28-year-old teacher. Or as a non-district attorney puts it in the Los Angeles Times: "The belief that middle-school children can consent to sexual activity is something one would expect to hear from pedophile advocates, not the second-largest school district in the US." LA Schools Blame Girl for Sex With Teacher
Oh now c'mon... you can't call them PEDOPHILES anymore... and you can't blame them for being attracted to younger people. The homos have won most of their battles, now it's the "minor attracteds" turn to fight for their rights as well. By golly if the public is going to be forced to accept men fucking each other up the ass as some sort of wholesome alternate lifestyle, then why the hell can't peds have sex with younger people? It may even be the younger persons idea. The younger person may have pushed for and initiated the sex, so why blame the pedophile... err... MINOR ATTRACTED person? Nobody got hurt. It was consensual and they both liked it. Who's to say there's anything wrong with that? [/devil's advocate rant over, which is also the left's rant]

The muslims will be loving this... because they not only like to have sex with little girls, they like to marry them.

And hollyweird has been pushing this for years. One such example of many is the movie "Pretty Baby." Another is "Wanda Nevada." Seems hollyweird loved to use the young Brooke Sheilds in movies about sex and the forbidden love affair between an older man and a very young girl. I'm sure they'd love it if these old ways of thinking were cast aside for the new PROGRESSIVE ways, so they could make more of these kinds of movies. hollyweird just loves producing their immoral trash to dump on the public, like "Slap Cock Mountain"... or whatever the name of that butt fucking homo cowboy movie was... garbage is what it was.
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Pedophilia does not apply to 14 year girls, so shut up.

Sexual assault can, though, because a 14 year old cannot legally consent.

Anyone who challenges that law should be sued, and then charged for conspiracy to violate older children.
LA Schools Blame Girl for Sex With Teacher
District wins civil suit brought by family of 14-year-old

Critics contend that the answer is obvious: An eighth-grader can't consent to a sexual relationship with a 28-year-old teacher. Or as a non-district attorney puts it in the Los Angeles Times: "The belief that middle-school children can consent to sexual activity is something one would expect to hear from pedophile advocates, not the second-largest school district in the US." LA Schools Blame Girl for Sex With Teacher

Because of Romeo and Juliet close-in-age exemptions, some states allow 14yo to have sex with up to 19 year-olds. Hawaii's one. So guess whatever lawmaker in Hawaii made that law is a pedophile advocate. Can get married here in Missouri at 15 with parental consent to anyone you want. Once married the aoc drops to 15 since something magical happens when you marry I guess. And is a provision for younger than 15 if with judicial consent. Guess the whole country's run by pedophile adovcates.
civil suit. why should the school district be held accountable for acts the girl did outside the school and by her own choice?
Try dealing with the law in the state where the offense was committed.What others do is irrelevant to this situation and what these people have decided their law will be
Didn't the lawyer who wont the suit get fired by the school district, or was that another incident in California recently? Saw something about it browsing earlier.

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