Sex Slave or Consenting Adult?


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
People's Republic of NJ
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- The allegations in the indictment were shocking: A young woman had been held captive for years as the sex slave of a Missouri couple. She had been locked in a cage and subjected to electrical shocks. Parts of her body had been nailed to wooden planks.

When announcing charges last month, U.S. Attorney Beth Phillips called the case one of "the most horrific ever prosecuted in this district."

Authorities said the woman was a mentally deficient runaway who was recruited by an older man at the age of 16 to live in his trailer. The situation came to light in early 2009, after the woman, then 23, landed in a hospital following what prosecutors said was a torture session.

But as more details have emerged, more questions have arisen about the accuser, including her involvement in violent sex practices, her posing for a pornographic magazine and her work as a strip-club dancer. Supporters of the defendant are speaking out, too, saying many of the acts described in the indictment are practiced every day between consenting adults.

Susan Dill, Bagley's Kansas City-based attorney, told reporters recently that the indictment tells only one side of the story. She said the defense will present evidence that the woman practiced BDSM -- bondage, dominance, sadism and masochism -- by choice.

Questions About Accuser Surround Sex Slave Case -

trailer park drama
Gotta love murka.
"recruited by an older man at the age of 16 to live in his trailer."
That's the only place I know of where people live in wheeled porta Johns.
I'm gonna run up to the second "poorest" nation in the Western hemisphere and have brunch and pay my workers.
No. They don't live in a fucking trailer park.


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KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- The allegations in the indictment were shocking: A young woman had been held captive for years as the sex slave of a Missouri couple. She had been locked in a cage and subjected to electrical shocks. Parts of her body had been nailed to wooden planks.

When announcing charges last month, U.S. Attorney Beth Phillips called the case one of "the most horrific ever prosecuted in this district."

Authorities said the woman was a mentally deficient runaway who was recruited by an older man at the age of 16 to live in his trailer. The situation came to light in early 2009, after the woman, then 23, landed in a hospital following what prosecutors said was a torture session.

But as more details have emerged, more questions have arisen about the accuser, including her involvement in violent sex practices, her posing for a pornographic magazine and her work as a strip-club dancer. Supporters of the defendant are speaking out, too, saying many of the acts described in the indictment are practiced every day between consenting adults.

Susan Dill, Bagley's Kansas City-based attorney, told reporters recently that the indictment tells only one side of the story. She said the defense will present evidence that the woman practiced BDSM -- bondage, dominance, sadism and masochism -- by choice.

Questions About Accuser Surround Sex Slave Case -


Prosecutors are paid to get convictions. They are manipulative and do whatever the can legally to present a case. They are under no obligation to do the right thing. They also enjoy inflamatory cases that draw attention to themselves as many of them aspire to higher public offices and use the publicity to their own advantage.
No, chanel...everyone who practices BDSM is not "mentally deficient". In fact, so many behaviors are included under the catch-phrase it is likely everyone practices some form of BDSM, whether they are aware of it or not. Ever played with hot wax from a candle? Or been restrained, even just by being held down? Those are "BDSM" activities.

But this woman began her relationship with this couple when she was a minor. There are allegations he shot animals she cared about to show dominance. The consent almost certainly was not voluntary and therefore, was invalid.

It's a salacious case but as far as advancing the cause of understanding human sexuality any better, it's crap. The jury almost certainly will react like puritans and convict.
I don't really give a damn if people consent to being nailed to a wall, the nailer needs to get nailed by the law.
Supporters of the defendant are speaking out, too, saying many of the acts described in the indictment are practiced every day between consenting adults.

Wait, wouldn't that 'reasoning' apply to pretty much all sexual assault?

If she's 'mentally deficient', one wonders whether, legally she's competent to even consent.

posing for a pornographic magazine and her work as a strip-club dancer

Sounds like a rapist blaming her for wearing a short skirt.

Seems to me like they need to do a serious psych eval on the alleged victim to determine whether she could and did consent and so some serious policing (analysis of the videos, serious interrogations of all involved and potential witnesses) to sort out just what the situation was here.

Something sure sounds amiss- it's not clear whether she ever had an actual choice or chance to leave or refuse. Given the injuries she seems to have sustained, I'm skeptical of the claim she had any say in the matter at all.

allegations... that he refused to stop immediately when the woman used a "safe word."

I'm pretty sure that would constitute sexual assault.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- The allegations in the indictment were shocking: A young woman had been held captive for years as the sex slave of a Missouri couple. She had been locked in a cage and subjected to electrical shocks. Parts of her body had been nailed to wooden planks.

When announcing charges last month, U.S. Attorney Beth Phillips called the case one of "the most horrific ever prosecuted in this district."

Authorities said the woman was a mentally deficient runaway who was recruited by an older man at the age of 16 to live in his trailer. The situation came to light in early 2009, after the woman, then 23, landed in a hospital following what prosecutors said was a torture session.

But as more details have emerged, more questions have arisen about the accuser, including her involvement in violent sex practices, her posing for a pornographic magazine and her work as a strip-club dancer. Supporters of the defendant are speaking out, too, saying many of the acts described in the indictment are practiced every day between consenting adults.

Susan Dill, Bagley's Kansas City-based attorney, told reporters recently that the indictment tells only one side of the story. She said the defense will present evidence that the woman practiced BDSM -- bondage, dominance, sadism and masochism -- by choice.
Questions About Accuser Surround Sex Slave Case -


Prosecutors are paid to get convictions. They are manipulative and do whatever the can legally to present a case. They are under no obligation to do the right thing. They also enjoy inflamatory cases that draw attention to themselves as many of them aspire to higher public offices and use the publicity to their own advantage.

The same can be said of the defense.
If she's 'mentally deficient', one wonders whether, legally she's competent to even consent.

Hard to make that case I think, since such a diagnosis would require a professional level of expertise.

Although I was questioned by the police once about a report of date rape once and I was asked, "do you think Ms. *** was in a state of mind to consent to sex with Mr. ***?"


"Huh? You don't? Why not?"

"Because she had sex with me last year."


They didn't think it was as funny as I did. Turns out the fluids recovered from her weren't from the suspect anyway, it was her ex-boyfriend's.

posing for a pornographic magazine and her work as a strip-club dancer

Sounds like a rapist blaming her for wearing a short skirt.

Possibly, but if the prosecution says she was in captivity at the time it's a valid piece of the puzzle.

Seems to me like they need to do a serious psych eval on the alleged victim to determine whether she could and did consent and so some serious policing (analysis of the videos, serious interrogations of all involved and potential witnesses) to sort out just what the situation was here.

True, but that gets back to whether any reasonable person could ascertain her mental capabilities.

Something sure sounds amiss- it's not clear whether she ever had an actual choice or chance to leave or refuse. Given the injuries she seems to have sustained, I'm skeptical of the claim she had any say in the matter at all.

The first act is the fulcrum in my opinion. Was she in a sexual relationship as a minor?

allegations... that he refused to stop immediately when the woman used a "safe word."

I'm pretty sure that would constitute sexual assault.

Yes it would. Hard to prove though.
They claim she was "mentally deficient". I would suggest that anyone who practices BDSM is "mentally deficient", wouldn't you?

nope, lots of really intelligent people practice it. has nothing to do with mental ability
the only issue is if she was really too 'deficient' to consent properly, also if he didn't stop at the safe word then it basically becomes assault
I don't really give a damn if people consent to being nailed to a wall, the nailer needs to get nailed by the law.

why? should be free to do as you please

In most states, and presumably the one where this occurred, the general rule is you cannot consent to a battery. These laws are often used against people who engage in consensual sado-masochist behavior, and there's a good argument that at some point, the state has a strong enough compelling interest in the physical safety of its citizens to override privacy and consent.

There's a case in Germany where a man allowed a body part I won't name to be amputated and the other man and he enjoyed it as a meal before he expired from blood loss. I think we can all agree, wherever the line should be drawn, it is certainly before such behavior would be tolerated.

BTW, the survivor was convicted of murder, although he had videotaped his victim's consent.

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They claim she was "mentally deficient". I would suggest that anyone who practices BDSM is "mentally deficient", wouldn't you?

Perhaps not "mentally deficient" but definitely in need of counseling.

If it takes total dominance over another human being, causing them pain and humiliation to get your rocks've got problems.

And the bottoms willingness to submit to humiliating torture just screams "I have issues".

@ Maddy, we're not talking about pink frilly handcuffs and a light hand spanking here, we're talking about true sadist and masochists.

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