Seussgate; Have Leftards Finally Jumped the Proverbial Shark?

You'd be the exception not the rule.

No, I am the rule, not the exception.

At least you acknowledge that someone who wasn't responsible for feeding you was forced to do so because those that were failed in their responsibility to you. That's a rarity.

The food stamp program was a means tested program where people could only use their food stamps at government warehouses where the Feds had the farmers excess food the government bought off them.

Nobody had anything stolen.

The problem with the Food Stamp program today is that it is too much like cash, which lends itself to abuse.

Not with record numbers on food stamps today. It used to be that people were embarrassed to be on it. Now, they wear it as a badge of honor.

If one person that feeds their own children is forced to feed someone else's children because the ones creating that child won't do their job, that's stealing.
The librarian was crazy, but also, Melania Trump should go fuck herself
. TheOldSchool
I wonder if Michelle Obama, being a transgender, can fuck herself with that huge dick we see flopping around under "her" dresses?
First prove she is a transgender then we can talk semantics of perversions you think of...




Seussgate; Have Leftards Finally Jumped the Proverbial Shark?

what was really funny is how quickly the leftarded librarian got busted

in her lies

Not with record numbers on food stamps today. It used to be that people were embarrassed to be on it. Now, they wear it as a badge of honor.
If one person that feeds their own children is forced to feed someone else's children because the ones creating that child won't do their job, that's stealing.
Before finishing my degree, I did a lot of blue collar work in warehouses, machine mills and so forth, and some of those workers would be on food stamps because of the size of their family vrs the earned income.

I NEVER met ANYONE who did not want to get off the programs because it was proof t hat they did not make much money and a reminder.

My family was on the WIC program back around 1989 and we needed the help then.

But I kept searching for a job to get off of it ASAP, as did everyone else I ever met that was on it.

I know that there are the kind of free loaders that you describe but they are a small minority of people on government assistance and most of them have drug problems and are not your typical recipient.

We should drug test people for addiction when they try to get government relief and then give them counseling to get free of the addiction. Not throw them in jail.
I've never been and may never be rich.

I have been blessed enough to always be able to pay cash for food.

It kinda sucks being in line @ Wally World behind 2 illegals with a baby getting $369 worth of groceries. Paying with WIC.

My bill is $106

When I was in my 20s I'd sometimes buy food stamps 2 for 1.
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I've never been and may never be rich.

I have been blessed enough to always be able to pay cash for food.

It kinda sucks being in line @ Wally World behind 2 illegals with a baby getting $369 worth of groceries. Paying with WIC

My bill is $106

When I was in my 20s I'd sometimes buy food stamps 2 for 1.
I've always been an avid gardener and have grown usually enough food for at least 2/3 of the year...Next year it will be increased to the full year...Just need a root cellar....
I've never been and may never be rich.

I have been blessed enough to always be able to pay cash for food.

It kinda sucks being in line @ Wally World behind 2 illegals with a baby getting $369 worth of groceries. Paying with WIC

My bill is $106

When I was in my 20s I'd sometimes buy food stamps 2 for 1.
I've always been an avid gardener and have grown usually enough food for at least 2/3 of the year...Next year it will be increased to the full year...Just need a root cellar....

i was just reading the other day about a prebuilt one that

was pretty reasonably priced
I've never been and may never be rich.

I have been blessed enough to always be able to pay cash for food.

It kinda sucks being in line @ Wally World behind 2 illegals with a baby getting $369 worth of groceries. Paying with WIC

My bill is $106

When I was in my 20s I'd sometimes buy food stamps 2 for 1.
I've always been an avid gardener and have grown usually enough food for at least 2/3 of the year...Next year it will be increased to the full year...Just need a root cellar....

i was just reading the other day about a prebuilt one that

was pretty reasonably priced
Normally you use a wood barrel and dig a hole big enough in a declination and insert the barrel....I should have done it when I rented the backhoe for the sewer line and the horizontal ground rods...But noooooo..I had to dig a footer for a brick mailbox...
I've never been and may never be rich.

I have been blessed enough to always be able to pay cash for food.

It kinda sucks being in line @ Wally World behind 2 illegals with a baby getting $369 worth of groceries. Paying with WIC

My bill is $106

When I was in my 20s I'd sometimes buy food stamps 2 for 1.
I've always been an avid gardener and have grown usually enough food for at least 2/3 of the year...Next year it will be increased to the full year...Just need a root cellar....

i was just reading the other day about a prebuilt one that

was pretty reasonably priced
Normally you use a wood barrel and dig a hole big enough in a declination and insert the barrel....I should have done it when I rented the backhoe for the sewer line and the horizontal ground rods...But noooooo..I had to dig a footer for a brick mailbox...

we have part of our basement set up a cellar

you could always build one with block

and cover it with dirt and sod
I've always been an avid gardener and have grown usually enough food for at least 2/3 of the year...Next year it will be increased to the full year...Just need a root cellar....

Learn how to 'can' your garden produce and you wont need a cellar. You can put it in the garage or a large pantry or the attic on some chip boards.
The debate on the Civil War and whether every Confederate serviceman was a racist wannabe slave owner is an old canard well worn by the left. Most are used to hearing about it, but the cultural battle went along very predictable lines until Guv Nikki Perky Hale decided that the left was right and took down the Confederate Battle flag honoring tens of thousands of South Carolinians who gave their lives defending a state from Yankee invaders (to include my ancestor).

But that did not end the anguish of the left, who always manages to find something to whine about, from the supposed higher rates of cops killing black thugs, to the racism of white society, to the racism of Old Glory and the National Anthem to now we have Dr Seuss damned as a racist also.

Dr Seuss has been the hallmark liberal childrens story teller and a staple of American virtue for decades now, but alas he is a sinister old racist koot now, according to the left.

Is there ANYTHING about the USA that leftards dont hate? ANYTHING?

Was Dr. Seuss racist? Old material backs up a librarian's claim in rejecting Melania's book donation

I strongly suspect that the latest NFL controversy is demonstrating the worn out welcome of leftist partisanship and the end of white guilt.

The disgust Americans feel every day for the left's lynching of Uncle Sam is reaching epic proportions.

Where the blowback will lead is anybodies guess, but it wont go well for the left.

We may see the GOP pick up about a dozen seats in the Senate and more in the House in 2018 because people are getting so fucking tired of the lefts whinefest.

Fuck each and every one of them, as far as I care, which isnt very far at all.
Oh, Jim, you don't know how this has saddened my heart. AND totally pissed me off at that fucking clown of a librarian. But every single one of you here needs to remember that this is ONE atrociously over-educated and pompous ass who does NOT speak for all liberals in any way.
If she were our local librarian, I would be moving heaven and earth to get her fired. That's the truth.
Suess rocks. As long as we speak English and read bedtime stories to kids, he will live. Imagination, rich word play, fun illustrations; he remembered the wonder and silliness that resides in all children. Some of us could stand a refresher course in that, too.
God, I can't stand that bitch. Refusing Melania's gift ought to give you a clue where her heart and mind are at--one like that can't be used as an exemplar of any but her miserable self.
The librarian is a dumbass, and Dr. Seuss is awesome.

He lived in a different time, and that must be taken into consideration - some of his war-bond comics during WWII were Mickey-Rooney-in-Breakfast-At-Tiffanys level racist, but his wit and political views are just as relevant today as when he wrote them.

I think one of the funniest things about this non-scandal is that Dr. Seuss was, above all else, a strident opponent of nationalism and forced patriotism.

The Butter Battle Book is one of the sharpest satires of nationalism and brinkmanship that I've ever read.
Not so sure. We'll see.

The Regressives thought they had this in the bag, that demographics were/are or will be permanently on their side, and that the Left/Right debate was over. You could see that idea all over the place, and it permeated USMB. They're no longer even interested in communicating with anyone who dares to disagree with them, they still think they can just attack and insult and run to their safe space when challenged.

But they jumped the gun, not the shark. They did their victory dance too soon, and they ushered in Trump with their helpful PC/Identity Politics bullshit.

That doesn't mean they were wrong in the long term. It's every bit as possible that 2016 was more of a last gasp than a big change. No one can claim to know for sure.

So, a victory dance by the Right could be every bit as wrong-headed.

The Great Recession of 2008 illustrates the fickle nature of immigration, legal and illegal. One shouldnt build their tower on such shifting sands.

The Trump administration will give the public what it wants with enforcement of existing laws and the availability of more jobs and he will win re-election in 2020. So there will bean 8 year pause in the illegal immigration in effect.

But more than that, the higher level dynamics of the Robotics Revolution is kicking in during this time and low skill jobs will become more rare. We have already been seeing it with simple static automation machines on assembly lines, but autonomous Smart AI androids will basically kill all unskilled labor jobs in the next couple of decades but Americans will see the trend much earlier than that.

So Job Mongering policies will soon become the predominate pathway to political victory in the Western nations, including the USA over the next decade and Trump will leave office around that time too.

In addition immigrants that successfully move into the Middle Class wills tart voting for their class interests over their leftist perceived racial/ethnic interests as well.

The day of migration fueled electoral victories are over in Western nations.

Especially in the USA.
Yeah, you and I have discussed a universal income, and that can only work if a high enough percentage of the populace can remain productive to some degree.

We'll see about Trump. He's playing an interesting game right now (assuming this is a conscious decision), playing the parties against each other while still pandering to his base. I don't know how that works electorally.
Yeah, you and I have discussed a universal income, and that can only work if a high enough percentage of the populace can remain productive to some degree.
I hate to sound like a tired old lefty 'Take it From the Rich' nincompoop, but the corporations and businesses who replace human labor with robots are going to be making huge windfall profits in the coming decades and a Robotics tax to cover the UBI will only make a dent in those profits.

The real problems will be a constant recession economy (major deflation) and the replacement of most of the cash economy with a barter system as many have already done that live off the normal economy already.

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