Sesame Street word of the day is "recession".

It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so I'll do all I can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage
Sad and pathetic you wish misery upon America because you are still butthurt about Trump.
Childish pathetic troll.
The wrongers pick a word and then use it loudly and often and claim it is the left wing media. Such pathetic people them repukes.
white supremacist

all favorite words for the left. oh, the right has their own set they fall back on but i just find it funny when someone blames the other side for all the stupid name calling and then ends their rant with "repukes"

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