Seriously Contemplating Not Voting GOP

I'm so frustrated that Romney is going to be the nominee that I will just vote Johnson, even though that'll be good for Obama. Why let Romney take this country down and the republican party with him? Stupid liberals will only learn when they have no defense for the failures of their ideology and maybe that's what we will have to let happen. Romney is a RINO, and I am finding it difficult to even consider voting for him. Hate to sound defeatist but that's how I feel.

No disrespect to the regular folks who are supporting Romney, but can't you guys understand why some of us just plain don't trust him?

It's not him, it's that the republicans have allowed the TEA party to infect. No nominee is going to satisfy absolutists.

It's not him, it's you.

I have no problem admitting that. I want a tried and true conservative in the WH.
Repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act, and enacting the Ryan Budget would be the two most seismic conservative changes in government in perhaps your lifetime.

All the Paulites can go pout and beat off in the corner, or they can help make it a reality.

I'm not a Paulite. I was for Santorum out of what was offered, I'd rather have Newt over Romney. Repealing Obamacare is the top priority, and I just don't think Romney will push for it like he says he will.

It's just a messed up situation all around.

Santorum is a union supporting, ear mark spending, deficit bill passing politician.
He supported more increases in spending and deficit increases than any other Republican on the Hill during his time.
Biggest problem with government now are government unions in the states and federal government. Santorum stands with them.
All the while focusing on such NON ISSUES as gays getting married, gay boogeyman this and that, abortion and contraceptives.
We do not want the Christian Taliban. Santorum was a joke from the start.
Romney is a good candidate with fiscal experience.
Newt is washed up has been. Smart man and he would be okay with me as the VP choice.
I admire Sentorum for a good clean fight and being a fine family man as that is one of the most important things a man should be but politically I am glad his ass is GONE.
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So it's all about beating Obama and repealing obamacare? No worries on the massive debt/deficit though....which is where this country isn't going to come back from. We're hemoraging daily and the big to do is oust the marxist and repeal one bill that will likely get shot down in the SC in June?

Wow. That's a massive amount of short sight.

Obama has added $4 trillion in debt and has open contempt for basic civil liberties. His war on religious freedom and NDAA assault on 4th amendment make it clear that Obama seeks to end the BOR.

Anyone who claims to support liberty but fails to stand against Obama is a fraud. This nation is on the line. If Obama gets another term, I fear that the constitutional republic is ended. Sure, Romney is schmuck, another Bush style fool. But Bush was like a bad case of Herpes, Obama is stage IV cancer.

Bush jr. was a civil liberties nightmare too. Obama just stepped it up a notch. I guess I fail to see how those two differ on civil liberties. I also do not see Romney talking about repealing and ending NDAA 2012, the PATRIOT act, etc...

So I guess i'm missing where the anyone but Obama camp is seeing him as a better alternative.

Permit us to attempt to dumb it down for you, then.

Wish me luck as I will need it.

Romney is not going to end the Fed, defund our military or cancel the Patriot Act.

You will weep like a little bitch because he does not meet your totalitarian demands as a Libertarian ideologue.

Repeal of Obamacare, Ryan's seriious reforms of the welfare state, and - well, I could list a dozen things which would demonstrate to any sane conservative that Romney is a better alternative to Obama.

I expect you will be one of those Paulites huddled in the corner whacking it because your politican does not give you everything you want. You are no different than any Leftist in that regard.
Romney claims a lot of things, but he also flip flops. Which means he can't be trusted to do what he says. He's also a neoliberal.
So I can understand your concern, lockejaw.

The more I find out about him, the less I like him. And I wonder how all of these conservatives are supporting him with the things we know about him?

I was gung ho for just casting the anti-Obama vote until yesterday when I sat and thought about what it is this country needs. And we might have to let the inevitable happen so these Obamabots wake up.

I'm remaining open to supporting him but it's kind of hard to see how different he'd be than Obama in many areas.

Hannity calls it Courage of Conviction...but as you recognized above....thats bullshit. Cons SAY they have conviction then every election they say they are going to "hold their nose" and vote for the guy they dont like. Cons havent had a president they actually like since Regan...and thats only after he died.
Obama has added $4 trillion in debt and has open contempt for basic civil liberties. His war on religious freedom and NDAA assault on 4th amendment make it clear that Obama seeks to end the BOR.

Anyone who claims to support liberty but fails to stand against Obama is a fraud. This nation is on the line. If Obama gets another term, I fear that the constitutional republic is ended. Sure, Romney is schmuck, another Bush style fool. But Bush was like a bad case of Herpes, Obama is stage IV cancer.

Bush jr. was a civil liberties nightmare too. Obama just stepped it up a notch. I guess I fail to see how those two differ on civil liberties. I also do not see Romney talking about repealing and ending NDAA 2012, the PATRIOT act, etc...

So I guess i'm missing where the anyone but Obama camp is seeing him as a better alternative.

Permit us to attempt to dumb it down for you, then.

Wish me luck as I will need it.

Romney is not going to end the Fed, defund our military or cancel the Patriot Act.

You will weep like a little bitch because he does not meet your totalitarian demands as a Libertarian ideologue.

Repeal of Obamacare, Ryan's seriious reforms of the welfare state, and - well, I could list a dozen things which would demonstrate to any sane conservative that Romney is a better alternative to Obama.

I expect you will be one of those Paulites huddled in the corner whacking it because your politican does not give you everything you want. You are no different than any Leftist in that regard.
That was a bit harsh, man.
I'm so frustrated that Romney is going to be the nominee that I will just vote Johnson, even though that'll be good for Obama. Why let Romney take this country down and the republican party with him? Stupid liberals will only learn when they have no defense for the failures of their ideology and maybe that's what we will have to let happen. Romney is a RINO, and I am finding it difficult to even consider voting for him. Hate to sound defeatist but that's how I feel.

No disrespect to the regular folks who are supporting Romney, but can't you guys understand why some of us just plain don't trust him?
I'm very conflicted about this, myself.

I used to consider myself a republican, I thought there was a real difference between the two parties, and while I was rarely if ever a huge fan of the various republican nominees, I was content with voting for "the lesser of two evils."

I totally understand why republicans are willing to vote for "Anyone but Obama"... the thought of the current regime getting four more years to realize their agenda, is scary. And let's be honest, a lot Romney's support is based on fear, a justifiable fear, but fear nonetheless.

But there's a major flaw in this pro-Romney/anti-Paul fear-mongering we see from the MSM and people like Bill O'reilly and Donald Trump. And that flaw, is that all of this "Anyone But Obama" thinking is exactly what makes the "Ron Paul is smart but UNELECTABLE" rhetoric complete bullshit.

If Paul were to win the nomination, all of the Romney supporters would, without doubt, join Paul's side, simply because his name isn't Obama. Whereas if Romney get's the nomination, I believe there is a very large and meaningful portion of the Right's voting population, who will not just embrace the flip-flop out of fear. They're sick of the status quo, and I don't blame them.
Obama has added $4 trillion in debt and has open contempt for basic civil liberties. His war on religious freedom and NDAA assault on 4th amendment make it clear that Obama seeks to end the BOR.

Anyone who claims to support liberty but fails to stand against Obama is a fraud. This nation is on the line. If Obama gets another term, I fear that the constitutional republic is ended. Sure, Romney is schmuck, another Bush style fool. But Bush was like a bad case of Herpes, Obama is stage IV cancer.

Bush jr. was a civil liberties nightmare too. Obama just stepped it up a notch. I guess I fail to see how those two differ on civil liberties. I also do not see Romney talking about repealing and ending NDAA 2012, the PATRIOT act, etc...

So I guess i'm missing where the anyone but Obama camp is seeing him as a better alternative.

Permit us to attempt to dumb it down for you, then.

Wish me luck as I will need it.

Romney is not going to end the Fed, defund our military or cancel the Patriot Act.

You will weep like a little bitch because he does not meet your totalitarian demands as a Libertarian ideologue.

Repeal of Obamacare, Ryan's seriious reforms of the welfare state, and - well, I could list a dozen things which would demonstrate to any sane conservative that Romney is a better alternative to Obama.

I expect you will be one of those Paulites huddled in the corner whacking it because your politican does not give you everything you want. You are no different than any Leftist in that regard.

Don't be so butthurt that your GOP contender is a neoliberal. Ryan's budget is a piece of shit and that Romney will lose to Obama. Romney is not a conservative and his record shows that.

I suspect your feeble attempt at an insult is a deflection of your own insecurities. Have fun on the loser bench in November.
I was gung ho for just casting the anti-Obama vote until yesterday when I sat and thought about what it is this country needs. And we might have to let the inevitable happen so these Obamabots wake up.

If I thought this nation could survive another four years of Obama I might say: "let him have another term and fall completely on his face again just to stick the point". I don't think we can. The Supreme Court will go over to the liberals, we'll never get anything done in Congress even if the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the House because Obama will just veto everything, he will continue to spend us into oblivion, more Solyndra, more Fast & Furious, blah, blah, blah. would take generations for the nation to recover if it ever did.
I was gung ho for just casting the anti-Obama vote until yesterday when I sat and thought about what it is this country needs. And we might have to let the inevitable happen so these Obamabots wake up.

If I thought this nation could survive another four years of Obama I might say: "let him have another term and fall completely on his face again just to stick the point". I don't think we can. The Supreme Court will go over to the liberals, we'll never get anything done in Congress even if the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the House because Obama will just veto everything, he will continue to spend us into oblivion, more Solyndra, more Fast & Furious, blah, blah, blah. would take generations for the nation to recover if it ever did.

Four of the justices are over 70 years old (Scalia is one of them). Obama may get to appoint Gloria Alred into Scalia's seat. Sweet.
I was gung ho for just casting the anti-Obama vote until yesterday when I sat and thought about what it is this country needs. And we might have to let the inevitable happen so these Obamabots wake up.

If I thought this nation could survive another four years of Obama I might say: "let him have another term and fall completely on his face again just to stick the point". I don't think we can. The Supreme Court will go over to the liberals, we'll never get anything done in Congress even if the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the House because Obama will just veto everything, he will continue to spend us into oblivion, more Solyndra, more Fast & Furious, blah, blah, blah. would take generations for the nation to recover if it ever did.

Four of the justices are over 70 years old (Scalia is one of them). Obama may get to appoint Gloria Alred into Scalia's seat. Sweet.

That's exactly true, I made that point on another thread. And I wouldn't put it past Obama to appoint Alred to the SCOTUS at all.
I was gung ho for just casting the anti-Obama vote until yesterday when I sat and thought about what it is this country needs. And we might have to let the inevitable happen so these Obamabots wake up.

If I thought this nation could survive another four years of Obama I might say: "let him have another term and fall completely on his face again just to stick the point". I don't think we can. The Supreme Court will go over to the liberals, we'll never get anything done in Congress even if the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the House because Obama will just veto everything, he will continue to spend us into oblivion, more Solyndra, more Fast & Furious, blah, blah, blah. would take generations for the nation to recover if it ever did.
I have to thank you for your level headed approach to this. Why can't a guy like you run for prez?
If I thought this nation could survive another four years of Obama I might say: "let him have another term and fall completely on his face again just to stick the point". I don't think we can. The Supreme Court will go over to the liberals, we'll never get anything done in Congress even if the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the House because Obama will just veto everything, he will continue to spend us into oblivion, more Solyndra, more Fast & Furious, blah, blah, blah. would take generations for the nation to recover if it ever did.

Four of the justices are over 70 years old (Scalia is one of them). Obama may get to appoint Gloria Alred into Scalia's seat. Sweet.

That's exactly true, I made that point on another thread. And I wouldn't put it past Obama to appoint Alred to the SCOTUS at all.
Oh lord, I can imagine how screwed we'd be with that moonbat in there.

That alone is enough to vote Romney.
I have to thank you for your level headed approach to this. Why can't a guy like you run for prez?

:lmao: Because I took far too many liberties with members of the female persuasion, smoked way too much grass as a kid, drank too much much booze in my early adulthood, and insisted on learning every lesson the hard way. I have more skeletons in my closet than John Wayne Gacy. :lol:
Four of the justices are over 70 years old (Scalia is one of them). Obama may get to appoint Gloria Alred into Scalia's seat. Sweet.

That's exactly true, I made that point on another thread. And I wouldn't put it past Obama to appoint Alred to the SCOTUS at all.
Oh lord, I can imagine how screwed we'd be with that moonbat in there.

That alone is enough to vote Romney.

he put in Alred really that much of a stretch?
Repeal of Obamacare, Ryan's seriious reforms of the welfare state, and - well, I could list a dozen things which would demonstrate to any sane conservative that Romney is a better alternative to Obama.

How on earth have you convinced yourself he'll do ANY of those things? I can't believe we just keep falling for the same empty nonsense over and over again.
I'm so frustrated that Romney is going to be the nominee that I will just vote Johnson, even though that'll be good for Obama. Why let Romney take this country down and the republican party with him? Stupid liberals will only learn when they have no defense for the failures of their ideology and maybe that's what we will have to let happen. Romney is a RINO, and I am finding it difficult to even consider voting for him. Hate to sound defeatist but that's how I feel.

No disrespect to the regular folks who are supporting Romney, but can't you guys understand why some of us just plain don't trust him?

Barack Hussein Obama thanks you for your support.
Bush jr. was a civil liberties nightmare too. Obama just stepped it up a notch. I guess I fail to see how those two differ on civil liberties. I also do not see Romney talking about repealing and ending NDAA 2012, the PATRIOT act, etc...

So I guess i'm missing where the anyone but Obama camp is seeing him as a better alternative.

Permit us to attempt to dumb it down for you, then.

Wish me luck as I will need it.

Romney is not going to end the Fed, defund our military or cancel the Patriot Act.

You will weep like a little bitch because he does not meet your totalitarian demands as a Libertarian ideologue.

Repeal of Obamacare, Ryan's seriious reforms of the welfare state, and - well, I could list a dozen things which would demonstrate to any sane conservative that Romney is a better alternative to Obama.

I expect you will be one of those Paulites huddled in the corner whacking it because your politican does not give you everything you want. You are no different than any Leftist in that regard.
That was a bit harsh, man.

That guy is a troll. No harm done.

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