Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair?

That's pretty much it. Democrats haven't figured out that petulant tantrums and repeatedly false accusations are not an effective campaign strategy. At least with independent voters.

The men with their higher logic ability has already judged democrats guilty of high treason

They then see this as nothing but a way for them not to get caught and maybe find something on trump

But this is great news for trump to declare a broken govt and make logic tests for voters before the election

Trump has the men and military to enforce this
The men will start roaring like a lion at the women to STAND DOWN. While the men destroys these crooks
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

Mexicrats can’t do anything to make themselves ‘look’ any worse.
The Party Of Filth And Foreigners is simply ‘playing to their base’....Sound familiar?
It isn't just to make democrats merely look bad. This is an attack on every democrat down ballot. Make the democrats vote. Now. Before the transcript and report is released.

Democrats have become the party of do nothing but impeachment. Impeach Trump. Impeach Kavanaugh. Anything that keeps them from actually governing.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

Remember Trump is the King of Tabloids and is a known troll, so ask yourself Mac1958 if Trump is worried about any negativity...

There is no bad publicity in Trump eyes no matter negative or positive.

As for his supporters they are hoping my conclusion is correct and Trump is setting Pelosi and Democrats up for a hard fall...

Let see what happens now because Pandora box is open and either Trump is impeached and Pence become President and will win in 2020 or Trump is shown to have trolled the left again and will win in 2020...

Either way the left loses big!
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
They are convinced the can weather the scandal. Probably because he has weathered others. I'm not so sure that's the case this time, this is a pretty clear cut abuse of power.

But in their eyes:

I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
Though not a Trump voter -nor a voter for anyone else-I think the repubs can see that impeachment is the ultimate Wile E. Coyote adventure...It certainly blew up in their faces with Bubba.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

Some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light ???

Really ??? Really ?? After all that Trump has survived thus far, you think that there is new information laying around to scoop up in order to destroy his presidency along with a majority of the nation who will be there to vote for him in 2020 ?? Wow. The Dems are way out on a limb in their desperation, and I think that they are hoping to interpret things in the way that they only see them to be, and then use the MSM to hopefully get the job done for them in the field. Huge risk, but it's the only thing they have left. Sad to watch as they slip beneath the waves.
Also China will switch sides to Trump

China wanted America weaker in the past because they knew how unwise voters can elect crooks that would use military force to rob other nations

So China promoted liberalism in America to weaken it. And bought off the crooks to help make it happen

But China knows liberalism destroys and that’s why they don’t let the unwise vote or make decisions

But China will trust America much more if we had a high logic test for voters so that the crooks would not have the power

Also China is cracking down hard on the religion of Islam and may need to buy its oil from America

China knows they cannot truly compete against trump. So they will know the best way is to go with trump

They will show all of the guilty deep state that they bought off
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

I'm not a Trump guy, but this is a mistake.
The "whistle blower" didn't hear anything first hand.
Nobody has seen the transcript.
They've got nothing.

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