Senators' aides being targeted by foreign government hackers


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Think this JUST started?

Think the way 6 foreign entities accessed and stole all of Hillary's Top Secret Plus information that came from her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server might have been NOT from off of Hillary's severer but from hacking the personal laptop of Hillary Aide Huma Abedin, that usually sat upon the naked junk of her pedophile sexting husband's junk, after she illegally downloaded a copy of every e-mail and document off of Hillary's server and sending it to herself?

*** We never did get an explanation from anyone regarding WHY Huma would have done this, who she might have shared that information with, and why wasn't anything done / why she wasn't held accountable for this 'espionage'.

Senators, aides being targeted by foreign government hackers, lawmaker says

"Hackers working on behalf of a foreign government are still targeting the personal accounts of senators and their aides and Senate security isn't stopping it."

Well, to be fair to Senate Security, evidence shows Obama knew about Russia's interference, attempts to hack senior government politicians and agency heads, and their attempts to hack our power grid since 2014 and did absolutely NOTHING about it. He did not even inform the senior government officials he knew the Russians were targeting that this was going on....which directly led to 6 foreign entities walking off with Top Secret information off of Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured personal server, information so classified Obama stated it could not be released in any capacity or it would 'cause grave damage to national security'.

(Yeah, that was Obama admitting to the whole world that Hillary's compromising of National Security DID cause 'grave damage to our national security'!)

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