Senator Cory Booker introduces bill to legalize marijuana all across America

I'm glad our elected officials are focusing on the important shit....


Useless tools running our country
The marijuana industry, like the gaming industry, is not only a job creator but a revenue machine. It's important if you want jobs, a regulated drug trade, increased tax revenue for states and municipalities and a decrease in our prison population.

Frankly, I don't see a down side.
Yeah, it's not that important. We have TONS of issues that are in need of attention and pot is at the bottom of that list, if it's even on the list.
Most Americans don't care if your nasty habit is legal or not.
What a pity you cannot fathom multitasking. Tax breaks for millionaire isn't important. Eliminating health care for millions of Americans isn't important. Spending billions on a wall isn't important.

Creating,jobs and enhancing revenues is important.
Jobs can't be created for addicts. They don't show up. They show up and can't work.

No country can exist if a large percentage of the population is on drugs.
State's rights and Booker is an asshat

States rights is exactly what this legislation supports. This would lift the federal ban. So if you truly support the Constitution and the 10th Amendment like you people claim to you should be supporting Booker's legislation
The government should be less involved in the lives and destinies of addicts. Stop giving them medical care. Don't arrest anyone who is defending themselves against someone high on drugs. A simple tox screen of the deceased would justify even deadly force.

This rehab and narcan nonsense has to stop.
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!
Disagreed. Just because alcohol is legal didn't create a nation of alcoholics as the authoritarian asshats forecast.


Carrie Nation
A nation of drug addicts. That's the way to prosperity!

Pot is NOT addictive, but pot haters are juuuuust fine allowing " prescribed" meds to be taken like candy. Which is thousands of times more dangerous, and addictive. Those are the people who teach kids, do surgery, fix your teeth, work at a bank. Functional addicts until they hit bottom.
Pot is addictive for some people. Trust me, I'm a musician.
I'm glad our elected officials are focusing on the important shit....


Useless tools running our country
The marijuana industry, like the gaming industry, is not only a job creator but a revenue machine. It's important if you want jobs, a regulated drug trade, increased tax revenue for states and municipalities and a decrease in our prison population.

Frankly, I don't see a down side.
Yeah, it's not that important. We have TONS of issues that are in need of attention and pot is at the bottom of that list, if it's even on the list.
Most Americans don't care if your nasty habit is legal or not.
What a pity you cannot fathom multitasking. Tax breaks for millionaire isn't important. Eliminating health care for millions of Americans isn't important. Spending billions on a wall isn't important.

Creating,jobs and enhancing revenues is important.
Multi tasking? Are you fucking retarded? The morons in DC can't do ANYTHING let alone multitask lol
All these morons want to do is investigate each other endlessly.

Stupid potheads want to focus on drugs instead
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I meant fast food has a horrible effect on people but we don't ban it. Its chock full of preservatives and sugars and sodium. Its downright frightening. But banning it isnt the answer. Eating it perhaps once a month should be ok. But we criminalize those who light up a joint now and then. for what?

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