Senate Vote to Rebuke Trump Lets GOP Voters Meet the Real Enemy

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
How surprised are we supposed to be? The Republicans had the House and the Senate for two whole years and they tap danced away from funding the wall. Now Democratic House is in power and our President is using the national emergency it really is to get the wall going.

Those twelve Republicans are the enemy and need to be replaced ASAP.

DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

The Kabuki Theater in our nation’s capital never ceases. – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – who will be the Senate Minority Leader after the 2020 elections if he keeps pulling nonsense like this – staged a show vote in the U.S. Senate yesterday that will lead to President Donald Trump’s first exercise of his veto power.

The show vote on a resolution to reverse the President’s national emergency declaration on the border situation – which congress is completely responsible for causing and allowing to mushroom – that was earlier passed by the House of Representatives. That declaration is clearly within both the President’s constitutional authority and consistent with the powers that congress had explicitly granted to every U.S. president in a law it passed in 1976.

Given that reality, the proper thing for a congress truly concerned with protecting its own powers would have acted to reverse that 1976 law. But no, this is Kabuki theater we are playing at here, and members of congress really don’t want to have to be responsible for anything other than raising money for their next re-election campaign. Thus, House Democrats and a handful of Republicans came up with this resolution targeting a single declaration by a President they hate, a power that was exercised 17 times by America’s Worst Mistake, Barack Hussein Obama.

Given that this resolution contained a poison pill provision that gave the Senate just 18 days in which to hold a vote following the Feb. 26 house passage of it, McConnell could simply have allowed it to die on the vine without bringing it to the Senate floor as he has done with literally hundreds of previous bad bills that have come over from the House during his time in the leader’s post. But the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the editorial board at the Wall Street Journal, and other major advocates of open borders demanded a show vote, and McConnell gave in to pressure from senate Republicans who are beholden to those elements of the D.C. establishment universe.

In the end, a dozen Republicans joined all 47 Senate Republicans in voting to pass the resolution. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Utah Senator Mike Lee voted with the majority due to their libertarian “principles”, principles that always seem to give one or both of them reason to defect to the Democrats on matters of real national import. Funny how that works.

But the other 10 Rs who voted that way did so simply to please their open borders benefactors, and thus deserve to be mentioned by name and remembered by every thinking American who wishes to avoid turning our own country into just another 3rd-world hovel. Those senators are:...

1. I will vote to primary all 12 of those traitors
2. The wall should have been funded by the dems, but Nancy wants those migrant voters
3. The GOP senate should have gotten the wall funding included during the Budget reconciliation negotiation with the House
4. Trump is entirely legal in exercising his power to declare an emergency
5. Nancy said that she will not change the law regarding presidential power to declare emergencies, saving it for dem presidents
6. Knowing that the dems will abuse the power in the future, the 12 traitors still voted against border security! Disgusting.
What sauce goes best when you're eating your own? An aioli? Or perhaps a creamy horseradish?
The Senate's move proves several things:

1. The GOP will stand up to / oppose a Republican President. Democrats will NOT stand up to / oppose a Democrat President.

President Trump is acting within the authority Congress gave Presidents through legislation voted into law, and yet the GOP is still opposing the President. Barak Obama, on several occasions - even admittedly, violated the US Constitution to impose his own 'edicts' into law through illegal 'EO's, and the Democrats refused to challenge him on them. DACA is one of those.

2. The GOP is worried that in the future that if Democrats control the House and Senate and have a Democrat President, that President would abuse the Natl Emergency declaration powers to do something Un-Constitutional and, based on the 1st point, the Democrats would do nothing to stop him from doing so.

3. McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate have just been exposed by Trump as Washington Insider RINOs and part of the reason he may not be able to keep the promise of securing our border. With any lick they may have just punched their own ticket for being booted in the next election. It is way past time McConnell's weak ass was sent packing.
1. I will vote to primary all 12 of those traitors
2. The wall should have been funded by the dems, but Nancy wants those migrant voters
3. The GOP senate should have gotten the wall funding included during the Budget reconciliation negotiation with the House
4. Trump is entirely legal in exercising his power to declare an emergency
5. Nancy said that she will not change the law regarding presidential power to declare emergencies, saving it for dem presidents
6. Knowing that the dems will abuse the power in the future, the 12 traitors still voted against border security! Disgusting.
Swamp swamp swamp... swamp of earl earl earl... swamp of earl earl earl.... swamp of earl!
I think what these republican senators did was actually good for the country. The president, any president for that matter, is not allowed to spend money not approved by Congress. Using an emergency declaration to circumvent our country’s checks and balances in order to do just that is not protecting and preserving the constitution of the United States and is setting a bad precedent that will undoubtedly be repeated in the future if successful.

The fear and concern over immigration is understandable but looking back in history it’s things like this and obviously other abuses of power that lead to other bad things and abuses for the sake of “safety”. I’m sure not all of these senators are doing this for constitutional reasons but for personal reason against Trump but at the end of the day the route the president is choosing is not the proper one in my opinion and based on limited powers.
The Senate's move proves several things:

1. The GOP will stand up to / oppose a Republican President. Democrats will NOT stand up to / oppose a Democrat President.

President Trump is acting within the authority Congress gave Presidents through legislation voted into law, and yet the GOP is still opposing the President. Barak Obama, on several occasions - even admittedly, violated the US Constitution to impose his own 'edicts' into law through illegal 'EO's, and the Democrats refused to challenge him on them. DACA is one of those.

2. The GOP is worried that in the future that if Democrats control the House and Senate and have a Democrat President, that President would abuse the Natl Emergency declaration powers to do something Un-Constitutional and, based on the 1st point, the Democrats would do nothing to stop him from doing so.

3. McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate have just been exposed by Trump as Washington Insider RINOs and part of the reason he may not be able to keep the promise of securing our border. With any lick they may have just punched their own ticket for being booted in the next election. It is way past time McConnell's weak ass was sent packing.

After Trump's veto will there be a court case to see if Trump is acting constitutionally or not?
I have not heard of anyone (Nancy or Chuck) say "we will see you in court"??????

That would help ensure that no one abuses the national emergency law.
How surprised are we supposed to be? The Republicans had the House and the Senate for two whole years and they tap danced away from funding the wall. Now Democratic House is in power and our President is using the national emergency it really is to get the wall going.

Those twelve Republicans are the enemy and need to be replaced ASAP.

DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

The Kabuki Theater in our nation’s capital never ceases. – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – who will be the Senate Minority Leader after the 2020 elections if he keeps pulling nonsense like this – staged a show vote in the U.S. Senate yesterday that will lead to President Donald Trump’s first exercise of his veto power.

The show vote on a resolution to reverse the President’s national emergency declaration on the border situation – which congress is completely responsible for causing and allowing to mushroom – that was earlier passed by the House of Representatives. That declaration is clearly within both the President’s constitutional authority and consistent with the powers that congress had explicitly granted to every U.S. president in a law it passed in 1976.

Given that reality, the proper thing for a congress truly concerned with protecting its own powers would have acted to reverse that 1976 law. But no, this is Kabuki theater we are playing at here, and members of congress really don’t want to have to be responsible for anything other than raising money for their next re-election campaign. Thus, House Democrats and a handful of Republicans came up with this resolution targeting a single declaration by a President they hate, a power that was exercised 17 times by America’s Worst Mistake, Barack Hussein Obama.

Given that this resolution contained a poison pill provision that gave the Senate just 18 days in which to hold a vote following the Feb. 26 house passage of it, McConnell could simply have allowed it to die on the vine without bringing it to the Senate floor as he has done with literally hundreds of previous bad bills that have come over from the House during his time in the leader’s post. But the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the editorial board at the Wall Street Journal, and other major advocates of open borders demanded a show vote, and McConnell gave in to pressure from senate Republicans who are beholden to those elements of the D.C. establishment universe.

In the end, a dozen Republicans joined all 47 Senate Republicans in voting to pass the resolution. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Utah Senator Mike Lee voted with the majority due to their libertarian “principles”, principles that always seem to give one or both of them reason to defect to the Democrats on matters of real national import. Funny how that works.

But the other 10 Rs who voted that way did so simply to please their open borders benefactors, and thus deserve to be mentioned by name and remembered by every thinking American who wishes to avoid turning our own country into just another 3rd-world hovel. Those senators are:...

1. I will vote to primary all 12 of those traitors
2. The wall should have been funded by the dems, but Nancy wants those migrant voters
3. The GOP senate should have gotten the wall funding included during the Budget reconciliation negotiation with the House
4. Trump is entirely legal in exercising his power to declare an emergency
5. Nancy said that she will not change the law regarding presidential power to declare emergencies, saving it for dem presidents
6. Knowing that the dems will abuse the power in the future, the 12 traitors still voted against border security! Disgusting.
Throw-away votes over a meaningless and toothless resolution.

Trump was always going to veto the measure and there aren't enough votes for override.

Calm the fuck down.
How surprised are we supposed to be? The Republicans had the House and the Senate for two whole years and they tap danced away from funding the wall. Now Democratic House is in power and our President is using the national emergency it really is to get the wall going.

Those twelve Republicans are the enemy and need to be replaced ASAP.

DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

The Kabuki Theater in our nation’s capital never ceases. – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – who will be the Senate Minority Leader after the 2020 elections if he keeps pulling nonsense like this – staged a show vote in the U.S. Senate yesterday that will lead to President Donald Trump’s first exercise of his veto power.

The show vote on a resolution to reverse the President’s national emergency declaration on the border situation – which congress is completely responsible for causing and allowing to mushroom – that was earlier passed by the House of Representatives. That declaration is clearly within both the President’s constitutional authority and consistent with the powers that congress had explicitly granted to every U.S. president in a law it passed in 1976.

Given that reality, the proper thing for a congress truly concerned with protecting its own powers would have acted to reverse that 1976 law. But no, this is Kabuki theater we are playing at here, and members of congress really don’t want to have to be responsible for anything other than raising money for their next re-election campaign. Thus, House Democrats and a handful of Republicans came up with this resolution targeting a single declaration by a President they hate, a power that was exercised 17 times by America’s Worst Mistake, Barack Hussein Obama.

Given that this resolution contained a poison pill provision that gave the Senate just 18 days in which to hold a vote following the Feb. 26 house passage of it, McConnell could simply have allowed it to die on the vine without bringing it to the Senate floor as he has done with literally hundreds of previous bad bills that have come over from the House during his time in the leader’s post. But the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the editorial board at the Wall Street Journal, and other major advocates of open borders demanded a show vote, and McConnell gave in to pressure from senate Republicans who are beholden to those elements of the D.C. establishment universe.

In the end, a dozen Republicans joined all 47 Senate Republicans in voting to pass the resolution. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Utah Senator Mike Lee voted with the majority due to their libertarian “principles”, principles that always seem to give one or both of them reason to defect to the Democrats on matters of real national import. Funny how that works.

But the other 10 Rs who voted that way did so simply to please their open borders benefactors, and thus deserve to be mentioned by name and remembered by every thinking American who wishes to avoid turning our own country into just another 3rd-world hovel. Those senators are:...

1. I will vote to primary all 12 of those traitors
2. The wall should have been funded by the dems, but Nancy wants those migrant voters
3. The GOP senate should have gotten the wall funding included during the Budget reconciliation negotiation with the House
4. Trump is entirely legal in exercising his power to declare an emergency
5. Nancy said that she will not change the law regarding presidential power to declare emergencies, saving it for dem presidents
6. Knowing that the dems will abuse the power in the future, the 12 traitors still voted against border security! Disgusting.
Throw-away votes over a meaningless and toothless resolution.

Trump was always going to veto the measure and there aren't enough votes for override.

Calm the fuck down.

I agree and when it goes to the Supreme Court Trump will win.

He has the authority to declare a National Emergency. Congress granted that authority.

Yes, The President Can Declare A ‘National Emergency‘ To Build A Wall

The SC won't care about the reason just the fact that the sitting POTUS has the authority. And he does.
1. I will vote to primary all 12 of those traitors
2. The wall should have been funded by the dems, but Nancy wants those migrant voters
3. The GOP senate should have gotten the wall funding included during the Budget reconciliation negotiation with the House
4. Trump is entirely legal in exercising his power to declare an emergency
5. Nancy said that she will not change the law regarding presidential power to declare emergencies, saving it for dem presidents
6. Knowing that the dems will abuse the power in the future, the 12 traitors still voted against border security! Disgusting.

1. You are going to vote in 12 states?
2. The GOP and Trump had two years to get that wall funding before the House changed hands...why didn’t they?
3. See 2
4. The power of the NE does not give the president the power to override the will of Congress. Which is why it has never been used in that way before.
5. Does this surprise you?
6. No, they voted for the Constitution so that the next POTUS cannot do even worse with that NE power.

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