Senate passes bill to avoid shut down


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Because the Senate has less MAGA nuts than the House. But the MAGA repubs look like they will shut down the government.

Kevin is on a short chain.
“No matter how D.C. disputes” about the possible government shutdown end, “the federal government will certainly continue spending entirely too much and, no matter what the headlines say, will never have really shut down,” gripes Reason’s J. D. Tuccille. If it does shutter, “the brief hiatus” in spending “is reserved for anything that inconveniences the public and plucks at heart strings. The stuff that government officials actually care about continues,” such as the work of the ATF, FBI and DEA. “Does anybody really think that government officials will voluntarily stop doing to us what they’ve been empowered to do, just because direct deposits are briefly interrupted? Of course not! This is political theater.”

Because the Senate has less MAGA nuts than the House. But the MAGA repubs look like they will shut down the government.

Kevin is on a short chain.

Cancel Biden's last three spending bills
We need to unemploy 3/4 of the government and 95% of Congress
Well, you can fire Congress people and Senators..but it's done by voting.
Can't just make like you're on a reality TV show and say "Your fired".

3/4 of government??....may as well just roll up the carpet on the country then...cause there won't be much of one left. :)
Well, you can fire Congress people and Senators..but it's done by voting.
Can't just make like you're on a reality TV show and say "Your fired".

3/4 of government??....may as well just roll up the carpet on the country then...cause there won't be much of one left. :)
There'll be more of the country left, without all those bureaucratic leeches sucking our blood.
What a failure of leadership we are seeing from xiden. Before xiden and the demafasict taking over the Oval, presidents could work across the aisle and get budgets passed

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