Senate Democrats Release Fusian GPS Transcript

You're assuming the rest of the world thinks like you do.....Point out the laughter sweetie, Nobody is laughing at Trump...Certainly the Jews in Israel know that, as do the Chinese, the Iranians and the Russians

Trump is popular with the Chinese, Iranians an Russians?
WoW - what a testimonial :D
World leaders are laughing at the US

You're assuming the rest of the world thinks like you do.....Point out the laughter sweetie, Nobody is laughing at Trump...Certainly the Jews in Israel know that, as do the Chinese, the Iranians and the Russians

FFS get your head out of your.....trumpswab echo chamber, sweetie! :doubt:
You're assuming the rest of the world thinks like you do.....Point out the laughter sweetie, Nobody is laughing at Trump...Certainly the Jews in Israel know that, as do the Chinese, the Iranians and the Russians

FFS get your head out of your.....trumpswab echo chamber, sweetie! :doubt:

he thnks if he calls me 'sweetie' like the misogynist imbecile he is, that it delegitimizes what I said.

rightwingnuts are like that.
How President Trump has already hurt American democracy

Democracy is bigger than partisanship. Therefore, this is not a critique of Trump’s policy proposals. Rather, it’s a sober assessment of American democracy at a pivotal moment — and a call for Americans of all political stripes to press all politicians to agree, at minimum, on preserving the bedrock principles that make the United States a democracy.

The call is urgent. Trump’s presidency has already threatened American democracy in six fundamental ways:

1. Trump has attacked the integrity of voting.

2. After attacking the integrity of his own election, Trump has also undermined the credibility of his own office.

3. Trump’s administration has repeatedly flouted ethics guidelines without consequence.

4. Trump has attacked the independent judiciary.

5. Crucially, Trump has accelerated a long-term trend, prodding tens of millions of Americans to further lose faith in basic institutions of American government. Any experts in federal agencies are now the “deep state.”

6. Finally, Trump has attacked a cornerstone of every democracy: the free press.
3. Trump is not hated around the world, in fact the opposite is true. He is only hated by the globalists and the politicians hell bent on not allowing America to be great again. The rank and file Europeans wish he was their leader.

Willful ignorance ^ ^ ^ :cool-45:
9 charts on how the world sees President Trump

only a deranged trumptard would think that the rest of the world isn't laughing at us.

You're assuming the rest of the world thinks like you do.....Point out the laughter sweetie, Nobody is laughing at Trump...Certainly the Jews in Israel know that, as do the Chinese, the Iranians and the Russians

These idiots live in a bubble created by left wing news organizations and their own lies. That is why reality keeps kicking their asses.
You're assuming the rest of the world thinks like you do.....Point out the laughter sweetie, Nobody is laughing at Trump...Certainly the Jews in Israel know that, as do the Chinese, the Iranians and the Russians

Trump is popular with the Chinese, Iranians an Russians?
WoW - what a testimonial :D

Popular? ....Putin, the Chinese, and Iran loved Obama. They ran wild with that idiot in charge...Wake up you're embarrassing yourself:slap:
You're assuming the rest of the world thinks like you do.....Point out the laughter sweetie, Nobody is laughing at Trump...Certainly the Jews in Israel know that, as do the Chinese, the Iranians and the Russians

FFS get your head out of your.....trumpswab echo chamber, sweetie! :doubt:

he thnks if he calls me 'sweetie' like the misogynist imbecile he is, that it delegitimizes what I said.

rightwingnuts are like that.

You didn't say much of anything...Point out the laughter:dunno:
You're assuming the rest of the world thinks like you do.....Point out the laughter sweetie, Nobody is laughing at Trump...Certainly the Jews in Israel know that, as do the Chinese, the Iranians and the Russians

Trump is popular with the Chinese, Iranians an Russians?
WoW - what a testimonial :D

Popular? ....Putin, the Chinese, and Iran loved Obama. They ran wild with that idiot in charge...Wake up you're embarrassing yourself:slap:

No - actually Russia and Philippines (ruled by murderous autocrats & Trump's heroes Putin and Duterte) are among the VERY few countries with a positive view of the Toxic Orange Turd ;-)

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump. In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines, where 69% express trust in him.

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump
Benedict Donald has to be fuming... LOVE IT!
Y'Think? :D

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago
The fact that Sneaky Dianne Feinstein, who has on numerous occasions stated that collusion between Trump/Russia has not been found, would release testimony in such an underhanded and possibly illegal way, totally without authorization, is a disgrace. Must have tough Primary!

Awwwwww.... he thought that Senator Feinstein would sit still for Grassley and Lindsey sabotaging the investigation and bringing fraudulent charges against Steele. It must enrage him that he and they can no longer lie about the contents of the testimony or the dossier. sucks being them.

What a pathetic whiny disgusting little tool Donald is.


The Liar in Chief is upset cause Feinstein didn't go along with the disinformation campaign that the Republicans were waging on Steele and the transcript. He is doomed and if he thinks Mueller is passing up a chance to get him under oath, he is delusional.

Clinton did it and Benedict needs to do it. The saintly Kenneth Starr said it needs to happen.

"Illegal"........ HA! Was it illegal for Grassley and Graham to refer Steele to the FBI for criminal prosecution. No... No more than what Feinstein did. And many Republicans thanked her.

Just how low can your approval ratings go, BENEDICT DONALD.
You're assuming the rest of the world thinks like you do.....Point out the laughter sweetie, Nobody is laughing at Trump...Certainly the Jews in Israel know that, as do the Chinese, the Iranians and the Russians

Trump is popular with the Chinese, Iranians an Russians?
WoW - what a testimonial :D

Popular? ....Putin, the Chinese, and Iran loved Obama. They ran wild with that idiot in charge...Wake up you're embarrassing yourself:slap:

No - actually Russia and Philippines (ruled by murderous autocrats & Trump's heroes Putin and Duterte) are among the VERY few countries with a positive view of the Toxic Orange Turd ;-)

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump. In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines, where 69% express trust in him.

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump

Positive?..who cares? Obama can have the popularity contest...Someone said something about laughing :dunno:
Positive?..who cares? Obama can have the popularity contest...Someone said something about laughing :dunno:

You're not making much sense my friend.
Trump wins the popularity contest by a long shot in countries ruled by murderous autocrats.
They've been duped, and so have you

Everyone “got over it” the day after it happened. What we’re concerned with now is the idiotic policies of the racist, xenophobic policies of the man-child you elected.

The adherents to the party that was going to ensure Obama had no record to run on, by refusing to consider any of his legislation, is complaining that their president gets no respect. You have no idea what a cosmic joke your rhetoric is now.

Trump will continue to be criticized around the world as a racist xenophobic for the test of his term.

Wow! Three lies in one post!

1. You didn't get over it, you have only gotten worse and worse.
2. Obama couldn't run again, and the GOP gave the idiot Obama everything he wanted. That's why America got so fed up with the gutless, spineless GOP they elected Trump.
3. Trump is not hated around the world, in fact the opposite is true. He is only hated by the globalists and the politicians hell bent on not allowing America to be great again. The rank and file Europeans wish he was their leader.

You truly are too stupid to be one person.

1. Not my circus, not my monkeys. I didn’t vote for either one of them. If you dolts want to elect a narcissistic man-child to destroy your country, by all means, enjoy. But don’t come crying to the rest of the world when it all blows up in your face.

2. We’re talking 2009 here sunshine. That’s when Obama was told he’d be a one-term President. That’s why the Republican Party is the “Party of No”. They have no idea how to govern and can only obstruct, even to the point of obstructing their own agenda.

3. Rank and file Europeans think Trump is an asshole.

Doubling down on wrong and stupid doesn’t make you right, sorry.

You’d do well to take your own advice.

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