Senate Democrats Release Fusian GPS Transcript

hillary lost. Get over it.

Everyone ā€œgot over itā€ the day after it happened. What weā€™re concerned with now is the idiotic policies of the racist, xenophobic policies of the man-child you elected.

The adherents to the party that was going to ensure Obama had no record to run on, by refusing to consider any of his legislation, is complaining that their president gets no respect. You have no idea what a cosmic joke your rhetoric is now.

Trump will continue to be criticized around the world as a racist xenophobic for the test of his term.

Wow! Three lies in one post!

1. You didn't get over it, you have only gotten worse and worse.
2. Obama couldn't run again, and the GOP gave the idiot Obama everything he wanted. That's why America got so fed up with the gutless, spineless GOP they elected Trump.
3. Trump is not hated around the world, in fact the opposite is true. He is only hated by the globalists and the politicians hell bent on not allowing America to be great again. The rank and file Europeans wish he was their leader.

You truly are too stupid to be one person.

1. Not my circus, not my monkeys. I didnā€™t vote for either one of them. If you dolts want to elect a narcissistic man-child to destroy your country, by all means, enjoy. But donā€™t come crying to the rest of the world when it all blows up in your face.

2. Weā€™re talking 2009 here sunshine. Thatā€™s when Obama was told heā€™d be a one-term President. Thatā€™s why the Republican Party is the ā€œParty of Noā€. They have no idea how to govern and can only obstruct, even to the point of obstructing their own agenda.

3. Rank and file Europeans think Trump is an asshole.

Doubling down on wrong and stupid doesnā€™t make you right, sorry.

Youā€™d do well to take your own advice.

Oh ffs learn to read.
Positive?..who cares? Obama can have the popularity contest...Someone said something about laughing :dunno:

You're not making much sense my friend.
Trump wins the popularity contest by a long shot in countries ruled by murderous autocrats.
They've been duped, and so have you

You're off into the weeds of some liberal stupidity...You just don't get it:slap:

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