Sen. John Fetterman has been rushed to a DC hospital --- Doctors fear he may have suffered another Stroke

In PA, as in most states, an appointment is temporary and lasts only until the next general election when the people choose the replacement to fulfill the term.
Yep, if he checks-out or is incapacitated/resigns (say prior to the '24 election) the governor appoints a replacement, then in '24 a new election for the Senate seat will be held.
I hope not. I may not agree with the guy, but I certainly don't wish him ill.

Hopefully it's a false alarm.

It doesn't sound like anything serious according to the article. It may not have anything to do with his past medical problems. As a person who takes a lot of medication, I can tell you that every now and then your body will just start rejecting the stuff. I'm sure he'll be fine.

I don't care for the guy and have no respect for him, but he is a fellow human being.
He should have Dr. Oz take a look at him.

Imagine, I never knew much about Oz, but at least the guy could stand, walk and talk, and was well-educated. The idiot left chose instead to elect this boob who was in-between strokes after his disastrous time ruining Braddock, Pa where he held office, and now, hardly on the job, he is already back in the hospital again giving out. I have little sympathy for the guy running for an office he should have admitted to himself he wasn't up to holding, and no sympathy for the lying media that ran cover for the guy nor the idiots in PA who voted for him to be the governor of their state.

Now he is in a hospital bed making grunting noises for yes and no drooling all over his bib using a ballpoint pen tapping out messages like Mr. Ed on the hospital bed railing to the doctors in Morse Code while they pump heavy meds in through his IV and feeding tube. Sad.

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He was just light-headed and held for observation with no signs of a second stroke

Futterman has Dead Buzzard Bait written all over him. A few years back some coach on the Steelers football team had a similar incident and they had him in the hospital for like six days running all kinds of tests and finally released him not finding anything wrong with him. A couple days later, the guy dropped over dead.

Because you should ALWAYS wish well the party of people who when you fought for the right to just decide care for your own body with dangerous, experimental, untested vaccines, wished you dead as a selfish, ignorant prick of a threat to society, when you voted for the candidate of your choice, followed you around calling you names and harassing and assaulting you on the street, in restaurants and elsewhere, then when you followed your constitution and attended a protest of an illegal and highly questioned specious election, called you a traitor for it and celebrated your being locked away without even being charged for years in a dungeon indefinitely suffering starvation, abuse, and violation of every legal, civil, and constitutional law there is on the books without so much as a court date!

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