Self-Identified Anti-Trump Progressive Activist Seeks to Hold Kavanaugh / America Hostage...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Kavanaugh's Confirmation Vote may be is in jeopardy of being delayed ... indefinitely ... as his accuser and her team continue to modify their demands for her appearance before Congress, continuing to move the goal posts and delaying the vote by doing so...which is what Democrats wanted in the 1st place - preferably until after the mid-terms. Ford, a self-identified Trump-Hating, Conservative Judge-opposing Progressive Liberal activist, is well aware of this .. and seems more than happy to try to do what she can to make this happen.

Diane Feinstein held a letter consisting of a 2nd-Hand account rumor - of a potential assault on a teenage by another teenager some 30+ years ago - in her possession for months, waiting for the most politically Democrat Party-benefitting time possible. The individual this rumor is about made it perfectly clear she did NOT want this information released and did not want her name released.

Desperate in the '11th hour' before the Kavanaugh Confirmation, Diane Feinstein criminally irresponsibly betrayed the individual's trust by releasing the unsubstantiated rumor extremely publicly in a political hit in the 'court of public opinion' - 'to hell with the individual / 'victim', to hell with what SHE wanted...the Democrats who publicly 100% committed to Obstructing anything President Trump tried to do needed this. It was not done for Ford, it was not done for victims of sexual assault, and it was not done for justice. It was done as part of the Democrats' deplorable tactic of 'The Politics of Personal Destruction'. It was a lowly attempt to destroy Kavanaugh's life work, his reputation, his past and future on the bench as a judge, his family, his marriage, and most importantly any chance he had of becoming a USSC Justice.

Ford, the supposed 'victim' never wanted to come forward, never pressed charges, never had any intent of pressing charges, will still not attempt to press any kind of charges, and declared she would NOT testify. Feinstein's 'outing' of Ford caused her to come forward as the media began showing up at her home and classroom.

Her account of the event has been proven to be flawed. The 'witnesses' she claims were there, to include the one she said pulled Kavanaugh off of her thereby saving her from being raped, has stated the incident never happened....

...but the same Democrats who insulted, attacked, vilified, and rejected the accounts of the women Bill Clinton sexually harassed / assaulted / raped ... the same Democrats who have rejected the physically abused accuser of DNC's #2 man - Ellison'- who has evidence of the attack btw ... The same Democrats who, evidence shows, knowingly took campaign contributions from and have strenuously defended an admitted WIFE-BEATER ... the same Democrats who have admitted to sexually assaulting / groping a girl without her permission ... have come out to declare Kavanaugh is 'GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT'.

....and in the meantime, Kavanaugh's self-identified Trump-Hating, Conservative Judge-opposing Progressive Activist accuser - who has no evidence, a proven faulty memory, and has named 'witnesses' who have stated the incident never happened - is being allowed to DICTATE TO CONGRESS / The US Government / America the terms in which she MIGHT be willing to testify to tell her side of the story...and is DEMANDING the Confirmation Vote be stopped until SHE gets what SHE wants and until SHE is ready to do so...which might be late next week ... or longer.


30+ Years Ago.

Obvious Political Hit / Stunt By Feinstein to Delay The Vote.

NO evidence.

Her 'witnesses' say it never happened.

No charges Filed.

No intent to file charges...ever.

No desire to come forward...ever.

No desire to testify under oath (Demands the 'Hillary Treatment' of No Questioning Under oath' - her lawyer claims 'putting her under oath would be counter-productive to the truth being told / coming out'. WTF?!)

Yet Kavanaugh is branded 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' without evidence of his supposed crime (Sounds like a Mueller investigation) ... and the self-identified Trump-Hating Conservative Judge-opposing Progressive Activist who has no evidence is being allowed to DICTATE the terms of her appearance before Congress - if she chooses to do so - while she delays the Kavanaugh Vote indefinitely?!

Grassley and the GOP need to seriously GROW A PAIR and show they will not be dictated to by some liberal accuser who has no evidence and is obviously trying to delay the vote. Grassley needs to stick to his deadline of TODAY. He needs to give her the option of coming in and speaking her piece instead of holding a good man's life in limbo while he is being unfairly demonized right now and while she is holding the US Government / country 'hostage'.

You don't need to prep to tell what happened. You walk in, you tell what happened....IF it ever happened. So far, there is nothing but her own word / claim that it did.

I don't give a damn what Ford WANTS! She is being afforded an opportunity to tell her story. Since she is destroying a very good man's life just by her unsubstantiated accusation alone, she should not get the OPTION to testify or not. Ford should be subpoenaed if she refuses to come on her own .... IMMEDIATELY!

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford's team lays out terms it wants for potential Senate interview, sources say


Kavanaugh's Confirmation Vote may be is in jeopardy of being delayed ... indefinitely ... as his accuser and her team continue to modify their demands for her appearance before Congress, continuing to move the goal posts and delaying the vote by doing so...which is what Democrats wanted in the 1st place - preferably until after the mid-terms. Ford, a self-identified Trump-Hating, Conservative Judge-opposing Progressive Liberal activist, is well aware of this .. and seems more than happy to try to do what she can to make this happen.

Diane Feinstein held a letter consisting of a 2nd-Hand account rumor - of a potential assault on a teenage by another teenager some 30+ years ago - in her possession for months, waiting for the most politically Democrat Party-benefitting time possible. The individual this rumor is about made it perfectly clear she did NOT want this information released and did not want her name released.

Desperate in the '11th hour' before the Kavanaugh Confirmation, Diane Feinstein criminally irresponsibly betrayed the individual's trust by releasing the unsubstantiated rumor extremely publicly in a political hit in the 'court of public opinion' - 'to hell with the individual / 'victim', to hell with what SHE wanted...the Democrats who publicly 100% committed to Obstructing anything President Trump tried to do needed this. It was not done for Ford, it was not done for victims of sexual assault, and it was not done for justice. It was done as part of the Democrats' deplorable tactic of 'The Politics of Personal Destruction'. It was a lowly attempt to destroy Kavanaugh's life work, his reputation, his past and future on the bench as a judge, his family, his marriage, and most importantly any chance he had of becoming a USSC Justice.

Ford, the supposed 'victim' never wanted to come forward, never pressed charges, never had any intent of pressing charges, will still not attempt to press any kind of charges, and declared she would NOT testify. Feinstein's 'outing' of Ford caused her to come forward as the media began showing up at her home and classroom.

Her account of the event has been proven to be flawed. The 'witnesses' she claims were there, to include the one she said pulled Kavanaugh off of her thereby saving her from being raped, has stated the incident never happened....

...but the same Democrats who insulted, attacked, vilified, and rejected the accounts of the women Bill Clinton sexually harassed / assaulted / raped ... the same Democrats who have rejected the physically abused accuser of DNC's #2 man - Ellison'- who has evidence of the attack btw ... The same Democrats who, evidence shows, knowingly took campaign contributions from and have strenuously defended an admitted WIFE-BEATER ... the same Democrats who have admitted to sexually assaulting / groping a girl without her permission ... have come out to declare Kavanaugh is 'GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT'.

....and in the meantime, Kavanaugh's self-identified Trump-Hating, Conservative Judge-opposing Progressive Activist accuser - who has no evidence, a proven faulty memory, and has named 'witnesses' who have stated the incident never happened - is being allowed to DICTATE TO CONGRESS / The US Government / America the terms in which she MIGHT be willing to testify to tell her side of the story...and is DEMANDING the Confirmation Vote be stopped until SHE gets what SHE wants and until SHE is ready to do so...which might be late next week ... or longer.


30+ Years Ago.

Obvious Political Hit / Stunt By Feinstein to Delay The Vote.

NO evidence.

Her 'witnesses' say it never happened.

No charges Filed.

No intent to file charges...ever.

No desire to come forward...ever.

No desire to testify under oath (Demands the 'Hillary Treatment' of No Questioning Under oath' - her lawyer claims 'putting her under oath would be counter-productive to the truth being told / coming out'. WTF?!)

Yet Kavanaugh is branded 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' without evidence of his supposed crime (Sounds like a Mueller investigation) ... and the self-identified Trump-Hating Conservative Judge-opposing Progressive Activist who has no evidence is being allowed to DICTATE the terms of her appearance before Congress - if she chooses to do so - while she delays the Kavanaugh Vote indefinitely?!

Grassley and the GOP need to seriously GROW A PAIR and show they will not be dictated to by some liberal accuser who has no evidence and is obviously trying to delay the vote. Grassley needs to stick to his deadline of TODAY. He needs to give her the option of coming in and speaking her piece instead of holding a good man's life in limbo while he is being unfairly demonized right now and while she is holding the US Government / country 'hostage'.

You don't need to prep to tell what happened. You walk in, you tell what happened....IF it ever happened. So far, there is nothing but her own word / claim that it did.

I don't give a damn what Ford WANTS! She is being afforded an opportunity to tell her story. Since she is destroying a very good man's life just by her unsubstantiated accusation alone, she should not get the OPTION to testify or not. Ford should be subpoenaed if she refuses to come on her own .... IMMEDIATELY!

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford's team lays out terms it wants for potential Senate interview, sources say


I guess it takes longer than 36 years to prepare to talk. And she's a professor. her classes must be extremely boring since nothing gets done.
An American cused of a crime has the right to face his or her accuser... so why is Ford demanding that she and Kavanagh testify separately, that he not be allowed in the room when she testifies about the crime she is accusing Cavanaugh of perpetrating 36 years ago?
An American cused of a crime has the right to face his or her accuser... so why is Ford demanding that she and Kavanagh testify separately, that he not be allowed in the room when she testifies about the crime she is accusing Cavanaugh of perpetrating 36 years ago?
She's also demanding that Kavanaugh testify first! When does the accused EVER go first? You're right, she needs to be subpoenaed and her demands need to all be rejected. Who does she think she is that she can dictate the terms of a Congressional hearing?

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