See You in May Bootneck~


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
Our favorite Royal Marine and good friend Bootneck is leaving for another tour to Afghanistan on Monday.

Let's send good thoughts his way, prayers, well wishes, and some good jokes before he goes.

He has brought a lot of laughter to us on here, and he will be greatly missed.

Keep your head down Marine, do your tasks you are sent there for, and come back home safe to us!

Stay safe!

and in the meantime, here's all the blond jokes you can want.

Blonde Jokes

one to get you started:

Civic Lesson
In a high school civics class, they were discussing the qualifications for becoming President of the United States. The requirements are pretty simple. The candidate must be a natural born citizen and at least 35 years old.

A blonde girl in the class piped up and began complaining about how unfair it was to require the candidate to be a natural born citizen. In her opinion, that made it impossible for many qualified people to run for the office. She went on and on, wrapping up her argument with "What makes a natural born citizen more qualified to be President than one born by C-Section?"
Our favorite Royal Marine and good friend Bootneck is leaving for another tour to Afghanistan on Monday.

Let's send good thoughts his way, prayers, well wishes, and some good jokes before he goes.

He has brought a lot of laughter to us on here, and he will be greatly missed.

Keep your head down Marine, do your tasks you are sent there for, and come back home safe to us!


Have a good one mate.

Noli illigitimi carborundum. :drillsergeant:
A crusty old Marine Sergeant Major found himself at a gala event hosted by
a local liberal arts college. There was no shortage of extremely young,
idealistic ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the Sergeant Major
for conversation.

Excuse me, Sergeant Major, but you seem to be a very serious man. Is
something bothering you?

Negative, ma'am. Just serious by nature.

The young lady looked at his awards and decorations and said, It looks
like you have seen a lot of action.

Yes, ma'am, a lot of action.

The young lady, tiring of trying to start up a conversation, said, You
know, you should lighten up a little. Relax and enjoy yourself.

The Sergeant Major just stared at her in his serious manner.

Finally the young lady said, You know, I hope you don't take this the
wrong way, but when is the last time you had sex?

1955, ma'am.

Well, there you are. You really need to chill out and quit taking
everything so seriously! I mean, no sex since 1955! She took his hand and
led him to a private room where she proceeded to relax him several times.

Afterwards, panting for breath, she leaned against his bare chest and said,
Wow, you sure didn't forget much since 1955!

The Sergeant Major, glancing at his watch, said in his matter-of-fact
voice, I hope not, it's only 2130 now.

(Don't ya just love military time?!)
i wont say goodbye....i will be catching ya on the flip side of this sure colin keeps us updated and gives us an address to mail ya a winter solstice card....

ya know it goes without saying...if you need anything ....let us know and we will get it to ya...i think i can safety speak for the majority of the board on that....

be safe.
Oh Bootneck, I am going to miss you! Stay safe and know that you are in my prayers. And remember all the jokes you'll hear so when you get back you can share them and we can all have good laughs and pos rep the shit out you!! :D Best of luck, thank you for your service, and God bless. :)
I haven't been here very long but every member of our Armed Forces deserve our support. Good luck to you, Bootneck and stay safe...Thank you for your continued service to Our Country.
Our favorite Royal Marine and good friend Bootneck is leaving for another tour to Afghanistan on Monday.

He has brought a lot of laughter to us on here, and he will be greatly missed.

He will be TEMPORARILY missed, for he will rejoin us when he returns.

Best of luck, man! :thup:

And here is a little something to bring with you that will make you the envy of all your fellow marines...


It's called a toothbrush.
Our favorite Royal Marine and good friend Bootneck is leaving for another tour to Afghanistan on Monday.

He has brought a lot of laughter to us on here, and he will be greatly missed.

He will be TEMPORARILY missed, for he will rejoin us when he returns.

Best of luck, man! :thup:

And here is a little something to bring with you that will make you the envy of all your fellow marines...


It's called a toothbrush.
The envy of all Brits, civilian and military alike.
He'll be back soon - he's got some good help over there now:

The Pentagon announced TODAY the formation of a new 500-man elite fighting unit called the United States Redneck Special Forces (USRSF)
These boys will be dropped off in Afghanistan and have been given only the following facts about terrorists :

1. The season opened today.
2. There is no limit.
3. They taste just like chicken.
4. They don't like beer, pickups, country music or Jesus.
5. They are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhardt.
6. They think Daisy Duke is a slut/slag.*

The Pentagon hopes the problem in Afghanistan to be over by Friday. :cool:

*Thanks for the tip, tigerbob. ;)
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