Security from US perspective


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
US administration is exerting great efforts to hunt Kony whose military activities have already diminished. No one knows exactly if the American administration is really planning to curb rebel movements in Africa or to protect the Ugandan regime.

According to the Washington Post, the Pentagon has sent about 150 special troops along with military aircraft to Uganda to help in the search for warlord Joseph Kony.

In the first deployment of U.S. military aircraft to the region, at least four CV-22 Osprey aircraft will arrive in Uganda by midweek, together with refueling planes and special forces airmen to fly and maintain them, Amanda Dory, the Pentagons deputy assistant secretary of defense for African affairs, told the Washington Post.

The mission is so tough, US personnel were authorized to provide information, advice and assistance to an African Union force tracking Kony . They were also prohibited from engaging LRA forces unless in self-defense.

If the Lord Resistance Army is so dangerous according to American Administration, what about the Darfuri rebels who target the civilians just to loot, kill and devastate.

US should have provided these planes to the hybrid peace keeping troops in Darfur to help them protect the natives from the rebel attacks.

What are the armed activities according to the Pentagon? Are the Darfuri rebels not dangerous and real threat obstacle to lasting peace and stability in the region? Why some of these movements refuse to sign peace deal with the government.

The American administration has different criteria and concept about peace.

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