Secure our borders


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens.

The only way we are going to win the war against drugs crossing the border, drug violence and (illegal immigration) is to stop the flow of drugs from crossing the border. If drugs cartels cannot move their drugs across the border they will leave and take their drugs and violence with them.
Juarez, the most dangerous place in the world will once again be safe. If Mexico is safe, we will be safe.

We need to put all our military power, all our financial power on the border and in one day secure the border, stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens. Both are one of the same and a danger to America. And stop the flow of US dollars to Mexico’s government. We cannot call it the “war” against drugs and fight it with boy scouts.

Border patrols are no match for drug cartels with AK41s but our military will kick some serious a**. Put a surge of military troops on the border and do what have not be done in a hundred years. Remember the Mexican-American War? Who won? Send all able bodies illegal alien Mexicans back across the border to take their country back. Call it a “draft.”

We cannot continue year after year “trying” to secure our border. Our very survival as a country depend on securing our borders.
Stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens.

The only way we are going to win the war against drugs crossing the border, drug violence and (illegal immigration) is to stop the flow of drugs from crossing the border. If drugs cartels cannot move their drugs across the border they will leave and take their drugs and violence with them.
Juarez, the most dangerous place in the world will once again be safe. If Mexico is safe, we will be safe.

We need to put all our military power, all our financial power on the border and in one day secure the border, stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens. Both are one of the same and a danger to America. And stop the flow of US dollars to Mexico’s government. We cannot call it the “war” against drugs and fight it with boy scouts.

Border patrols are no match for drug cartels with AK41s but our military will kick some serious a**. Put a surge of military troops on the border and do what have not be done in a hundred years. Remember the Mexican-American War? Who won? Send all able bodies illegal alien Mexicans back across the border to take their country back. Call it a “draft.”

We cannot continue year after year “trying” to secure our border. Our very survival as a country depend on securing our borders.

God, you are gullible. The drug war is a sham. You will never win it. It was only set up to make war on minorities, on the impoverished, to move them out off of land so that it could be resold at a higher value (look at South Central now). It used to be the war on poverty before Nixon. Who cares about securing the boarder. You are not going to stop them, not to mention the fact that our own CIA was brining in drugs into this country in order to raise money for the Contras in Nicaragua in the 70's.
Stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens.

The only way we are going to win the war against drugs crossing the border, drug violence and (illegal immigration) is to stop the flow of drugs from crossing the border. If drugs cartels cannot move their drugs across the border they will leave and take their drugs and violence with them.
Juarez, the most dangerous place in the world will once again be safe. If Mexico is safe, we will be safe.

We need to put all our military power, all our financial power on the border and in one day secure the border, stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens. Both are one of the same and a danger to America. And stop the flow of US dollars to Mexico’s government. We cannot call it the “war” against drugs and fight it with boy scouts.

Border patrols are no match for drug cartels with AK41s but our military will kick some serious a**. Put a surge of military troops on the border and do what have not be done in a hundred years. Remember the Mexican-American War? Who won? Send all able bodies illegal alien Mexicans back across the border to take their country back. Call it a “draft.”

We cannot continue year after year “trying” to secure our border. Our very survival as a country depend on securing our borders.

God, you are gullible. The drug war is a sham. You will never win it. It was only set up to make war on minorities, on the impoverished, to move them out off of land so that it could be resold at a higher value (look at South Central now). It used to be the war on poverty before Nixon. Who cares about securing the boarder. You are not going to stop them, not to mention the fact that our own CIA was brining in drugs into this country in order to raise money for the Contras in Nicaragua in the 70's.

Talk about naive AND gullible...........:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens.

The only way we are going to win the war against drugs crossing the border, drug violence and (illegal immigration) is to stop the flow of drugs from crossing the border. If drugs cartels cannot move their drugs across the border they will leave and take their drugs and violence with them.
Juarez, the most dangerous place in the world will once again be safe. If Mexico is safe, we will be safe.

We need to put all our military power, all our financial power on the border and in one day secure the border, stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens. Both are one of the same and a danger to America. And stop the flow of US dollars to Mexico’s government. We cannot call it the “war” against drugs and fight it with boy scouts.

Border patrols are no match for drug cartels with AK41s but our military will kick some serious a**. Put a surge of military troops on the border and do what have not be done in a hundred years. Remember the Mexican-American War? Who won? Send all able bodies illegal alien Mexicans back across the border to take their country back. Call it a “draft.”

We cannot continue year after year “trying” to secure our border. Our very survival as a country depend on securing our borders.

God, you are gullible. The drug war is a sham. You will never win it. It was only set up to make war on minorities, on the impoverished, to move them out off of land so that it could be resold at a higher value (look at South Central now). It used to be the war on poverty before Nixon. Who cares about securing the boarder. You are not going to stop them, not to mention the fact that our own CIA was brining in drugs into this country in order to raise money for the Contras in Nicaragua in the 70's.

Talk about naive AND gullible...........:lol::lol::lol::lol:

To someone so unaffected and sitting clear of the storm, its easy to laugh.
Cartels protecting their drug loads...
Are Mexican drug cartels escalating attacks against US border officials?
July 1, 2011 - Recent reports suggest that assaults on US officials on the Mexico border may have tripled since 2004, but a look at these 'attacks' shows that the danger they pose may be exaggerated.
According to an article in Mexico’s El Universal, the Border Patrol and other US law enforcement agencies that work along the border have seen an increase in the number of attacks by Mexican drug cartels in recent months. This claim is bolstered by a 2010 Congressional Research Service report on border violence, which indicates that such attacks have increased from 773 recorded incidents in 2005 to 1,073 in 2009. The Mexican paper cites Steve McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), who provides even more dramatic statistics. Mr. McCraw says there were only 356 attacks in 2004, meaning that their frequency may have tripled in a five year period.

According to McCraw, this is partly due to the fact that cartels are under increased pressure to limit the amount of their product that is seized by authorities. At one time, members of drug cartels threw out their drug shipments or abandoned their vehicles when confronted by US agents, according to McCraw. But today, drug cartels have less tolerance for failure. The DPS official claimed that shipments of drugs and undocumented migrants are now vigorously protected, with gangs using high-speed automobiles and being prepared for direct confrontations with the authorities.

As evidence, McCraw referred El Universal to an incident that occurred on June 9, in which Border Patrol officers in Texas came upon several men unloading more than 1,200 pounds of marijuana on the Mexican side of the border who began to throw rocks and sticks at the agents. The officials said that, after they heard “at least six” gunshots, they opened fire on the men. As the Houston Chronicle noted, the American agents allegedly shot around 300 rounds in the incident.

Since the incident, US officials have identified the men as members of the Gulf Cartel. If true, this would fit with a Drug Enforcement Administration bulletin obtained by Homeland Security Today in early June, which claimed that “the Gulf Cartel has directed [that] no more ‘drug loads’ in the US will be lost (to law enforcement).”

God, you are gullible. The drug war is a sham. You will never win it. It was only set up to make war on minorities, on the impoverished, to move them out off of land so that it could be resold at a higher value (look at South Central now). It used to be the war on poverty before Nixon. Who cares about securing the boarder. You are not going to stop them, not to mention the fact that our own CIA was brining in drugs into this country in order to raise money for the Contras in Nicaragua in the 70's.

Talk about naive AND gullible...........:lol::lol::lol::lol:

To someone so unaffected and sitting clear of the storm, its easy to laugh.

It depends on which storm I'm sitting clear of. From my pointage view the only storm I see is the one where thousands upon thousands of illegals are still coming in and I'm smack in the middle of that one. Cocaine is the drug of choice of the rich not the impoverished. So I would guess, if one is to be as naive as you, that it's a war set up for both the rich and the poor. There goes your theory. South Central, if you are talking about the CA south central, now belongs to both blacks and latinos and the value has gone down since the latinos came in so there goes your other theory. Since when does this country has to drug its own to raise money????? Foolish person.
Stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens.

The only way we are going to win the war against drugs crossing the border, drug violence and (illegal immigration) is to stop the flow of drugs from crossing the border. If drugs cartels cannot move their drugs across the border they will leave and take their drugs and violence with them.
Juarez, the most dangerous place in the world will once again be safe. If Mexico is safe, we will be safe.

We need to put all our military power, all our financial power on the border and in one day secure the border, stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens. Both are one of the same and a danger to America. And stop the flow of US dollars to Mexico’s government. We cannot call it the “war” against drugs and fight it with boy scouts.

Border patrols are no match for drug cartels with AK41s but our military will kick some serious a**. Put a surge of military troops on the border and do what have not be done in a hundred years. Remember the Mexican-American War? Who won? Send all able bodies illegal alien Mexicans back across the border to take their country back. Call it a “draft.”

We cannot continue year after year “trying” to secure our border. Our very survival as a country depend on securing our borders.

God, you are gullible. The drug war is a sham. You will never win it. It was only set up to make war on minorities, on the impoverished, to move them out off of land so that it could be resold at a higher value (look at South Central now). It used to be the war on poverty before Nixon. Who cares about securing the boarder. You are not going to stop them, not to mention the fact that our own CIA was brining in drugs into this country in order to raise money for the Contras in Nicaragua in the 70's.

You know I would respond but I cant speak your language.

Unregulated illegal immigration is bad. Drugs are bad. Drug dealers are bad people. Illegal immigrants who come here to deal drugs are bad.

Thats a simple as I can put it.

By the way the comment about the CIA really puts you over the top of kook mountain.
Stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens.

The only way we are going to win the war against drugs crossing the border, drug violence and (illegal immigration) is to stop the flow of drugs from crossing the border. If drugs cartels cannot move their drugs across the border they will leave and take their drugs and violence with them.
Juarez, the most dangerous place in the world will once again be safe. If Mexico is safe, we will be safe.

We need to put all our military power, all our financial power on the border and in one day secure the border, stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens. Both are one of the same and a danger to America. And stop the flow of US dollars to Mexico’s government. We cannot call it the “war” against drugs and fight it with boy scouts.

Border patrols are no match for drug cartels with AK41s but our military will kick some serious a**. Put a surge of military troops on the border and do what have not be done in a hundred years. Remember the Mexican-American War? Who won? Send all able bodies illegal alien Mexicans back across the border to take their country back. Call it a “draft.”

We cannot continue year after year “trying” to secure our border. Our very survival as a country depend on securing our borders.

Build a wall, put machine guns on top of it. Just make sure you point the guns into the US. If we shot them on the mexican side it could be seen as an act of war.
Stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens.

The only way we are going to win the war against drugs crossing the border, drug violence and (illegal immigration) is to stop the flow of drugs from crossing the border. If drugs cartels cannot move their drugs across the border they will leave and take their drugs and violence with them.
Juarez, the most dangerous place in the world will once again be safe. If Mexico is safe, we will be safe.

We need to put all our military power, all our financial power on the border and in one day secure the border, stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens. Both are one of the same and a danger to America. And stop the flow of US dollars to Mexico’s government. We cannot call it the “war” against drugs and fight it with boy scouts.

Border patrols are no match for drug cartels with AK41s but our military will kick some serious a**. Put a surge of military troops on the border and do what have not be done in a hundred years. Remember the Mexican-American War? Who won? Send all able bodies illegal alien Mexicans back across the border to take their country back. Call it a “draft.”

We cannot continue year after year “trying” to secure our border. Our very survival as a country depend on securing our borders.

Build a wall, put machine guns on top of it. Just make sure you point the guns into the US. If we shot them on the mexican side it could be seen as an act of war.

An act of war might just be what the mexican people need to save themselves.
Stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens.

The only way we are going to win the war against drugs crossing the border, drug violence and (illegal immigration) is to stop the flow of drugs from crossing the border. If drugs cartels cannot move their drugs across the border they will leave and take their drugs and violence with them.
Juarez, the most dangerous place in the world will once again be safe. If Mexico is safe, we will be safe.

We need to put all our military power, all our financial power on the border and in one day secure the border, stop the flow of drugs and illegal aliens. Both are one of the same and a danger to America. And stop the flow of US dollars to Mexico’s government. We cannot call it the “war” against drugs and fight it with boy scouts.

Border patrols are no match for drug cartels with AK41s but our military will kick some serious a**. Put a surge of military troops on the border and do what have not be done in a hundred years. Remember the Mexican-American War? Who won? Send all able bodies illegal alien Mexicans back across the border to take their country back. Call it a “draft.”

We cannot continue year after year “trying” to secure our border. Our very survival as a country depend on securing our borders.

Build a wall, put machine guns on top of it. Just make sure you point the guns into the US. If we shot them on the mexican side it could be seen as an act of war.

An act of war might just be what the mexican people need to save themselves.

It would take nothing short of a revolution to save that country. Whats funny the mexican military would not be the hardest foe to fight but the durg cartels. They are better armed and organized. The mexican people should stand up and demand a better place to live and force the mexican govt to honor its obligation to protect them.
Build a wall, put machine guns on top of it. Just make sure you point the guns into the US. If we shot them on the mexican side it could be seen as an act of war.

An act of war might just be what the mexican people need to save themselves.

It would take nothing short of a revolution to save that country. Whats funny the mexican military would not be the hardest foe to fight but the durg cartels. They are better armed and organized. The mexican people should stand up and demand a better place to live and force the mexican govt to honor its obligation to protect them.

It's MEXICO not the USA. They don't stand up - they rather run to 'el norte'.
Talk about naive AND gullible...........:lol::lol::lol::lol:

To someone so unaffected and sitting clear of the storm, its easy to laugh.

It depends on which storm I'm sitting clear of. From my pointage view the only storm I see is the one where thousands upon thousands of illegals are still coming in and I'm smack in the middle of that one. Cocaine is the drug of choice of the rich not the impoverished. So I would guess, if one is to be as naive as you, that it's a war set up for both the rich and the poor. There goes your theory. South Central, if you are talking about the CA south central, now belongs to both blacks and latinos and the value has gone down since the latinos came in so there goes your other theory. Since when does this country has to drug its own to raise money????? Foolish person.

March 06, 2003
Blacks Clashing With Hispanics - While Whites Sleep
By Sam Francis

In South Central Los Angeles, only one of the many areas and regions Mr. Miller surveyed, the predominant feeling among those few blacks who remain in the neighborhood is that "They took our homes and our schools," as one black resident complained. "They," of course are the Hispanics who have largely displaced the blacks in the area that was the center of the 1992 "Rodney King" riots.

Hispanics, for their part, are not exactly shy about saying they're glad the blacks are gone.

"Two years ago, nobody could walk around here and be safe," a Hispanic resident told Mr. Miller. "It was half blacks. But then the Spanish people moved in. Now it is safe."

Well, not entirely. Even though, as Mr. Miller reports, during the last 10 years "much of the black population died or left, sometimes headed for prison," Hispanic gangs moved in where black gangs had once ruled. 03/06/03 - Blacks Clashing With Hispanics - While Whites Sleep

Los Zetas in Los Angeles--Mexican Cartel Expands to California
August 11, 2010 | Borderland Beat Reporter Ovemex

The (anti-drug) agencies working in Los Angeles are combating seven major cartels from Mexico. We’ve detected two of them, Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel, working in distribution for the area covering San Fernando Valley, Westside, Central and South Central (Los Angeles)," said the police chief.

South Central was relative safe with black gang but they look like boy scouts compared to now.
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The latinos will always live in denial. South Central is so safe now that the police have had to declare war on the latino gangs. Suuuuuuuuuuuure mr. miller it's very safe.
It depends on which storm I'm sitting clear of. From my pointage view the only storm I see is the one where thousands upon thousands of illegals are still coming in and I'm smack in the middle of that one. Cocaine is the drug of choice of the rich not the impoverished. So I would guess, if one is to be as naive as you, that it's a war set up for both the rich and the poor. There goes your theory. South Central, if you are talking about the CA south central, now belongs to both blacks and latinos and the value has gone down since the latinos came in so there goes your other theory. Since when does this country has to drug its own to raise money????? Foolish person.
Damn could you be any more ignorant. Maybe you have watched a few too many HBO series. The real drug facts. Adults 18 to 25 years of age currently have the highest percentage of cocaine use than any other age group. (Src:cocaine statistics & cocaine abuse treatment by drug I can't imagine the upper income bracket consisting of 18-25. So cocaine is a drug of choice for 361,000 Americans of all sorts. Your ignorance is bliss though. How about quit living off stereotypes and investigate this stuff before you spew it out (notice I did research). His theory maybe a crock but the war on drug is costing billions. Also the migrant workers are the only thing that get fresh fruit and veggies to my plate at a reasonable cost. So before shutting down that border, how about consider real freedom and take the power away from the supply demand curve of drug dealers by legalizing, and modernize our immigration policies to meet the demand of 2011. Protectionism is not the answer.
The war on drugs and illegal immigration are parallel issues. I don’t think stopping drugs is as important as stopping the demand. Same with stopping the demand for cheap labor. Well, stopping EITHER is the issue. Control is power, and the real power is in action, not words. So far, many AMERICANS want drugs and illegal alien labor. (Not yours truly)... The Mexicans are ACTING, WE spout crap and don’t do ANYTHING. Well, I have tried, short of murder, my bloody government ignores any and everything I have tried so far. Any suggestions besides depending on Dear Ol’ Uncle Sam?
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Too many interests on border issues. Though I feel the US citizens with an us Vs. them mentality is how we become targets. Obama should have handled this issue the first term (healthcare didn't go over so well).
Too many interests on border issues. Though I feel the US citizens with an us Vs. them mentality is how we become targets. Obama should have handled this issue the first term (healthcare didn't go over so well).

Yes, we Americans are conflicted on immigration. There are those that exploit illegals for gain, and then there are those that live in never-never land where all things are equitable, and then there is the rest of us poor suckers caught between a rook and a hard place. I live with illegal aliens, and, speaking for myself, they stink. Depends on were ya are coming from, I guess.
Visit any neighborhood where the illegals have drop houses. See for yourselves and stop living in la-la land with your heads buried deep in the sand! It's that simple - investigate for yourselves.

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