Secretive Top Romney Donors: Paul Ryan is a Guest Speaker

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
The creeps were all in one place...

Major Mitt Romney donors rewarded at lavish Utah retreat - Los Angeles Times

The retreat was closed to the media, in keeping with Romney's secrecy about who is raising money for his campaign. He has declined to release the names of bundlers, those who collect funds from others on behalf of the campaign. Romney was not seen in public except when he waved at reporters from his motorcade.

(Secrecy extended to the invitees; one said that while he was to attend one in a series of intimate dinners Saturday night, he had no idea where it would be held. "They gave us a ticket, a yellow ticket — wherever the yellow ticket takes me," said the donor, who has raised $350,000 for Romney and declined to speak publicly in deference to the campaign's wishes.)

I believe this was overheard throughout the event:

shhhh, don't let the losers who support us know what's really going on. shhhh...
yep, it's gonna take a lot of dough to beat the Chicago machine. Lefties are getting scared.
The creeps were all in one place...

Major Mitt Romney donors rewarded at lavish Utah retreat - Los Angeles Times

The retreat was closed to the media, in keeping with Romney's secrecy about who is raising money for his campaign. He has declined to release the names of bundlers, those who collect funds from others on behalf of the campaign. Romney was not seen in public except when he waved at reporters from his motorcade.

(Secrecy extended to the invitees; one said that while he was to attend one in a series of intimate dinners Saturday night, he had no idea where it would be held. "They gave us a ticket, a yellow ticket — wherever the yellow ticket takes me," said the donor, who has raised $350,000 for Romney and declined to speak publicly in deference to the campaign's wishes.)

I believe this was overheard throughout the event:

shhhh, don't let the losers who support us know what's really going on. shhhh...

How's the DNC convention doing these days?

The creeps were all in one place...

Major Mitt Romney donors rewarded at lavish Utah retreat - Los Angeles Times

The retreat was closed to the media, in keeping with Romney's secrecy about who is raising money for his campaign. He has declined to release the names of bundlers, those who collect funds from others on behalf of the campaign. Romney was not seen in public except when he waved at reporters from his motorcade.

(Secrecy extended to the invitees; one said that while he was to attend one in a series of intimate dinners Saturday night, he had no idea where it would be held. "They gave us a ticket, a yellow ticket — wherever the yellow ticket takes me," said the donor, who has raised $350,000 for Romney and declined to speak publicly in deference to the campaign's wishes.)

I believe this was overheard throughout the event:

shhhh, don't let the losers who support us know what's really going on. shhhh...

How's the DNC convention doing these days?


Watch some passes from some Dems show up on ebay
The creeps were all in one place...

Major Mitt Romney donors rewarded at lavish Utah retreat - Los Angeles Times

The retreat was closed to the media, in keeping with Romney's secrecy about who is raising money for his campaign. He has declined to release the names of bundlers, those who collect funds from others on behalf of the campaign. Romney was not seen in public except when he waved at reporters from his motorcade.

(Secrecy extended to the invitees; one said that while he was to attend one in a series of intimate dinners Saturday night, he had no idea where it would be held. "They gave us a ticket, a yellow ticket — wherever the yellow ticket takes me," said the donor, who has raised $350,000 for Romney and declined to speak publicly in deference to the campaign's wishes.)

I believe this was overheard throughout the event:

shhhh, don't let the losers who support us know what's really going on. shhhh...

How's the DNC convention doing these days?


Haven't been since 2004. Won't be at another. You?
The creeps were all in one place...

Major Mitt Romney donors rewarded at lavish Utah retreat - Los Angeles Times

The retreat was closed to the media, in keeping with Romney's secrecy about who is raising money for his campaign. He has declined to release the names of bundlers, those who collect funds from others on behalf of the campaign. Romney was not seen in public except when he waved at reporters from his motorcade.

(Secrecy extended to the invitees; one said that while he was to attend one in a series of intimate dinners Saturday night, he had no idea where it would be held. "They gave us a ticket, a yellow ticket — wherever the yellow ticket takes me," said the donor, who has raised $350,000 for Romney and declined to speak publicly in deference to the campaign's wishes.)

I believe this was overheard throughout the event:

shhhh, don't let the losers who support us know what's really going on. shhhh...

How's the DNC convention doing these days?


Haven't been since 2004. Won't be at another. You?

The "Chicago machine", funniest post of the day. :clap2:
Yep and when Obama meets with his big money donors they meet a motel six and dine on beef jerky with tap water.

Don't be silly. We all know they meet openly in the Saul Alinsky Room, at Communist Party Headquarters, Chicago. It's where FOX News' Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck sit outside jerking each other off.
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Yep and when Obama meets with his big money donors they meet a motel six and dine on beef jerky with tap water.

Don't be silly. We all know they meet openly in the Saul Alinsky Room, at Communist Party Headquarters, Chicago. It's where FOX News' Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck sit outside jerking each other off.

Is it also where the MSNBC lineup meets for there weekly circle jerk?
Yep and when Obama meets with his big money donors they meet a motel six and dine on beef jerky with tap water.

Don't be silly. We all know they meet openly in the Saul Alinsky Room, at Communist Party Headquarters, Chicago. It's where FOX News' Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck sit outside jerking each other off.

Is it also where the MSNBC lineup meets for there weekly circle jerk?

Circle jerks are so leftist lame. Better to reach around and jerk off others ala Beck and Hannity. Just ask Liability and mal :eek:

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