Joe Biden Is a Fraud, Plain and Simple

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
If nothing else the Democrats have become very predictable.

Let’s be blunt: As a supposed friend of American workers, Joe Biden is a phony. And now that he’s running for president, Biden’s huge task is to hide his phoniness.

From the outset, with dim prospects from small donors, the Biden campaign is depending on big checks from the rich and corporate elites who greatly appreciate his services rendered. “He must rely heavily, at least at first, upon an old-fashioned network of money bundlers — political insiders, former ambassadors and business executives,” the New York Times reported on Tuesday.

Biden has a media image that exudes down-to-earth caring and advocacy for regular folks. But his actual record is a very different story.

During the 1970s, in his first Senate term, Biden spouted white backlash rhetoric, used tropes pandering to racism and teamed up with arch segregationists against measures like busing for school integration. He went on to be a fount of racially charged appeals and “predators on our streets” oratory on the Senate floor as he led the successful effort to pass the now-notorious 1994 crime bill.

A gavel in Biden’s hand repeatedly proved to be dangerous. In 1991, as chair of the Judiciary Committee, Biden prevented key witnesses from testifying to corroborate Anita Hill’s accusations of sexual harassment during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court. In 2002, as chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, Biden was the Senate’s most crucial supporter of the Iraq invasion.

Meanwhile, for well over four decades — while corporate media preened his image as “Lunch Bucket Joe” fighting for the middle class — Biden continued his assist for strengthening oligarchy as a powerful champion of legalizing corporate plunder on a mind-boggling scale.

Now, Joe Biden has arrived as a presidential candidate to rescue the Democratic Party from Bernie Sanders.

Urgency is in the media air. Last week, the New York Times told readers that “Stop Sanders” Democrats were “agonizing over his momentum.” The story was front-page news. At the Washington Post, a two-sentence headline appeared just above a nice photo of Biden: “Far-Left Policies Will Drive a 2020 Defeat, Centrist Democrats Fear. So They’re Floating Alternatives.”

Biden is the most reliable alternative for corporate America. He has what Sanders completely lacks—vast experience as an elected official serving the interests of credit-card companies, big banks, insurance firms and other parts of the financial services industry. His alignment with corporate interests has been comprehensive. It was a fulcrum of his entire political career when, in 1993, Sen. Biden voted yes while most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.
he's pedo. democrats love pedos. They think they have every right to screw 10 year old girls and boys.
The Swamp loves its own

How will Dems get the negroes and Latinos out to vote for an old creepy white guy?
Oh my goodness. You think Biden mistreated Anita Hill??!!! Her "key witnesses" were unbelievable, as was her story. Have you not gotten the memo that Anita Hill was a fraud? If Clarence Thomas sexually harassed her, is it not very odd that she tried over and over again to keep working with him?

6 Pieces Of Evidence Anita Hill Was Lying
Seems that Joe can drive the Trumpsters crazy.... I was told by a Trumpster driving the other side crazy is good...

Lets just put it this way, if it ends up Biden v Trump, your neighbourhood NAZI racist will be going for Trump...

Why? Because all good racists know that Trump is in there corner...
If nothing else the Democrats have become very predictable.

Let’s be blunt: As a supposed friend of American workers, Joe Biden is a phony. And now that he’s running for president, Biden’s huge task is to hide his phoniness.

From the outset, with dim prospects from small donors, the Biden campaign is depending on big checks from the rich and corporate elites who greatly appreciate his services rendered. “He must rely heavily, at least at first, upon an old-fashioned network of money bundlers — political insiders, former ambassadors and business executives,” the New York Times reported on Tuesday.

Biden has a media image that exudes down-to-earth caring and advocacy for regular folks. But his actual record is a very different story.

During the 1970s, in his first Senate term, Biden spouted white backlash rhetoric, used tropes pandering to racism and teamed up with arch segregationists against measures like busing for school integration. He went on to be a fount of racially charged appeals and “predators on our streets” oratory on the Senate floor as he led the successful effort to pass the now-notorious 1994 crime bill.

A gavel in Biden’s hand repeatedly proved to be dangerous. In 1991, as chair of the Judiciary Committee, Biden prevented key witnesses from testifying to corroborate Anita Hill’s accusations of sexual harassment during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court. In 2002, as chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, Biden was the Senate’s most crucial supporter of the Iraq invasion.

Meanwhile, for well over four decades — while corporate media preened his image as “Lunch Bucket Joe” fighting for the middle class — Biden continued his assist for strengthening oligarchy as a powerful champion of legalizing corporate plunder on a mind-boggling scale.

Now, Joe Biden has arrived as a presidential candidate to rescue the Democratic Party from Bernie Sanders.

Urgency is in the media air. Last week, the New York Times told readers that “Stop Sanders” Democrats were “agonizing over his momentum.” The story was front-page news. At the Washington Post, a two-sentence headline appeared just above a nice photo of Biden: “Far-Left Policies Will Drive a 2020 Defeat, Centrist Democrats Fear. So They’re Floating Alternatives.”

Biden is the most reliable alternative for corporate America. He has what Sanders completely lacks—vast experience as an elected official serving the interests of credit-card companies, big banks, insurance firms and other parts of the financial services industry. His alignment with corporate interests has been comprehensive. It was a fulcrum of his entire political career when, in 1993, Sen. Biden voted yes while most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.


At least Biden is an experienced, competent fraud.
Seems that Joe can drive the Trumpsters crazy.... I was told by a Trumpster driving the other side crazy is good...

Lets just put it this way, if it ends up Biden v Trump, your neighbourhood NAZI racist will be going for Trump...

Why? Because all good racists know that Trump is in there corner...
You turds always pretend when we tell the truth about one of the pieces of garbage you're running that it's "driving us crazy". Can't ever defend your trash without lying.


At least Biden is an experienced, competent fraud.

Because the choice would be voting for Trump, a Republican, or Biden, a Republican pretending to be a Democrat just like 2016 when Hillary stole the primaries from Bernie.

I'll put it this way. if the Dems nominate anyone other than Bernie or Tulsi, I'll be voting third party.
How will Dems get the negroes and Latinos out to vote for an old creepy white guy?
They will steal away the ones that voted for the old fat Dotard in Chief.
They will be suckers again. Progs will run their Emmy nominated political commercials and do the old royal screw job on them after the election with a healthy dose of stealing more money from the working class.
Biden is OLD, he's WHITE, and he's RICH. He doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning the dem nomination. They want a young radical woman, or a faggot named Buttiplug would do.
If nothing else the Democrats have become very predictable.

Let’s be blunt: As a supposed friend of American workers, Joe Biden is a phony. And now that he’s running for president, Biden’s huge task is to hide his phoniness.

From the outset, with dim prospects from small donors, the Biden campaign is depending on big checks from the rich and corporate elites who greatly appreciate his services rendered. “He must rely heavily, at least at first, upon an old-fashioned network of money bundlers — political insiders, former ambassadors and business executives,” the New York Times reported on Tuesday.

Biden has a media image that exudes down-to-earth caring and advocacy for regular folks. But his actual record is a very different story.

During the 1970s, in his first Senate term, Biden spouted white backlash rhetoric, used tropes pandering to racism and teamed up with arch segregationists against measures like busing for school integration. He went on to be a fount of racially charged appeals and “predators on our streets” oratory on the Senate floor as he led the successful effort to pass the now-notorious 1994 crime bill.

A gavel in Biden’s hand repeatedly proved to be dangerous. In 1991, as chair of the Judiciary Committee, Biden prevented key witnesses from testifying to corroborate Anita Hill’s accusations of sexual harassment during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court. In 2002, as chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, Biden was the Senate’s most crucial supporter of the Iraq invasion.

Meanwhile, for well over four decades — while corporate media preened his image as “Lunch Bucket Joe” fighting for the middle class — Biden continued his assist for strengthening oligarchy as a powerful champion of legalizing corporate plunder on a mind-boggling scale.

Now, Joe Biden has arrived as a presidential candidate to rescue the Democratic Party from Bernie Sanders.

Urgency is in the media air. Last week, the New York Times told readers that “Stop Sanders” Democrats were “agonizing over his momentum.” The story was front-page news. At the Washington Post, a two-sentence headline appeared just above a nice photo of Biden: “Far-Left Policies Will Drive a 2020 Defeat, Centrist Democrats Fear. So They’re Floating Alternatives.”

Biden is the most reliable alternative for corporate America. He has what Sanders completely lacks—vast experience as an elected official serving the interests of credit-card companies, big banks, insurance firms and other parts of the financial services industry. His alignment with corporate interests has been comprehensive. It was a fulcrum of his entire political career when, in 1993, Sen. Biden voted yes while most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.
Don’t leave out Joey’s ability to meet with communist Chinese and days later a US company gets a multimillion $ contract with the Chicoms. Now that’s presidential material IMO, and future deals with them won’t necessarily all go to his son’s company. At least I don’t think so.
Seems that Joe can drive the Trumpsters crazy.... I was told by a Trumpster driving the other side crazy is good...

Lets just put it this way, if it ends up Biden v Trump, your neighbourhood NAZI racist will be going for Trump...

Why? Because all good racists know that Trump is in there corner...
You turds always pretend when we tell the truth about one of the pieces of garbage you're running that it's "driving us crazy". Can't ever defend your trash without lying.

Sorry, but that was a main defence for a lot of Trumpsters on this forum...
'Look how he is driving the Libtards crazy....

No need to lie... I won't need to bother my ass defending Biden... He is driving the Trumpsters crazy, Trumpsters told me it is good to drive the other side crazy. So when Trump is acting like a Bitch in heat around Putin while siding against American Intelligence, the excuse was it drove Liberals crazy which is good.

So what is good for the goose is good for the gander... You like setting precedences, how about following them...
Biden is OLD, he's WHITE, and he's RICH. He doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning the dem nomination. They want a young radical woman, or a faggot named Buttiplug would do.

Ahh, are you that worried about him... I love how the traitors love telling the rest who they should be voting for...
Seems that Joe can drive the Trumpsters crazy.... I was told by a Trumpster driving the other side crazy is good...

Lets just put it this way, if it ends up Biden v Trump, your neighbourhood NAZI racist will be going for Trump...

Why? Because all good racists know that Trump is in there corner...
You turds always pretend when we tell the truth about one of the pieces of garbage you're running that it's "driving us crazy". Can't ever defend your trash without lying.

Sorry, but that was a main defence for a lot of Trumpsters on this forum...
'Look how he is driving the Libtards crazy....

No need to lie... I won't need to bother my ass defending Biden... He is driving the Trumpsters crazy, Trumpsters told me it is good to drive the other side crazy. So when Trump is acting like a Bitch in heat around Putin while siding against American Intelligence, the excuse was it drove Liberals crazy which is good.

So what is good for the goose is good for the gander... You like setting precedences, how about following them...
Again troll, we are making fun of him. Hardly "driving us crazy". Learn how to stop lying.

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