Second Civil War Turning Violent?

All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.
Bernie's Bolsheviks and Trump's Brown Shirts have been rioting against each other.

But these two fringe groups on the far extremes of the left and right are not indicative of the Nation as a whole.

As a whole the Nation can still agree to disagree and go with the majority rule at least for the next 2 years.

No worries then.

I disagree. This bulletin board is an excellent example. The only thing stopping violence here is proximity. Read the hate and vitriol. It's not intellectual - it's visceral.
There is no second civil war going on. Claiming there is is just a sign of the arrogance and imagined self-importance of extremist. The civil rights era and the antiwar era during the Vietnam era were far more divisive and violent than what is happening today.

Having lived thru "the civil rights era and the antiwar era", it is my testimony that the acrimony is more hateful, visceral, and dangerous than clashes during those periods. Those clashes were over specific issues - today, it is about fundamental beliefs and fundamental rights.

These are dangerous times.
By Dennis Prager -

In a recent column, I made the case that Americans are fighting the Second Civil War. The deep chasm that has opened up between the left -- not liberals, the left -- and the rest of the country is so wide and so unbridgeable that there is no other way to describe what is happening. But I noted that at least thus far, unlike the First Civil War, this war is not violent.

Unfortunately, there is now reason to believe that violence is coming. In fact, it's already here. But as of now, it's only coming from one direction.

Left-wing thugs engage in violence and threats of violence with utter impunity. They shut down speakers at colleges; block highways, bridges and airport terminals; take over college buildings and offices; occupy state capitals; and terrorize individuals at their homes.

In order to understand why more violence may be coming, it is essential to understand that left-wing mobs are almost never stopped, arrested or punished. Colleges do nothing to stop them, and civil authorities do nothing to stop them on campuses or anywhere else. Police are reduced to spectators as they watch left-wing gangs loot stores, smash business and car windows, and even take over state capitals (as in Madison, Wisconsin).

It's beginning to dawn on many Americans that mayors, police chiefs and college presidents have no interest in stopping this violence. Left-wing officials sympathize with the lawbreakers, and the police, who rarely sympathize with thugs of any ideology, are ordered to do nothing by emasculated police chiefs.

Consequently, given the abdication by all these authorities of their role to protect the public, some members of the public will inevitably decide that they will protect themselves and others.

This ability of the left to get away with violence is one of the gravest threats to American society in its modern history. Since the Civil War, I can think of only two comparable eruptions of mob violence that authorities allowed. One was when white mobs lynched blacks. The other was the rioting by blacks, such as the Los Angeles riots 25 years ago, and the recent riots in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland.

Today, authorities in what we once proudly proclaimed the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" are intimidated to the point of paralysis.

And exactly what do they fear? Not violence -- they have made peace with left-wing violence. What they fear is the left-wing media. If the Black Lives Matter movement is forcefully prevented from blocking tens of thousands of cars from entering or leaving San Francisco, the police and local authorities will be labeled racist by black leaders, a smear that will then be echoed by The New York Times and rest of the left-wing media.

Likewise, if a college president requests enough police to come to a college campus so that a Heather Mac Donald, a Charles Murray or an Ann Coulter can deliver a lecture, some of the student-gangsters engaged in violence might be injured -- and that college president will then be pilloried by the mainstream media.

Dennis Prager is great...
Bah, Antifa's masks are off whether they want them to be or not.

That crap is not going to fly in America.

They got herded in Austin even though they were armed.

I like how they wear red headpieces, hehe.
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Bernie's Bolsheviks and Trump's Brown Shirts have been rioting against each other.

But these two fringe groups on the far extremes of the left and right are not indicative of the Nation as a whole.

As a whole the Nation can still agree to disagree and go with the majority rule at least for the next 2 years.

No worries then.

There are no Trump brown shirts....the democrat party brown shirts have been conducting violence against Trump supporters and conservatives since he won the primaries. The guys running these operations, bob craemer and scot foval work for the democrat national committee, and used to work for the hilary campaign. They also got orders from barak obama....bob craemer has been to the White House close to 100 times during the election......

The demcorat national committee "Director of Special Events" was giving bob craemer and scot foval their money and directions....
Bah, Antifa's masks are off whether they want them to be or not.

That crap is not going to fly in America.

They got herded in Austin even though they were armed.

I like how they wear red headpieces, hehe.
People's War Group and Maoist Communist Centre

One of their ^ signs 10 active terrorist groups in India
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All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.

The right isn't fomenting violence oh no not them.

Even your idiot name "Dark Fury". Why the Anger? You're all spoiling for a fight. Cheering bombings, and violence.

Get a job, do something useful with your life. Stop spouting hate and anger on the internet.

Keyboard kommandos. Real tough guys. You remind me of my roommate back in the 1980's. Read Soldier of Fortune and talked about going to South Africa and shooting terrorists. Him and his right wing survivalist buddies. Worked in the monitoring office of a security company.
All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.

The right isn't fomenting violence oh no not them.

Even your idiot name "Dark Fury". Why the Anger? You're all spoiling for a fight. Cheering bombings, and violence.

Get a job, do something useful with your life. Stop spouting hate and anger on the internet.

Keyboard kommandos. Real tough guys. You remind me of my roommate back in the 1980's. Read Soldier of Fortune and talked about going to South Africa and shooting terrorists. Him and his right wing survivalist buddies. Worked in the monitoring office of a security company.
My idiot name Dark Fury? WTF, I'm a totally separate life entity and have no other accounts here.

You have the intellect of a paper sack. I'm this, I'm that I'm all the stupid stereotypes running through your pea brain. The right did not behave this way when we lost the last two elections, you are packed full of bullshit!
All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.

The right isn't fomenting violence oh no not them.

Even your idiot name "Dark Fury". Why the Anger? You're all spoiling for a fight. Cheering bombings, and violence.

Get a job, do something useful with your life. Stop spouting hate and anger on the internet.

Keyboard kommandos. Real tough guys. You remind me of my roommate back in the 1980's. Read Soldier of Fortune and talked about going to South Africa and shooting terrorists. Him and his right wing survivalist buddies. Worked in the monitoring office of a security company.
My idiot name Dark Fury? WTF, I'm a totally separate life entity and have no other accounts here.

You have the intellect of a paper sack. I'm this, I'm that I'm all the stupid stereotypes running through your pea brain. The right did not behave this way when we lost the last two elections, you are packed full of bullshit!

My apologies for the incorrect quote. I was trying to quote Dark Fury who had been itching for a fight since Teumo was elected.

The right started by attacking protesters at Trump rallies at the behest of Trump himself. After the election, the fringe right was painting swastikas on synagogues, attacking blacks, Muslims and immigrants and left wingers went after them for it.

And of course, these twits blame the left. Yes it's all their fault. They fought back.
All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.

The right isn't fomenting violence oh no not them.

Even your idiot name "Dark Fury". Why the Anger? You're all spoiling for a fight. Cheering bombings, and violence.

Get a job, do something useful with your life. Stop spouting hate and anger on the internet.

Keyboard kommandos. Real tough guys. You remind me of my roommate back in the 1980's. Read Soldier of Fortune and talked about going to South Africa and shooting terrorists. Him and his right wing survivalist buddies. Worked in the monitoring office of a security company.
Same ol' bullshit. Intellectually inferior attack on anyone who has the temerity to oppose her self-induced sense of superiority.
All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.

The right isn't fomenting violence oh no not them.

Even your idiot name "Dark Fury". Why the Anger? You're all spoiling for a fight. Cheering bombings, and violence.

Get a job, do something useful with your life. Stop spouting hate and anger on the internet.

Keyboard kommandos. Real tough guys. You remind me of my roommate back in the 1980's. Read Soldier of Fortune and talked about going to South Africa and shooting terrorists. Him and his right wing survivalist buddies. Worked in the monitoring office of a security company.
My idiot name Dark Fury? WTF, I'm a totally separate life entity and have no other accounts here.

You have the intellect of a paper sack. I'm this, I'm that I'm all the stupid stereotypes running through your pea brain. The right did not behave this way when we lost the last two elections, you are packed full of bullshit!

My apologies for the incorrect quote. I was trying to quote Dark Fury who had been itching for a fight since Teumo was elected.

The right started by attacking protesters at Trump rallies at the behest of Trump himself. After the election, the fringe right was painting swastikas on synagogues, attacking blacks, Muslims and immigrants and left wingers went after them for it.

And of course, these twits blame the left. Yes it's all their fault. They fought back.

Do you REALLY just make this stuff up? I bet you sit on the toilet and come up with this shit.

The supposed attacks by the right were in response to the violence of the left. The inability of the left to put forth a cogent argument simply heightens the volume of their nonsense. The left isn't interested in substantive discussion - they want mindless obedience. The left has no problem - in fact, prefers - denying rights and freedoms to those who oppose them.

Maybe you an tell us just exactly what the left at Berkely was fighting back against. Maybe you can explain why the left thinks it is appropriate to muzzle dissenting speech.

Maybe you can tell us why the left considers opposition so abhorrent that they want to create "safe spaces" so you don't have to be subjected to opposing political views.

Maybe you can explain how the left can claim "violence as free speech" while simultaneously claiming "free speech is violence".

Maybe you can tell us why the left is content with denying seniors healthcare and pension payments, while complaining about being forced to live up to a contract they knowingly participated in.

Maybe you can tell us why virtually all antisemitism and overt racism in the past 10 years has come from the left.

God - you people are pitiful.

No - not pitiful -- selfish and self absorbed.

YOU are a true threat to our way of life, and to our freedoms.

Left uses violence but decries ‘speech as violence’
Liberal left employs violence to accomplish goals
Portland Police said that they were pelted with full Pepsi cans during violent May Day protests where 25 were arrested.

Before violence broke out in Portland, one protester offered the police a can of Pepsi in a nod to the controversial Kendall Jenner advertisement in which she transformed from a starlet to an activist and used the soda to bring protesters and police together, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The ad drew outrage and Pepsi eventually pulled the plug on the spot before it made it to television after it was accused of appropriating Black Lives Matter protests to sell soda.

Portland police said the protesters turned violent as businesses were being damage. Police said at least one medic was hit by a full Pepsi can, but was not injured in the incident.

Police eventually revoked permission for the demonstration and deemed it a riot and not a rally.

The violence and vandalism in Portland and several other Pacific Northwest cities stood out amid largely peaceful marches elsewhere in the U.S. to honor immigrants and support workers' rights.

More than 100 police officers clad in body armor and gas masks shut down a march they said had become a riot late Monday and arrested people on charges ranging from disorderly conduct to arson and assault.
All you have to do is look at what's happening in Europe. The leftists are emboldened enough to throw Molotov cocktails at the police as they are in reverse gear. Many of them here think they are exercising free speech. Even blocking traffic is free speech.

And anyone calling people brown shirts for standing up to these thugs has a turd for a brain.

The right isn't fomenting violence oh no not them.

Even your idiot name "Dark Fury". Why the Anger? You're all spoiling for a fight. Cheering bombings, and violence.

Get a job, do something useful with your life. Stop spouting hate and anger on the internet.

Keyboard kommandos. Real tough guys. You remind me of my roommate back in the 1980's. Read Soldier of Fortune and talked about going to South Africa and shooting terrorists. Him and his right wing survivalist buddies. Worked in the monitoring office of a security company.
My idiot name Dark Fury? WTF, I'm a totally separate life entity and have no other accounts here.

You have the intellect of a paper sack. I'm this, I'm that I'm all the stupid stereotypes running through your pea brain. The right did not behave this way when we lost the last two elections, you are packed full of bullshit!

My apologies for the incorrect quote. I was trying to quote Dark Fury who had been itching for a fight since Teumo was elected.

The right started by attacking protesters at Trump rallies at the behest of Trump himself. After the election, the fringe right was painting swastikas on synagogues, attacking blacks, Muslims and immigrants and left wingers went after them for it.

And of course, these twits blame the left. Yes it's all their fault. They fought back.
Wrong. The protestor at the rally was interrupting Trump's event and trying to shut down his free speech. Meanwhile we know people were being payed to disrupt his rallies. You leftists think your shit doesn't stink and you can do anything you want to get your way. You have no credibility and people like you can only learn the hard way.

You likely won't understand what you did wrong but you will eventually associate your actions with the consequences, like the assholes at the Trump rallies. Play your childish victim game with somebody else.
Portland Police said that they were pelted with full Pepsi cans during violent May Day protests where 25 were arrested.

Before violence broke out in Portland, one protester offered the police a can of Pepsi in a nod to the controversial Kendall Jenner advertisement in which she transformed from a starlet to an activist and used the soda to bring protesters and police together, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The ad drew outrage and Pepsi eventually pulled the plug on the spot before it made it to television after it was accused of appropriating Black Lives Matter protests to sell soda.

Portland police said the protesters turned violent as businesses were being damage. Police said at least one medic was hit by a full Pepsi can, but was not injured in the incident.

Police eventually revoked permission for the demonstration and deemed it a riot and not a rally.

The violence and vandalism in Portland and several other Pacific Northwest cities stood out amid largely peaceful marches elsewhere in the U.S. to honor immigrants and support workers' rights.

More than 100 police officers clad in body armor and gas masks shut down a march they said had become a riot late Monday and arrested people on charges ranging from disorderly conduct to arson and assault.
But it's all Trump's fault because some protester got decked at his rally.
This bulletin board is an excellent example. The only thing stopping violence here is proximity. Read the hate and vitriol. It's not intellectual - it's visceral.
Just for the record, it is possible to have interesting conversations here if you're patient.

But yeah, for the most part, this place is controlled by people who wouldn't behave like this in public. Hopefully.

My guess is that it's largely used for some kind of catharsis. Better here than in real life, I guess.
Just for the record, it is possible to have interesting conversations here if you're patient.

But yeah, for the most part, this place is controlled by people who wouldn't behave like this in public. Hopefully.

My guess is that it's largely used for some kind of catharsis. Better here than in real life, I guess.

Yes, Mac, it would be horrible for you if people challenged you like this in public...

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