Sec of Defense says automatic cuts to defense would damage our national security yet

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Obama says he will veto any attempt to stop the cuts.

All of this mess makes it quite clear to me that Obama STILL puts ideology above the best interest of our country. It also makes me feel that NOTHING will change as long as he remains in office.

We do need to transform our military to deal with the threats we face in this new global age and there may be room for cuts in that transformation. BUT just blindly cutting military budgets without forethought is foolish.
Keep in mind this was back in 09:

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Namely, this entails $600 billion in mandatory budget cuts during the next decade – in addition to $450 billion in cuts that the Pentagon had already agreed to.

Mr. Panetta for his part has provided impassioned pleas against the mandatory cuts, warning for months against their dangers to the US military. “It is a ship without sailors. It’s a brigade without bullets. It’s an air wing without enough trained pilots,” he told lawmakers on Capitol Hill earlier this month. “It’s a paper tiger.”

In short, he warned, “It invites aggression.”

Pentagon 'doomsday'? Or are super committee failure fears overblown? -
I'm actually ok with these cuts. I'll take any cuts i can get at this point. But it is interesting one of his own lackeys is opposing him this way. Stay tuned i guess.
Obama says he will veto any attempt to stop the cuts.

All of this mess makes it quite clear to me that Obama STILL puts ideology above the best interest of our country. It also makes me feel that NOTHING will change as long as he remains in office.

We do need to transform our military to deal with the threats we face in this new global age and there may be room for cuts in that transformation. BUT just blindly cutting military budgets without forethought is foolish.
Isn't it nice though that he can use the military when it suits his Islamist buddies that are taking over...and how Obama is single-handedly wrecking Foreign policy in the ME...strenghtening the hand of our enemies?

And proposes to CUT the military at the same time? It's sheer lunacy. He's definitely a one-man wrecking crew trying to take us down a few notches.

There is a definite pattern here.
When has the head of any department anywhere ever been in favor of budget cuts to his department? It's pretty much his job to not be in favor of it.
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I'm actually ok with these cuts. I'll take any cuts i can get at this point. But it is interesting one of his own lackeys is opposing him this way. Stay tuned i guess.

So you support cutting defense in order to fund Obamacare? 1 trillion out of one put right into another. It's just a game. A game at the expense of our safety.
Obama says he will veto any attempt to stop the cuts.

All of this mess makes it quite clear to me that Obama STILL puts ideology above the best interest of our country. It also makes me feel that NOTHING will change as long as he remains in office.

We do need to transform our military to deal with the threats we face in this new global age and there may be room for cuts in that transformation. BUT just blindly cutting military budgets without forethought is foolish.

The automatic cuts will not devastate or even cripple our defense. Some pork gets trimmed. Some wants go unanswered. The first sign of a cut and once again we have Washington telling us the Sky is falling.

125 billion a year. just 1.2 trillion to go. I must support the president on issuing the Veto threat.
Obama says he will veto any attempt to stop the cuts.

All of this mess makes it quite clear to me that Obama STILL puts ideology above the best interest of our country. It also makes me feel that NOTHING will change as long as he remains in office.

We do need to transform our military to deal with the threats we face in this new global age and there may be room for cuts in that transformation. BUT just blindly cutting military budgets without forethought is foolish.

The automatic cuts will not devastate or even cripple our defense. Some pork gets trimmed. Some wants go unanswered. The first sign of a cut and once again we have Washington telling us the Sky is falling.

125 billion a year. just 1.2 trillion to go. I must support the president on issuing the Veto threat.

Nothing gets saved. Nothing. What Obama guts from one program simply offsets his other non essential spending sprees.

You want to save money cut the fucking frivolous spending first then PLAN cuts in essential programs.
Keep in mind this was back in 09:
True...and high time that the Countries we are helping defend step thier spending a bit...

EXACTLY. The fact of the matter is, our defense budget is the free world's defense budget only we're the one's stuck footing the bill.
I am with you here. Time those countries that host us step up to the plate a bit more than they have. WWII has been over awhile. But this in no way negates the danger the free world is in from Radical Islam, and others against free nations.
Obama says he will veto any attempt to stop the cuts.

All of this mess makes it quite clear to me that Obama STILL puts ideology above the best interest of our country. It also makes me feel that NOTHING will change as long as he remains in office.

We do need to transform our military to deal with the threats we face in this new global age and there may be room for cuts in that transformation. BUT just blindly cutting military budgets without forethought is foolish.

The automatic cuts will not devastate or even cripple our defense. Some pork gets trimmed. Some wants go unanswered. The first sign of a cut and once again we have Washington telling us the Sky is falling.

125 billion a year. just 1.2 trillion to go. I must support the president on issuing the Veto threat.

Nothing gets saved. Nothing. What Obama guts from one program simply offsets his other non essential spending sprees.

You want to save money cut the fucking frivolous spending first then PLAN cuts in essential programs.

Now if they'd stick to Article 1, Section 8? :eusa_whistle:
Obama says he will veto any attempt to stop the cuts.

All of this mess makes it quite clear to me that Obama STILL puts ideology above the best interest of our country. It also makes me feel that NOTHING will change as long as he remains in office.

We do need to transform our military to deal with the threats we face in this new global age and there may be room for cuts in that transformation. BUT just blindly cutting military budgets without forethought is foolish.

The automatic cuts will not devastate or even cripple our defense. Some pork gets trimmed. Some wants go unanswered. The first sign of a cut and once again we have Washington telling us the Sky is falling.

125 billion a year. just 1.2 trillion to go. I must support the president on issuing the Veto threat.

Nothing gets saved. Nothing. What Obama guts from one program simply offsets his other non essential spending sprees.

You want to save money cut the fucking frivolous spending first then PLAN cuts in essential programs.

I wish I had the say in how the cuts take place. However that falls to our CIC The same guy that gave out no bid crony contracts to high donors.
I'm glad the "Super Committee" failed. Now at least we'll see some cuts. It's not nearly enough but at least they're beginning to cut.
Obama says he will veto any attempt to stop the cuts.

All of this mess makes it quite clear to me that Obama STILL puts ideology above the best interest of our country. It also makes me feel that NOTHING will change as long as he remains in office.

We do need to transform our military to deal with the threats we face in this new global age and there may be room for cuts in that transformation. BUT just blindly cutting military budgets without forethought is foolish.

Are you saying that you do not trust the military to spend the reduced future military spending growth (projected) monies in the best interests of the security of the united states?
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Whoever doesn't want defense cuts should tell us how we should pay for maintaining defense spending at the current levels, or even increasing it.

Increase revenue? or increase borrowing? or cut something else...

which is it? Those are the choices, in any combination.

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