seattle lib calls for national disruptions on inauguration day

Socialist Seattle councilmember calls for massive protest, nationwide shutdown on Inauguration Day

what a f ucking asshole. these cocksucking liberals can't stand a democratic election.
Clinton has won the popular vote. She is actually the new president.
The young people are victims of a poor public education system and thus are unaware as to how the election of a president is actually determined by the Electoral College, not who achieves the most votes via the public. Their poor education is also responsible for their being unaware of Islam's history, present and it's ultimate goals, thus they want open borders without a clue as to the disastrous repercussions of such a policy.
From the article:

"Demonstrators angry about the election of Donald Trump smashed windows and set garbage bins on fire"

In other words, liberals have resorted to acting like spoiled brats who are throwing temper tantrums because they didn't get their way. :crybaby:

Obamas legacy.

Socialist Seattle councilmember calls for massive protest, nationwide shutdown on Inauguration Day

what a f ucking asshole. these cocksucking liberals can't stand a democratic election.
Clinton has won the popular vote. She is actually the new president.

Clinton, herself, disagrees with you, and unlike you, respects the law of the land.

Rule by popular vote produces nightmares like the French Revolution.

You should thank your Founding Fathers to learn from history and know better.

Proven by the emergence of the Soviet Union and the Third Reich.
Wasn't there a thread on the board about Trump fans rioting if he Lost??

Guess its okay for the libtards to riot when they lose. Who knew??
If Hillary is such a great leader..? How come she was silent when her followers were disrupting the peaceful folk on the streets of America? The Dems always preach peaceful protests but stopping traffic on freeways and interstates is NOT a peaceful protest! It is wanton disruptive behavior.

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