Seattle Democrats Cancel Columbus Day. Replace It With "indigenous People's Day"

Washington state is becoming California North. Jeez what a pack if moon bats!

Turn off your computer and never fly on an American made commercial airline again.

Us "moon bats" as you call us developed and wrote the software you use on your computer to make it work. We also build the airplanes that you use to fly from point A to point B.

Don't use a Nintendo product either. It's all developed here in Washington.

Never shop at Costco, Nordstrom or REI because they started here in Washington, which are just a few companies that started here and are now all over the nation.

Never buy imported goods because most of them docked right here in Washington. Then were put on trucks to be shipped throughout the nation.

Those are just a few of the businesses that started here and branched out though out the nation.

Oh, and without the Boeing B-17 and B-29 bombers the air war during WWII would have had a very different outcome.

Boeing makes a lot of the military jets that are now being used to combat isis and the crazy terrorists you right wingers are so afraid of.

This country owes a lot to us "moon bats" here in Washington. I'm not surprised you spit in the faces of those who provided vital equipment that helped win WWIi and helps keep us free and safe.

Irrelevant non sequitur, idiot. Put the bong down moon bat.
language - definition of language by The Free Dictionary

Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system ofarbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.
b. Such a system including its rules for combining its components,such as words.
c. Such a system as used by a nation, people, or other distinctcommunity; often contrasted with dialect.
A system of signs, symbols, gestures, or rules used incommunicating: the language of algebra.
b. Computer Science A system of symbols and rules used forcommunication with or between computers.
Who says its not a written language? You dont get to decide what a written language is. You have no credibility. However, you avoided my other question entirely. Why did no European culture ever invent their own writing system?

Aztec writing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Mayan hieroglyphic script and languages

Hey whatever. Stay stupid if you want to. Good luck with that dumbass.
I bet you feel dumber than usual getting schooled like that? :lol:

The comedy writes itself.
Tell us all again how the Aztecs and the Mayas didnt have a written language? Oh I thought so.

Tell us again how symbols are a language. Idiot.
Because you use symbols to form written languages idiot. Do you see those symbols we call letters forming a written language for you or are you talking to me through mental telepathy? I hope you are sterilized. There is no way you should be allowed to pass on your defective genes.
Many hard far righties simply "don't care about any actual historical facts that don't fit what they believe to be true." This is true of all folks who discount critical thinking skills. They can't interact with change, and thus they become irrelevant.

HEY! Take it easy! You are breaking the Irony Meter.

Indeed! As all eyes are directed on you. :lol:

Ah! The old schoolyard "I know you are but what am I?" retort. Way to go genius.

Thanks! Just toying with a fool like you. Gets kind of boring. Waiting for you to upgrade your game but you have reached the pinnacle of your inadequacy to debate this issue.

Too late for backpedaling now idiot.
When a race is enslaved, that proves they are inferior. THINK

The English were enslaved by the Normans.

Were they inferior?

Your lack of morality means you God is "might makes right."

Losing a war does not mean you are enslaved. THINK

The economic servitude of feudal Norman society enslaved the English peasants.

Perhaps you have not noticed, the president is absolutely setting up a Feudal system. Perhaps you are not noticing it.

Who now has access to the best health care? No longer the middle class. They are being forced onto the great Obamacare system that does give access to the best care.

They cannot keep the doctor they had, nor the plan they had that did.


There is only so much more I can take of you people.
Washington state is becoming California North. Jeez what a pack if moon bats!

Turn off your computer and never fly on an American made commercial airline again.

Us "moon bats" as you call us developed and wrote the software you use on your computer to make it work. We also build the airplanes that you use to fly from point A to point B.

Don't use a Nintendo product either. It's all developed here in Washington.

Never shop at Costco, Nordstrom or REI because they started here in Washington, which are just a few companies that started here and are now all over the nation.

Never buy imported goods because most of them docked right here in Washington. Then were put on trucks to be shipped throughout the nation.

Those are just a few of the businesses that started here and branched out though out the nation.

Oh, and without the Boeing B-17 and B-29 bombers the air war during WWII would have had a very different outcome.

Boeing makes a lot of the military jets that are now being used to combat isis and the crazy terrorists you right wingers are so afraid of.

This country owes a lot to us "moon bats" here in Washington. I'm not surprised you spit in the faces of those who provided vital equipment that helped win WWIi and helps keep us free and safe.

In all due respect however, the Seattle area is a liberal cesspool that you couldn't pay me enough to live near. As I love to point out, there are more dogs than kids in Seattle. White liberals better enjoy their day in the rain there, because the future will look far different and will likely become more socially conservative when the white liberals there die off and are replaced by minorities who typically are more socially conservative.

Oh, and your weather sucks.
Hey whatever. Stay stupid if you want to. Good luck with that dumbass.
I bet you feel dumber than usual getting schooled like that? :lol:

The comedy writes itself.
Tell us all again how the Aztecs and the Mayas didnt have a written language? Oh I thought so.

Tell us again how symbols are a language. Idiot.
Because you use symbols to form written languages idiot. Do you see those symbols we call letters forming a written language for you or are you talking to me through mental telepathy? I hope you are sterilized. There is no way you should be allowed to pass on your defective genes.

Hey stupid. Look at Jake's post right above yours. It takes more than symbols but I already explained that and you are too stupid to see it. Good luck with that dumbass.
I bet you feel dumber than usual getting schooled like that? :lol:

The comedy writes itself.
Tell us all again how the Aztecs and the Mayas didnt have a written language? Oh I thought so.

Tell us again how symbols are a language. Idiot.
Because you use symbols to form written languages idiot. Do you see those symbols we call letters forming a written language for you or are you talking to me through mental telepathy? I hope you are sterilized. There is no way you should be allowed to pass on your defective genes.

Hey stupid. Look at Jake's post right above yours. It takes more than symbols but I already explained that and you are too stupid to see it. Good luck with that dumbass.

I saw his post. I'm the one that agreed with it. Since the Aztec and Mayan symbols fit the definition in his post you look like the dumbass I already knew you were. Lets see you work your way out of this one since you dont have the intelligence to realize you were wrong. This is becoming amusing.
I already told to stop deflecting. Dont let me have to warn you again. This isnt about democrats. Its about the white boy columbus and his arrival in the new world and the destruction he fostered and the events he set in motion. He was a mass murderer. He was a pedophile. He brought syphilis to the americas. You white people think he is the best thing since sliced bread. Can you explain why you fight to keep his holiday alive?

The fact that it annoys assholes is a big plus in its favor.

Thanks for being honest and admitting he didn't do shit but white people like to pretend he did something great. I would say they should change the slogan to "colubus discovered america.....for white people" but there were white people that came over even before he did. I always figured there was another reason they lied about this. You just clarified it was to annoy people.

It's not about the man himself, it's about symbolizing when Europeans came to the continent and the dawning of turning a wilderness into organized societies with technology.
It doesnt symbolize when Europeans came to the continent. Europeans had already come before that. What kind of retard are you?
I bet you feel dumber than usual getting schooled like that? :lol:

The comedy writes itself.
Tell us all again how the Aztecs and the Mayas didnt have a written language? Oh I thought so.
I bet you feel dumber than usual getting schooled like that? :lol:

The comedy writes itself.
Tell us all again how the Aztecs and the Mayas didnt have a written language? Oh I thought so.

If you look at my original post on this I said I "didn't think they did", then I posted that simple pictograms weren't a written language and showed you how that was so. So they did have a written language? I guessed wrong but my thinking and reasoning was correct. You are still an idiot but apparently an idiot who can Google. Congratulation.

You should have just posted "I cant think". Your type of thinking is exactly the reason columbus day is celebrated. You morons have no clue or inclination to find out the truth about your heroes. Then you get all butt hurt when the truth is called out. Sorry but just like you didnt think regarding the Aztecs and the Mayas, you dont think regarding columbus with his penchant for young boys and girls.

I never mentioned Columbus and young boys and girls idiot.
We know that. You were deflecting.
The comedy writes itself.
Tell us all again how the Aztecs and the Mayas didnt have a written language? Oh I thought so.

Tell us again how symbols are a language. Idiot.
Because you use symbols to form written languages idiot. Do you see those symbols we call letters forming a written language for you or are you talking to me through mental telepathy? I hope you are sterilized. There is no way you should be allowed to pass on your defective genes.

Hey stupid. Look at Jake's post right above yours. It takes more than symbols but I already explained that and you are too stupid to see it. Good luck with that dumbass.

I saw his post. I'm the one that agreed with it. Since the Aztec and Mayan symbols fit the definition in his post you look like the dumbass I already knew you were. Lets see you work your way out of this one since you dont have the intelligence to realize you were wrong. This is becoming amusing.
Lol, you can't even understand what you read! Not really surprising at all but added to the rest of your ignorant posts, it is interesting to see how much stupid you can post in a day. Please, don't stop now.
The comedy writes itself.
Tell us all again how the Aztecs and the Mayas didnt have a written language? Oh I thought so.
The comedy writes itself.
Tell us all again how the Aztecs and the Mayas didnt have a written language? Oh I thought so.

If you look at my original post on this I said I "didn't think they did", then I posted that simple pictograms weren't a written language and showed you how that was so. So they did have a written language? I guessed wrong but my thinking and reasoning was correct. You are still an idiot but apparently an idiot who can Google. Congratulation.

You should have just posted "I cant think". Your type of thinking is exactly the reason columbus day is celebrated. You morons have no clue or inclination to find out the truth about your heroes. Then you get all butt hurt when the truth is called out. Sorry but just like you didnt think regarding the Aztecs and the Mayas, you dont think regarding columbus with his penchant for young boys and girls.

I never mentioned Columbus and young boys and girls idiot.
We know that. You were deflecting.

You brought it up nit wit. Show me where I said anything at all about it. Show me where I agreed or disagreed. You can't because you are an idiot who is desperately spouting off nonsense.
Columbus was a mass murderer, folks.

The native peoples have every right for their holiday, and if Seattle wants to give them Columbus Day, no one of any intelligence really cares.

I can't wait to participate....I think I will go to the simulated human sacrifice booth first...they are giving away full sized chocolate human hearts, and then I might head over to the cannibalism booth...they have the best chili ever....and then we will round out our day with torture of white settlers activity...and various other atrocities committed by the early Americans...yeah, it was just a paradise over here before Columbus discovered it...
Tell us all again how the Aztecs and the Mayas didnt have a written language? Oh I thought so.

Tell us again how symbols are a language. Idiot.
Because you use symbols to form written languages idiot. Do you see those symbols we call letters forming a written language for you or are you talking to me through mental telepathy? I hope you are sterilized. There is no way you should be allowed to pass on your defective genes.

Hey stupid. Look at Jake's post right above yours. It takes more than symbols but I already explained that and you are too stupid to see it. Good luck with that dumbass.

I saw his post. I'm the one that agreed with it. Since the Aztec and Mayan symbols fit the definition in his post you look like the dumbass I already knew you were. Lets see you work your way out of this one since you dont have the intelligence to realize you were wrong. This is becoming amusing.
Lol, you can't even understand what you read! Not really surprising at all but added to the rest of your ignorant posts, it is interesting to see how much stupid you can post in a day. Please, don't stop now.
Well lets see you explain what it is I am not understanding? Where does the Aztec and Mayan symbols not fit this definition?

Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.

This ought to be good for about an hours worth of laughter watching you try to explain this one.
Tell us all again how the Aztecs and the Mayas didnt have a written language? Oh I thought so.
Tell us all again how the Aztecs and the Mayas didnt have a written language? Oh I thought so.

If you look at my original post on this I said I "didn't think they did", then I posted that simple pictograms weren't a written language and showed you how that was so. So they did have a written language? I guessed wrong but my thinking and reasoning was correct. You are still an idiot but apparently an idiot who can Google. Congratulation.

You should have just posted "I cant think". Your type of thinking is exactly the reason columbus day is celebrated. You morons have no clue or inclination to find out the truth about your heroes. Then you get all butt hurt when the truth is called out. Sorry but just like you didnt think regarding the Aztecs and the Mayas, you dont think regarding columbus with his penchant for young boys and girls.

I never mentioned Columbus and young boys and girls idiot.
We know that. You were deflecting.

You brought it up nit wit. Show me where I said anything at all about it. Show me where I agreed or disagreed. You can't because you are an idiot who is desperately spouting off nonsense.
You didnt because you were deflecting. Are you slow or are you having a hard time with my symbols?
Tell us again how symbols are a language. Idiot.
Because you use symbols to form written languages idiot. Do you see those symbols we call letters forming a written language for you or are you talking to me through mental telepathy? I hope you are sterilized. There is no way you should be allowed to pass on your defective genes.

Hey stupid. Look at Jake's post right above yours. It takes more than symbols but I already explained that and you are too stupid to see it. Good luck with that dumbass.

I saw his post. I'm the one that agreed with it. Since the Aztec and Mayan symbols fit the definition in his post you look like the dumbass I already knew you were. Lets see you work your way out of this one since you dont have the intelligence to realize you were wrong. This is becoming amusing.
Lol, you can't even understand what you read! Not really surprising at all but added to the rest of your ignorant posts, it is interesting to see how much stupid you can post in a day. Please, don't stop now.
Well lets see you explain what it is I am not understanding? Where does the Aztec and Mayan symbols not fit this definition?

Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system ofarbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.

This ought to be good for about an hours worth of laughter watching you try to explain this one.

"System" idiot "system". If I went by your idiotic logic, I could claim that my old photo albums were a language. I hope you are able to understand this time because you are starting to bore me.
The Native American side of me (Chippewa) takes a bit of offense at some of the crap posted here. Native Americans lived simply and light on the land. Whites live hard on the land and pollute and destroy it.
Whites broke almost all treaties with the Native Americans.
This country was founded on deceit, greed, lies, theft, slavery and genocide. The one thing it wasn't really founded upon was Christian values.
Since you've got a Saint Patrick Day for the Irish drunks and a black history month, as one day wasn't good enough to satisfy them, I'm all for an Indigenous Peoples Day and you can shove your opinions to the contrary. bought all that did you...that the natives were eco opposed to just as destructive to the environment in their ignorance...and only did less damage because they didn't have the knowledge that would have allowed their population to grow...

And all the fighting over resources that occurred between early American tribes...I'm sure the killing in those activities was somehow better...ever read about what the early Americans did to each other when they were captured....
Leave it to the Uber-Liberal Progressive Freak Show in the Pacific Northwest to take this tack.

With any luck, there are enough Italian-Americans living within their jurisdiction, to get pissed off enough to bitch-slap 'em at the polls this November.

Idjit butt-flosses.

Your post screams that you know nothing about Seattle.

I was born and raised there. I still live in the area.

Seattle and the metro area is mostly liberal. The few conservatives who do live in the area keep a very low profile. I don't know of any republican or conservative that can get elected in Seattle anymore.

Since the majority of the population is liberal in that area, the last time we elected a gop governor was 30 years ago. The last time the state's electoral votes went to a republican president was 30 years ago.

A lot of the west side of the mountains is mostly liberal and since we're the majority, we usually win elections and set the over all policy of the state. Though there are pockets of liberals in Spokane too.

The result of that is higher standard of living, higher median income. Lower unemployment than the national average. We've got tons of jobs here. Cleaner air and water than a lot of cities in the nation. We encourage diversity and include everyone who lives here. Not just the white europeans.

As a result, people want to live here even though our weather isn't the best. People put up with the rain because we have good jobs that pay good wages so people can buy a house and raise a family.

We value eduction and most people here have at least a 4 year degree. I read an article a while ago that reported we have the highest population with advanced degrees and we read more than the rest of the nation.

While real estate is high here, other things like energy is much cheaper here than most of the rest of the nation. The reason why real estate is high is because of supply and demand. If people didn't want to live here real estate would be as cheap as it is in red states where people don't have opportunities and don't want to live there.

If you think that there's enough conservatives in Seattle to override the liberal vote, I've got a bridge to sell you.
He didn't discover America as the presence of native peoples attests to say nothing of the half dozen or more other cultures which 'discovered' it before he did.

Excuse me...he did discover this part of the world...since the people of Europe obviously had no idea it yes...he discovered the new world regardless of who else may have also discovered it...considering they didn't have the internet to share their let's try to get past that lame attack on Columbus...

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