Sea Levels Are Rising...So Are We The People! Make our planet great again...Act now or swim later


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now

"in late January, some 30,000 students protested in three Belgian cities. The same week, more than 10,000 skipped school in Germany

Tens of thousands of teenagers across Europe skipped school again Friday. They’ve been congregating weekly in streets, plazas and parks, but not for a concert or weekend adventure. They’ve gathered to show the grown-ups that they will no longer play by their rules, and to demand that adults protect their future from climate-change disasters. These teens are part of a movement that has spread across the European Union and is expanding globally. Thousands of Britons took part in this week’s protests"

source: Washington Post
Lol....nobody cares....a handful of students throw a protest and progressives become euphoric. Bowing in front of billboards is ghey.

Anyway....the teens dont know shit about shit and still haven't figured out how to pull up their pants. Almost all of them also dont know China is opening 1-2 new coal plants/month. They'll catch on as they get older!:2up:
What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now

"in late January, some 30,000 students protested in three Belgian cities. The same week, more than 10,000 skipped school in Germany

Tens of thousands of teenagers across Europe skipped school again Friday. They’ve been congregating weekly in streets, plazas and parks, but not for a concert or weekend adventure. They’ve gathered to show the grown-ups that they will no longer play by their rules, and to demand that adults protect their future from climate-change disasters. These teens are part of a movement that has spread across the European Union and is expanding globally. Thousands of Britons took part in this week’s protests"

source: Washington Post
/---/ Any excuse to cut class. Been going on since the 1960s.
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Rising Sea Levels. Extreme Weather. Wildfires. Drought. Glaciers Melting. Species Dying. Deforestation. Coral Reefs Dying. CLIMATE CHANGE IS A NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Fear of immigrants is a Fake Trump Emergency
What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now

"in late January, some 30,000 students protested in three Belgian cities. The same week, more than 10,000 skipped school in Germany

Tens of thousands of teenagers across Europe skipped school again Friday. They’ve been congregating weekly in streets, plazas and parks, but not for a concert or weekend adventure. They’ve gathered to show the grown-ups that they will no longer play by their rules, and to demand that adults protect their future from climate-change disasters. These teens are part of a movement that has spread across the European Union and is expanding globally. Thousands of Britons took part in this week’s protests"

source: Washington Post

Climate Change deniers would rather drown in a salt water grave than admit they may have been fooled by a very expensive decades long misinformation campaign. Just like smokers.
What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now

"in late January, some 30,000 students protested in three Belgian cities. The same week, more than 10,000 skipped school in Germany

Tens of thousands of teenagers across Europe skipped school again Friday. They’ve been congregating weekly in streets, plazas and parks, but not for a concert or weekend adventure. They’ve gathered to show the grown-ups that they will no longer play by their rules, and to demand that adults protect their future from climate-change disasters. These teens are part of a movement that has spread across the European Union and is expanding globally. Thousands of Britons took part in this week’s protests"

source: Washington Post

Climate Change deniers would rather drown in a salt water grave than admit they may have been fooled by a very expensive decades long misinformation campaign. Just like smokers.
/----/ For the 10,000th time you thick as brick libtard moonbats.No one denies the climate is changing - it has been changing since the earth was formed and will continue to do so no matter how much you raise taxes and no matter how many of our freedoms you take away. Got it?
4.5 Billion Years of the Earth’s Temperature
Very Early Earth’s History (4.5 billion – 3.8 billion years ago)

The Earth was formed roughly 4.5 billion years ago. Until 3.8 billion years ago it was a completely inhospitable environment with the surface being mainly molten lava. The Earth eventually cooled enough for its crust to form. Land masses could then exist and, when it was cold enough to rain, the oceans formed. Around this time the atmosphere was predominantly consisted of methane (CH4) and ammonia (NH3), two extremely important greenhouse gases, thus their radiative forcing kept the Earth’s atmosphere warm and toasty!
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What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now

"in late January, some 30,000 students protested in three Belgian cities. The same week, more than 10,000 skipped school in Germany

Tens of thousands of teenagers across Europe skipped school again Friday. They’ve been congregating weekly in streets, plazas and parks, but not for a concert or weekend adventure. They’ve gathered to show the grown-ups that they will no longer play by their rules, and to demand that adults protect their future from climate-change disasters. These teens are part of a movement that has spread across the European Union and is expanding globally. Thousands of Britons took part in this week’s protests"

source: Washington Post
some people doubt the existence of global warming because of the absence of historical precedent. i'm trying to change that!
in New England, there was wisespread snow in 1816, and rain fell continuously from May to October. food riots followed. historians called it "The Latest Great Climate Crisis" in the world
What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now

"in late January, some 30,000 students protested in three Belgian cities. The same week, more than 10,000 skipped school in Germany

Tens of thousands of teenagers across Europe skipped school again Friday. They’ve been congregating weekly in streets, plazas and parks, but not for a concert or weekend adventure. They’ve gathered to show the grown-ups that they will no longer play by their rules, and to demand that adults protect their future from climate-change disasters. These teens are part of a movement that has spread across the European Union and is expanding globally. Thousands of Britons took part in this week’s protests"

source: Washington Post

They’ve gathered to show the grown-ups that they will no longer play by their rules, and to demand that adults protect their future from climate-change disasters.

The quickest way to cut CO2 emissions is to deport all the 3rd worlders back to their shitholes.
They emit much less CO2 back home then they do in Europe or the US.
What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now

"in late January, some 30,000 students protested in three Belgian cities. The same week, more than 10,000 skipped school in Germany

Tens of thousands of teenagers across Europe skipped school again Friday. They’ve been congregating weekly in streets, plazas and parks, but not for a concert or weekend adventure. They’ve gathered to show the grown-ups that they will no longer play by their rules, and to demand that adults protect their future from climate-change disasters. These teens are part of a movement that has spread across the European Union and is expanding globally. Thousands of Britons took part in this week’s protests"

source: Washington Post
Was it Woodward and Bernstein who wrote that piece? Titled.... All the Globalists Scams!
90 percent of the population of England and Scotland vanished in the 1800's because of climate change, according to Al Gore's book
you guys claim you love your children but you are destroying their future. my son literally told me: "sorry i cant tidy my bedroom i have to save the planet".


Rising Sea Levels. Extreme Weather. Wildfires. Drought. Glaciers Melting. Species Dying. Deforestation. Coral Reefs Dying. CLIMATE CHANGE IS A NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Fear of immigrants is a Fake Trump Emergency
Sea level has bee rising for 12,000 years. Extreme weather outside the tropics is driven by temp differences between the poles and the equator. As pole temps rise we should expect less extreme weather. Wildfires are nothing compared to pre-1950. Drought is associated with a colder planet. Glaciers melt and grow. Species are dying for a myriad of reasons, CO2 isn't one of them. Coral reefs are suffering from primarily from ag runoff.
They just had the Crosby.....errr...AT&T golf TMT@Pebble Beach. Looked the same as the 60s? Give it up loons.

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