
It's always been Republican here thats all I know here and couldn't base it against something else. I am in the category Economists call "poverty" but I don't take any state or fed assistance, I pay my own bills on time and just don't live beyond my means.
]it is alive and human. Do u know what they do to babies that are aborted? They go in and cut them to pieces in the womb then suck them out or they might inject a substance that burns them alive in the womb in pictures you can see the baby tiring to get away for the burning solution. [/I]

What should they do with aborted fetuses?

Ohhh I don't know don't abort them for starters. I am never going to support burning baby's to death in the womb or for cutting them up in the womb. I have no idea how you can justify that inhuman procedure. I bet if we did that to a dog the liberals would come running and screaming to stoppp it.

Are you for extending sex education and providing birth control to girls entering puberty?

Sex education yes birth control no. That is the parents job not the schools. You know we do have free clinics that give out all kinds of free stuff. You assume a lot of things about me that you do not know.

Yes because it’s neonatal surgery, not abortion

Sooo it is OK to give a baby anesthesia for surgery but not to kill it. They give death row inmates sedatives. That makes no sense what so ever. You condone torturing babies in the womb? That is OK for you unbelievable.

No, because in many cases its “boy and girl” and abstinence is the only method of birth control acceptable to the right.

IC so you are saying that children on the left are not taught to wait. So what are you telling your kids if it feels good do it? yeah that is responsible.

]Do we get to kill someone because they are a inconvenient? [/I]

Yes, we do it all the time, all over the world.

Sooo two wrongs somehow make it right is that your logic?

In late term abortion the child is delivered feet first alive the doctor leaves the head inside the womb while he rams an instrument into the baby's skull killing it. Yes this is true and it is already legal in the United States. Nurse reports cradling a Down syndrome baby for 45 min after an abortion until the child died for lack of medical assistance. [/I]

No I do not condone bombing abortion clinics that would be wrong again. You got it wrong again. check with me when you have a question about what is right or wrong you obviously do not know the difference.

]We do allow adoption and there are thousands of couples waiting to adopt who want to raise a child. [/I]

Yes, but only if the child is healthy and white.

Wow are you a closet racist? Are you saying their are NO black people that want to adopt? Are you saying whites only adopt white babies? That smacks of racism. Show me the stats. I think you be wrong. I think Angelina and Brad Pitt have proven that one wrong many times and Madonna.

understand that my concept of when sentient life begins is different from yours, but I am not forcing mothers to have abortions. On the other hand you would probably oppose the abortion pill and sex ed in the class room.

Let me just tell you a baby can survive at 24 weeks with proper medical treatment. As technology gets better and better babies will be able to survive sooner and sooner outside the womb. Stay with me now if a baby can survive outside their mothers body does that now make them a person? Or are you saying if I cannot see it it does not exist? You have provided a lame response at best. When the baby has a heartbeat it is human and has rights[/QUOTE]

Its just not that big of a deal to me, the economy, the war, civil rights etc. trumps abortion in my book.

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