Screw Abstinence Party


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004
An affiliate of one of the nation's leading abortion-rights groups is taking a hard-edged swipe at cultural conservatives by inviting young donors to a "Screw Abstinence Party."

The Washington-state affiliate of NARAL Pro-Choice America says the first-of-its-kind fund-raiser tomorrow night in Seattle targets young professionals in their 20s and 30s.

A promo for the event says: "Tired of Bush & Co. spending your tax dollars on abstinence-only-until-marriage initiatives that promote dangerous misinformation? Throw your hands up and say it loud: 'Screw Abstinence!'"
Here is the NARAL website:

Here are a few of the highlights:

Pork Filled Players – Seattle theatre’s hottest sketch comedy group performs a sex ed class for adults
Toys in Babeland – Seattle’s sleaze-free, sex-positive purveyors of adult toys offer tips on “Sexy Safer Sex”

Ticket Prices:

$15.00 “The Birds and the Bees” - Gets ya in the door.
$30.00 “The Full Monty”- Gets ya in the door, a Screw Driver drink ticket, & a Screw Abstinence T-Shirt.

You also have to be 21 to enter.

Obviously something geared to Non-Middle School/High School students.

Looks like an excuse to dance and get drunk.
-Cp said:
An affiliate of one of the nation's leading abortion-rights groups is taking a hard-edged swipe at cultural conservatives by inviting young donors to a "Screw Abstinence Party."

The Washington-state affiliate of NARAL Pro-Choice America says the first-of-its-kind fund-raiser tomorrow night in Seattle targets young professionals in their 20s and 30s.

A promo for the event says: "Tired of Bush & Co. spending your tax dollars on abstinence-only-until-marriage initiatives that promote dangerous misinformation? Throw your hands up and say it loud: 'Screw Abstinence!'"

What a lovely and positive forum for young women :wtf:
I guess I'm a bit slow... are these people SERIOUSLY against teaching kids to wait to have sex? How could that possibly be a bad thing, regardless of your political affiliations?
mom4 said:
I guess I'm a bit slow... are these people SERIOUSLY against teaching kids to wait to have sex? How could that possibly be a bad thing, regardless of your political affiliations?

Because they make their money with contraception and abortion, abstience would put a real crimp in that.
I have to ask....

If these bastions of genius are teaching kids to have sex....

then why are they so upset about pedophilia or child pornography?

After all, why do we protect kids from such things (I assume from the belief that exposure to sex is harmful to children)?

And if sex is harmful to children that we have to protect them from pornography and from sexual predators, then why are we educating kids about the "down and dirty" about sex?

If "kids are going to have sex anyway", then why not do the following instead? While in sex education kids can have sex with an adult sex educator (who has been trained, of course) who can teach them how to use condoms, perform "safe sex acts", teach the girls about avoiding pregnancy. All in the safety of a school setting. The girls won't get pregnant, the kids won't get diseases and not only that, it will eliminate the problem of pedophilic teachers (and priests, too! Maybe Catholic Schools ought to get on this!). And of course, gay students can have sex with a gay sex educator, too. And let's not forget, if the girls accidentally get pregnant, the schools can arrange for a quick and discrete abortion, no one has to know, not even the parents! Gee, I don't know why no one has thought of this before! (Note: if anyone actually believes that I'm condoning this sort of nonsense, they're definitely missing the point)

Does anyone else see the contradiction here... or have I been drinking too much root beer?
Obviously, many of you have been drinking too much of something.
Let me see if I can explain it to you. There are these things called "hormones." All young girls (Christian or not, regardless of parentage) suddenly become sexually aware. Especially when they are surrounded by sexual references in movies, TV, music, media and personal contacts. It happens to boys as well. Not only are boys explosed to the same temptations, they are thrust into a culture that teaches them that they are not "men" until they get laid.
Unless you track your daughter like a watchdog, or perhaps never let her out of the house, she is going to meet some guy who fancies her. And perhaps the feeling is mutual. There is going to sexual curiousity, or at least interest. Whether mommy and daddy like it or not.
IF your daughter decides to have sex (she is NOT going to ask you -- trust me on this), would you like her to know how to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy. Or would you like her to believe something like "you can't get pregnant the first time" or "I won't come in you, so you won't get pregnant."
You can tell teenagers what NOT to do until you are blue in the face. You can threaten and promise all you want. They might decide not to listen to you.

Does anyone REALLY think that if you teach only abstinence, and not provide kids access to birth control, they will decide not to have sex? While you are at it, tell them not to drink, smoke, curse or write with their left hand.
You can be as moral white bread as you want. It doesn't guarantee that your kids will do the same.
Gabriella84 said:
Does anyone REALLY think that if you teach only abstinence, and not provide kids access to birth control, they will decide not to have sex? While you are at it, tell them not to drink, smoke, curse or write with their left hand.
You can be as moral white bread as you want. It doesn't guarantee that your kids will do the same.

Yes. I was told to remain chaste, and more importantly I was told why we remain chaste, and I am chaste till this day because of it. That's the beauty of human being, if you teach them good principles they will govern themselves. You severely underestimate the power of good parents. Probably because of your lack of experience in that matter.
Avatar4321 said:
Yes. I was told to remain chaste, and more importantly I was told why we remain chaste, and I am chaste till this day because of it. That's the beauty of human being, if you teach them good principles they will govern themselves. You severely underestimate the power of good parents.

Excellent point. All this talk about kids not being able to control themselves. Some people would want you to believe that kids will wake up one day, their raging hormones have overtaken them, and any and all teachings from their parents will be thrown out the window.

These hormones obviously cause such animalisitc feelings that these poor children simply can't control themselves and will sleep with the first person they walk upon in the hallway at school.

I firmly believe that with the proper teaching (when the children are growing up) of what is right and wrong, respect, how they react to other people and situations, that a lot of this "sexual desire due to hormones" will take them of themselves.

There is peer pressure with cigarettes, liquor, drugs, porn, etc. This parental upbringing will touch on all these parts of their life.

I know this because I lived it. Two girls. Five years apart. They were taught from day one that they control their own actions. These are the things that are proper and correct; these are the things that are not. The list of things that were not acceptable was based on respect (for others and themselves), health, safety, and the law.

You teach your child to wake up in the morning. You teach your child to be clean; take showers, wash their hair, brush their teeth, etc. Why is it so difficult to teach them to say "no" to things that aren't acceptable because of their age or ....?

Believe me, I had a much harder time getting them to wake up in the morning than I did convincing them that saying "no" was a preferred option. Telling them about teenage pregnancy, disease, how their plans for their life would change if they had a child, etc was a breeze compared to getting them out of bed to go to school.

Being a parent isn't easy. Yes, there are all kinds of outside influences over your children that are tough and sometimes, almost impossible to deal with.

I refuse to allow this to change the way I want to raise my kids. I say abstinence is best. Just because there is sex on tv, music, etc; I'm not going to "give-in" and say, "Having sex before you are married is bad and here are the reasons:...... But, if you do have sex, use protection."

Talk about a mixed message.

It is called "self-fulfilling prophecy." If you keep saying it is impossible to teach abstinence, kids don't listen, raging hormones; then yes, parents will believe it.

I wonder what would happen all that energy spent on "just say protection" was spent on "just say no."
Gabby, one universal rule about bad behavior is that regulations legitimize that behavior. If you teach that abstinence is the only correct option, then thy'll know that you severely dissapprove. Also, if you don't pesent them with these false, unreliable safety nets, they'll catch diseases and get pregnant. Tell them this, and they're astronomically less likely to have sex before it's time. However, if you say, "Don't have sex, but if you do..." then you're establishing rules for what's acceptable when having pre-marital sex. This legitimizes the activity and they think it's o.k., so they'll do it. Sure, the "Don't, but if you do..." thing sounds nice in concept, but it doesn't work.
Just follow the money trail. NARAL and Planned Parenthood work hand-in-hand, and NARAL is supported by abortion clinics and their personnel. They have an economic interest in teens having sex. No sex= no abortions= no $$
The thing is, as a parent, you just don't know. Your kids can easily tell you one thing and be doing something else. How well do you really know your kids? Have you followed them around all day?
Things may be different for some people. If you impose mandatory religious services, have Bible readings every night and tell your kids that if they have sex before marriage, they will be doomed to hell, perhaps they will abstain. If you tell your daughters that having sex before marriage automatically leads to pregnancy and diseases, perhaps they will abstain.
My parents had sex before marriage and it hasn't ruin their lives. It hasn't ruined my sister's life yet and it hasn't ruined my life yet.

If your kids are REALLY strong, sending them "mixed messages" won't matter. Telling them about birth control won't matter. They will still choose not to have sex.
At the same time, if your "good" girl wakes up with a rebellious streak one day and decides to have sex, you will have all your bases covered.

You can't dictate behavior. You can at least provide some answers.
Gabriella84 said:
You can't dictate behavior. You can at least provide some answers.

You don't understand the Gospel then. The world tries to change behavior. Christ changes human nature.
mom4 said:
I guess I'm a bit slow... are these people SERIOUSLY against teaching kids to wait to have sex? How could that possibly be a bad thing, regardless of your political affiliations?

It's not,it's a good message however telling people to wait until they are married you be replaced by telling people to wait in general, (young people cannot handle sex effectively, trust me I am one) it's only dangerous when it's accompanied by misinformation about STD's and condoms etc. Because some kids will have sex no matter what you tell them and they should be notified of the realistic risks, they'll find the benifits out for themselves.
Abbey Normal said:
Just follow the money trail. NARAL and Planned Parenthood work hand-in-hand, and NARAL is supported by abortion clinics and their personnel. They have an economic interest in teens having sex. No sex= no abortions= no $$

Unfortunately despite abstinance only teaching in the south, Southern states still have extremely high rates of abortions and unwanted pregnancies, so you're wrong,

Saying planned Parenthood is all about money is like saying a hospital is all about money. Nobody in planned parenthood is going to teens and saying "get pregnant" they're saying here is a option if you do get pregnant. Of course you would know that since you think planned parenthood is some faceless evil organization that demonizes christians and holds orgy parties for teens so that the evil abortion service proiders can make money

Do you know that in certain states People in Planned Parenthood groups that get federal money are not allowed to even talk about abortions, hmm no you probably didnt. What about all these single issue groups that have given money to George Bush, or the hundreds of millions he's spent on abstinence only education, no money trail there of course, what a stupid concept .. Yes, theres a worldwide consipracy of gynecoligists making billions of dollars of of abortion, oh wait there isnt, in fact most of them operate anonymously because people threaten them and stalk their kids, is that the money trail your talking about.

As a teen my self I think It's laughable that adults are so concerned with a "moral message" teenagers fuck up and make mistakes no matter what you tell them about the consequences. Some teens dont listen to a word their parents say. Do you think that that is suddenly going to change if you put more emphasis on abstinece, it wont, tell them you'll go to hell, tell them about aids and pregnancy and it wont make a lick of difference.But tell them about condoms and all of a sudden they'll rush out and have sex with everyone they can find because we sent them a "mixed message" lady I got tons of mixed messages, and this may be anecdotal but I turned out just fine. Mixed messages are everywhere in society, where else but in a society that condones free thought could the mixed message of eat delicious food but still be thin exist. People are not robots who break down when someone confuses them with an impossible mathematical equation or in the case of abstinence only education "mixed messages" we learn and grow from influence from all sorts of places, our families, teachers, friends,society, <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='music, books'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">music, books</a>, art, religion. All these things decide our outlook and how we behave. Suggesting that teenagers can be so easily influenced by a lesson about sex taught in the classroom suggests that human biengs are clay that can be molded by the one with access to the clay. It belies the fact that humans make decisions based on all sorts of factors not simply what they are told to do. This is my two dollars worth of opinion
Avatar4321 said:
You don't understand the Gospel then. The world tries to change behavior. Christ changes human nature.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isnt human behavior directyl caused by human nature.

Also I'd like to ask you if you think that human nature has changed since Jesus' time?
Avatar4321 said:
Yes. I was told to remain chaste, and more importantly I was told why we remain chaste, and I am chaste till this day because of it. That's the beauty of human being, if you teach them good principles they will govern themselves. You severely underestimate the power of good parents. Probably because of your lack of experience in that matter.

That's a pretty low attack on Gabby and you yourself remaining moraly upright does not guarantee the same results for everyone You are you not everyone else in america.
xandy123 said:
That's a pretty low attack on Gabby and you yourself remaining moraly upright does not guarantee the same results for everyone You are you not everyone else in america.

How are obvious observations always considered "attacks" to you? It's obvious to any rational person on USMB that Gabby didn't have the best of parents by how "kooky" she's turned out - this is evident by her posts...
-Cp said:
How are obvious observations always considered "attacks" to you? It's obvious to any rational person on USMB that Gabby didn't have the best of parents by how "kooky" she's turned out - this is evident by her posts...

That's a stupid, unfounded assertion. Then again, I guess it's no different than most of the other crap you post.

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