Scientists race to understand highly mutated coronavirus variant

Virus has been proven to cause heart damage and its very benign and you want another shot ???
Are you joking
Would be awesome if the fake the vaccine causes some highly aggressive form of Cancer and most of the population of leftist maggots are dead
Natural vaccine mutation always produces weaker variants-- See past history as we passed theough Alpha , Beta , Delta and Omicron .So ,unless there has been more bio-engineering we should not be worried . Only someone who is uneducated and cannot research would even think of a mRNA vaccine . You would be mentally unbalanced to do so.

The whole reason the COVID virus mutates into other variants is because of the vaccinated like yourself. Viruses are always going to mutate to try to circumvent a vaccine, and the COVID vaccines have compromised your natural immune system. That's why the vaccinated have a higher incidence of catching COVID over and over, while those who let it run its course rarely ever catch it again. The truth is, you vaccinated folks are walking, talking cootie factories.

looks like i'll be getting myself an updated shot.
Hard to get an, "updated shot," when I never had the first one. . . . Are the first ones even available anymore?


The whole reason the COVID virus mutates into other variants is because of the vaccinated like yourself. Viruses are always going to mutate to try to circumvent a vaccine, and the COVID vaccines have compromised your natural immune system. That's why the vaccinated have a higher incidence of catching COVID over and over, while those who let it run its course rarely ever catch it again. The truth is, you vaccinated folks are walking, talking cootie factories.
I have always wanted to know why when a Virus mutates it always goes for quantity ( mutates thousands of times if you allow enough time to pass ) instead of going for quality -- working out which elements produce the best results-- increased virulence . Now if that has been deemed to be the only allowable route by God then I am happy to reconsider my stance on the belief of a Good God rather than a miserable unjust bastard . Just saying . But if a Virus appears that finds a way to distinguish between routes that produce best results rather than just random and energy using guesses , we are finished as a species . Except for Turdy, Toomuchbooze and The Sniveller who are mutants to begin with .imho
Situation Normal, All Faucied Up Beyond All Recognition

Pharmafia-financed scare stories are a growth industry.
I have always wanted to know why when a Virus mutates it always goes for quantity ( mutates thousands of times if you allow enough time to pass ) instead of going for quality -- working out which elements produce the best results-- increased virulence . Now if that has been deemed to be the only allowable route by God then I am happy to reconsider my stance on the belief of a Good God rather than a miserable unjust bastard . Just saying . But if a Virus appears that finds a way to distinguish between routes that produce best results rather than just random and energy using guesses , we are finished as a species . Except for Turdy, Toomuchbooze and The Sniveller who are mutants to begin with .imho
I assume you believed you were being sarcastic or highly intelligent. But, you failed at both. Why did you put your bigoted distaste for God into your head?
I assume you believed you were being sarcastic or highly intelligent. But, you failed at both. Why did you put your bigoted distaste for God into your head?
You are right . I am highly intelligent though , perhaps wrongly , I do use sarcasm when dealing with the obviously not so bright. . How god is relevant to this Topic in your muddled post is something for you to sort out for yourself . And your opinion of my view of him/it is your entitlement, but to me it is an expression of my spiritual values which, by the sound of it , you will need several more incarnations to begin to understand .

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