Scientists Admit Problems

What is the problem here? Science goes by mostly stratigraphic fossilized evidence and extrapolation to piece history together since we were obviously not there, and there are seldom any direct organic remains as direct evidence to piece together large segments of history lost or yet to be discovered. That doesn't make the theories wrong, especially when they are a best fit to the available evidence.
Here is a good article that I found. I would like to get some reactions to it.

This is such nonsense. It starts by confusing what science is and what discovery is.

"Strange as it sounds, scientists still do not know the answers to some of the most basic questions about how life on Earth evolved."

I mean, yeah, of course. Scientists EXIST because they don't know everything. If we knew everything, we wouldn't need to LEARN IT.

It's literally people trying to be intelligent, and coming out showing everyone they have no idea what they're talking about.
Evolution happens very fast. In a matter of days, having endured below zero temperatures for a week, temperatures above zero actually felt pleasant. :)
Sadly, I unevolved soon after and those temps felt cold again. :(
What is the problem here? Science goes by mostly stratigraphic fossilized evidence and extrapolation to piece history together since we were obviously not there, and there are seldom any direct organic remains as direct evidence to piece together large segments of history lost or yet to be discovered. That doesn't make the theories wrong, especially when they are a best fit to the available evidence.

But it highlights those whose brains are petrified and shows you those who are scared they might lose their jobs and

research grants if they query the establishment narratives .
99.9 percent of all life this planet has produced is now extinct. That leaves .01 percent remaining life to extrapolate the whole from. In short; many questions will never be answered...
Atheists have filled in the blanks of knowledge with what they wished to be true instead of what they actually knew. But because they lack in character or morals they wished for God to not exist...and came up with illogical arguments to prove such.

Nowadays we call that fantasy delusional thinking. The stuff that non-binary sex addicts use for their logic.

Meaning that the whole argument of evolutionary theory is crap science taught to those who need to learn what real science is.

There are more holes in evolutionary theory than in any antivaxxer's logic. And that's saying something.
My views :
A lot of scientists are materialists. So They do believe only physical matter exists. That's why I still enjoy watching psychic investigators on YouTube. :) I found those egghead scientists dead boring! :(

I'm a dualist myself, supporting dualism( soul & body, suffering & nonsuffering, matter & antimatter, good & evil, God & Satan, Angel & demon, etc).

Obviously, science is not a magic wand, nor is it the answer to every question. That's why students need to study variety of subjects in school or college. :)

Source :
1) 8 Major Limitations of Science Worth Noting – 8 Major Limitations of Science Worth Noting/
2) The Limitations of Science – Adventist Today – The Limitations of Science/
3) Science has limits: A few things that science does not do - Understanding Science – Science has limits: A few things that science does not do - Understanding Science/
4) Youtube

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