Schultz:"Right-Wingers determined to Get Rid of Social Security"!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Interesting because it perfectly illustrates how Schultz/democrats/liberals are totally short sighted!

It shows how important controlling workers are to these elitists.
Rather then let the individual accumulate and become millionaires, Schultz would rather give handouts petty amounts to retirees.

Rather then letting a 23 year old worker entering the work force to with the forced deductions accumulate over $500,000 in the worker's life time Schultz want to rob the worker of this accumulation!

All because Schultz want to control people's lives and they know they can't tell people that's their objective so they explain it is their responsibility!

Yea.. right.. I just wish when I was 23 my nearly $200,000 paid in to social security was under my control because today it would be worth $2 million
and I can prove it!
Schultz is an unhinged fuckwit.... nobody save the rdeans or TM's of the world pay any attention to him.
No idea what you're saying, but Schultz is a dipshit and everybody knows it.

Sorry I didn't make my self clearer but I wanted to show how people like Schultz want to keep SS as a tool for controlling people versus what evidently people like you and others to let workers accumulate and control the money deducted from their paychecks and right now used to pay govt. bills!

That's why I showed how compound interest works!
Show me a person that believes what Schultz says and I'll show you a mindless sheep.
The Republicans have been trying to get rid of Social Security for years, so their buddies on Wall Street can get their hands on all that delicious retirement money.
The Republicans have been trying to get rid of Social Security for years, so their buddies on Wall Street can get their hands on all that delicious retirement money.

You're evidence is??

BTW privatizing SS is not getting rid of it.
The Republicans have been trying to get rid of Social Security for years, so their buddies on Wall Street can get their hands on all that delicious retirement money.

Pure garbage.

Bush blew it when he said privatize it. We all groanded....have I mentioned he is a moron ?

As a member of the GOP, I want the dollars I paid in to be in an account with my name on it. I want it treated like savings (that I can't withdraw). When I pass, it goes to my kids accounts.

There are hundred different ways to structure programs that don't privatize it.

You really are a spinbot.
I only watch Ed in the hopes he has a heart attack or a brain hemorage (of course.....) on the set.

It would be better than watching Keith Olbermann wetting his pants during his Special Comment segment.
[ame=]White People Are So Damn Stupid-The Fat Ed Show - YouTube[/ame]

This is Ed Schultz To A Tee !!! {thats me in the fat suit,,but not my voice}
> waiting for someone to send/find a link of Bush or Reagan making the statement that we need to end social security as we know it and the over 62 crowd will have to keep working until they drop.
Interesting because it perfectly illustrates how Schultz/democrats/liberals are totally short sighted!

It shows how important controlling workers are to these elitists.
Rather then let the individual accumulate and become millionaires, Schultz would rather give handouts petty amounts to retirees.

Rather then letting a 23 year old worker entering the work force to with the forced deductions accumulate over $500,000 in the worker's life time Schultz want to rob the worker of this accumulation!

All because Schultz want to control people's lives and they know they can't tell people that's their objective so they explain it is their responsibility!

Yea.. right.. I just wish when I was 23 my nearly $200,000 paid in to social security was under my control because today it would be worth $2 million
and I can prove it!

Wingnuts are determined to get rid of SS and Medicare. It won't happen, it will never happen.
Interesting because it perfectly illustrates how Schultz/democrats/liberals are totally short sighted!

It shows how important controlling workers are to these elitists.
Rather then let the individual accumulate and become millionaires, Schultz would rather give handouts petty amounts to retirees.

Rather then letting a 23 year old worker entering the work force to with the forced deductions accumulate over $500,000 in the worker's life time Schultz want to rob the worker of this accumulation!

All because Schultz want to control people's lives and they know they can't tell people that's their objective so they explain it is their responsibility!

Yea.. right.. I just wish when I was 23 my nearly $200,000 paid in to social security was under my control because today it would be worth $2 million
and I can prove it!

Wingnuts are determined to get rid of SS and Medicare. It won't happen, it will never happen.

Just leave DemonRats in control and it will happen. count on it.
The Republicans have been trying to get rid of Social Security for years, so their buddies on Wall Street can get their hands on all that delicious retirement money.

You are truly DUMB !

1) You evidently don't have a 401K.
2) You evidently don't have ANY money in ANY bank.
3) You evidently have NEVER heard of "savings accounts"!

All three have direct or indirect contact with "Wall Street"!

So "Wall Street" won't change the mix if dumb schmucks like you are allowed to tell and since you think Wall street is bad.. tell your local bank to take the money forceable deducted from your PAYCHECK and save it for you!
Invest it make 5% and pay you 3% if you want!

But if you are fortunately very very young or at least UNDER age 55 BECAUSE LISTEN CLOSELY as Shultz and others seem NOT To hear..
NO one over 55 would have changes in SS!! UNDERSTAND??

And you being a dummy could continue to let the govt take your money from your paycheck and give you back 1/10th what you paid in!

BUT if and you evidently won't understand..
IF you let it accumulate from age 23 to age 65 at 3% and you make over 42 years an average of $30,000 you'd have $700,000!

YES you would accumulate all yours.. $700,000!

So tell me WHAT is wrong with that???
Democrats can't even pass a budget yet they accuse Republicans of wanting to end SS? and what happened to all the Billions that should be in that fund in the first place? seems more like Obama is printing Billions to pay for SS.
Interesting because it perfectly illustrates how Schultz/democrats/liberals are totally short sighted!

It shows how important controlling workers are to these elitists.
Rather then let the individual accumulate and become millionaires, Schultz would rather give handouts petty amounts to retirees.

Rather then letting a 23 year old worker entering the work force to with the forced deductions accumulate over $500,000 in the worker's life time Schultz want to rob the worker of this accumulation!

All because Schultz want to control people's lives and they know they can't tell people that's their objective so they explain it is their responsibility!

Yea.. right.. I just wish when I was 23 my nearly $200,000 paid in to social security was under my control because today it would be worth $2 million
and I can prove it!

You paid $200,000.00 to Social Security by the time you were 23? Sure you did. Uh huh. Yea. Sure.
Democrats can't even pass a budget yet they accuse Republicans of wanting to end SS? and what happened to all the Billions that should be in that fund in the first place? seems more like Obama is printing Billions to pay for SS.

How do we know Republicans want to end SS? They tell us. It's a ponzie scheme.
It's not the responsibility of government. The money should go to Wall Street.

Funny, Republicans ignore what their leaders say until it bites them in the ass, then it's the Democrats fault.

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