Schools now telling white students they are all "illegal immigrants"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Nothing will be done to these teachers. The liberal press is celebrating them as heroes.

Sixth-Grade Teacher Told Students They're All Illegal Immigrants in Anti-Trump Rant

march 31 2018 Josie Orihuela recorded her sixth-grade teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta on a rant against President Donald Trump's campaign slogan and immigration policies.

Johnetta Benton allegedly introduced a video for Black History Month with a lecture questioning what time period Trump was referencing when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

The conversation then turned to illegal immigration, at which point another teacher, Mr. Stroud, entered the classroom and said, “All of us here are all illegal immigrants.”

“Because America belonged to somebody else,” Benton added as a reference to Native Americans.

The teacher contended that aside from African-Americans and Native Americans, who came here as slaves against their will, everyone is “illegal immigrants” and pointed to all the white students.

“So every person in here — unless you're a Native American, and I sure don't see any in here, I could be wrong — we're all immigrants,” she said. “So when you say immigrants are killing folks, that's us. That's you, you, you, you and you.”
Nothing will be done to these teachers. The liberal press is celebrating them as heroes.

Sixth-Grade Teacher Told Students They're All Illegal Immigrants in Anti-Trump Rant

march 31 2018 Josie Orihuela recorded her sixth-grade teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta on a rant against President Donald Trump's campaign slogan and immigration policies.

Johnetta Benton allegedly introduced a video for Black History Month with a lecture questioning what time period Trump was referencing when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

The conversation then turned to illegal immigration, at which point another teacher, Mr. Stroud, entered the classroom and said, “All of us here are all illegal immigrants.”

“Because America belonged to somebody else,” Benton added as a reference to Native Americans.

The teacher contended that aside from African-Americans and Native Americans, who came here as slaves against their will, everyone is “illegal immigrants” and pointed to all the white students.

“So every person in here — unless you're a Native American, and I sure don't see any in here, I could be wrong — we're all immigrants,” she said. “So when you say immigrants are killing folks, that's us. That's you, you, you, you and you.”
It is 100% true that all white people, in fact most people here period, are descended from immigrants
Nothing will be done to these teachers. The liberal press is celebrating them as heroes.

Sixth-Grade Teacher Told Students They're All Illegal Immigrants in Anti-Trump Rant

march 31 2018 Josie Orihuela recorded her sixth-grade teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta on a rant against President Donald Trump's campaign slogan and immigration policies.

Johnetta Benton allegedly introduced a video for Black History Month with a lecture questioning what time period Trump was referencing when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

The conversation then turned to illegal immigration, at which point another teacher, Mr. Stroud, entered the classroom and said, “All of us here are all illegal immigrants.”

“Because America belonged to somebody else,” Benton added as a reference to Native Americans.

The teacher contended that aside from African-Americans and Native Americans, who came here as slaves against their will, everyone is “illegal immigrants” and pointed to all the white students.

“So every person in here — unless you're a Native American, and I sure don't see any in here, I could be wrong — we're all immigrants,” she said. “So when you say immigrants are killing folks, that's us. That's you, you, you, you and you.”
It is 100% true that all white people, in fact most people here period, are descended from immigrants

If so, then further back the Native Americans also came as immigrants too across the Bering Strait.
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I wish our schools would tell the truth about africa and north america. Until the europeans came to those continents the residents had never invented either the wheel or a written language.!!! They were in the stone age and would still be there but for white people.
There's a difference this moron needs to understand. We whites didn't immigrate. We CONQUERED. We took the land by force. That gives us the Right of Possession by conquest. Our mistake was not wiping the natives out.

Many of us Caucasians understand this. We see the mistakes the Indians made and don't want to repeat them.
Nothing will be done to these teachers. The liberal press is celebrating them as heroes.

Sixth-Grade Teacher Told Students They're All Illegal Immigrants in Anti-Trump Rant

march 31 2018 Josie Orihuela recorded her sixth-grade teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta on a rant against President Donald Trump's campaign slogan and immigration policies.

Johnetta Benton allegedly introduced a video for Black History Month with a lecture questioning what time period Trump was referencing when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

The conversation then turned to illegal immigration, at which point another teacher, Mr. Stroud, entered the classroom and said, “All of us here are all illegal immigrants.”

“Because America belonged to somebody else,” Benton added as a reference to Native Americans.

The teacher contended that aside from African-Americans and Native Americans, who came here as slaves against their will, everyone is “illegal immigrants” and pointed to all the white students.

“So every person in here — unless you're a Native American, and I sure don't see any in here, I could be wrong — we're all immigrants,” she said. “So when you say immigrants are killing folks, that's us. That's you, you, you, you and you.”
It is 100% true that all white people, in fact most people here period, are descended from immigrants
American identity is falling apart and the Indians will send you folks back.
Nothing will be done to these teachers. The liberal press is celebrating them as heroes.

Sixth-Grade Teacher Told Students They're All Illegal Immigrants in Anti-Trump Rant

march 31 2018 Josie Orihuela recorded her sixth-grade teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta on a rant against President Donald Trump's campaign slogan and immigration policies.

Johnetta Benton allegedly introduced a video for Black History Month with a lecture questioning what time period Trump was referencing when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

The conversation then turned to illegal immigration, at which point another teacher, Mr. Stroud, entered the classroom and said, “All of us here are all illegal immigrants.”

“Because America belonged to somebody else,” Benton added as a reference to Native Americans.

The teacher contended that aside from African-Americans and Native Americans, who came here as slaves against their will, everyone is “illegal immigrants” and pointed to all the white students.

“So every person in here — unless you're a Native American, and I sure don't see any in here, I could be wrong — we're all immigrants,” she said. “So when you say immigrants are killing folks, that's us. That's you, you, you, you and you.”
It is 100% true that all white people, in fact most people here period, are descended from immigrants

If so, then further back the Native Americans also came as immigrants too across the Bering Strait.
There you go, we'd not only have no America, but no civilization here whatsoever if not for immigrants
I wish our schools would tell the truth about africa and north america. Until the europeans came to those continents the residents had never invented either the wheel or a written language.!!! They were in the stone age and would still be there but for white people.
Cannibals invented the hunger-free society.
Nothing will be done to these teachers. The liberal press is celebrating them as heroes.

Sixth-Grade Teacher Told Students They're All Illegal Immigrants in Anti-Trump Rant

march 31 2018 Josie Orihuela recorded her sixth-grade teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta on a rant against President Donald Trump's campaign slogan and immigration policies.

Johnetta Benton allegedly introduced a video for Black History Month with a lecture questioning what time period Trump was referencing when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

The conversation then turned to illegal immigration, at which point another teacher, Mr. Stroud, entered the classroom and said, “All of us here are all illegal immigrants.”

“Because America belonged to somebody else,” Benton added as a reference to Native Americans.

The teacher contended that aside from African-Americans and Native Americans, who came here as slaves against their will, everyone is “illegal immigrants” and pointed to all the white students.

“So every person in here — unless you're a Native American, and I sure don't see any in here, I could be wrong — we're all immigrants,” she said. “So when you say immigrants are killing folks, that's us. That's you, you, you, you and you.”
It is 100% true that all white people, in fact most people here period, are descended from immigrants
Learn the Difference between Legal and Illegal Immigrants.
Nothing will be done to these teachers. The liberal press is celebrating them as heroes.

Sixth-Grade Teacher Told Students They're All Illegal Immigrants in Anti-Trump Rant

march 31 2018 Josie Orihuela recorded her sixth-grade teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta on a rant against President Donald Trump's campaign slogan and immigration policies.

Johnetta Benton allegedly introduced a video for Black History Month with a lecture questioning what time period Trump was referencing when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

The conversation then turned to illegal immigration, at which point another teacher, Mr. Stroud, entered the classroom and said, “All of us here are all illegal immigrants.”

“Because America belonged to somebody else,” Benton added as a reference to Native Americans.

The teacher contended that aside from African-Americans and Native Americans, who came here as slaves against their will, everyone is “illegal immigrants” and pointed to all the white students.

“So every person in here — unless you're a Native American, and I sure don't see any in here, I could be wrong — we're all immigrants,” she said. “So when you say immigrants are killing folks, that's us. That's you, you, you, you and you.”

Dear ShootSpeeders
All the more reason to pull funding and separate schools.
We let Catholics run their own private schools, where they can teach as they believe,
and now it's getting where liberals need the same!
The people need to begin to apply great pressure to the schools principles and the administration officials to weed out the nut cases in their employ.....If your child is stuck in a public school wire them up before sending them to school....record everything!
It's time to put a stop to this nonsense....It's obvious that a teachers degree is not good enough...we need to watch them...they are charged with preparing our future and they are fucking up because of their incessant and wrong headed group think ideology....
Nothing will be done to these teachers. The liberal press is celebrating them as heroes.

Sixth-Grade Teacher Told Students They're All Illegal Immigrants in Anti-Trump Rant

march 31 2018 Josie Orihuela recorded her sixth-grade teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta on a rant against President Donald Trump's campaign slogan and immigration policies.

Johnetta Benton allegedly introduced a video for Black History Month with a lecture questioning what time period Trump was referencing when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

The conversation then turned to illegal immigration, at which point another teacher, Mr. Stroud, entered the classroom and said, “All of us here are all illegal immigrants.”

“Because America belonged to somebody else,” Benton added as a reference to Native Americans.

The teacher contended that aside from African-Americans and Native Americans, who came here as slaves against their will, everyone is “illegal immigrants” and pointed to all the white students.

“So every person in here — unless you're a Native American, and I sure don't see any in here, I could be wrong — we're all immigrants,” she said. “So when you say immigrants are killing folks, that's us. That's you, you, you, you and you.”

Pointing out how ridiculous you fuckwads are about illegal immigration. White people got here through illegal immigration.

You did nothing to become a citzen. Then you have the audacity to treat undocumented people like shit.
Nothing will be done to these teachers. The liberal press is celebrating them as heroes.

Sixth-Grade Teacher Told Students They're All Illegal Immigrants in Anti-Trump Rant

march 31 2018 Josie Orihuela recorded her sixth-grade teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta on a rant against President Donald Trump's campaign slogan and immigration policies.

Johnetta Benton allegedly introduced a video for Black History Month with a lecture questioning what time period Trump was referencing when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

The conversation then turned to illegal immigration, at which point another teacher, Mr. Stroud, entered the classroom and said, “All of us here are all illegal immigrants.”

“Because America belonged to somebody else,” Benton added as a reference to Native Americans.

The teacher contended that aside from African-Americans and Native Americans, who came here as slaves against their will, everyone is “illegal immigrants” and pointed to all the white students.

“So every person in here — unless you're a Native American, and I sure don't see any in here, I could be wrong — we're all immigrants,” she said. “So when you say immigrants are killing folks, that's us. That's you, you, you, you and you.”

Pointing out how ridiculous you fuckwads are about illegal immigration. White people got here through illegal immigration.

You did nothing to become a citzen. Then you have the audacity to treat undocumented people like shit.

Are you just pretending to be that stupid or are you really dumber than dirt?
Millions of Democrat Voters are racist Aztlan Nationalist who do not accept that America is sovereign country.
The Democratic Party is bad for America.

aztlan racisttt_8089.JPG
Nothing will be done to these teachers. The liberal press is celebrating them as heroes.

Sixth-Grade Teacher Told Students They're All Illegal Immigrants in Anti-Trump Rant

march 31 2018 Josie Orihuela recorded her sixth-grade teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta on a rant against President Donald Trump's campaign slogan and immigration policies.

Johnetta Benton allegedly introduced a video for Black History Month with a lecture questioning what time period Trump was referencing when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

The conversation then turned to illegal immigration, at which point another teacher, Mr. Stroud, entered the classroom and said, “All of us here are all illegal immigrants.”

“Because America belonged to somebody else,” Benton added as a reference to Native Americans.

The teacher contended that aside from African-Americans and Native Americans, who came here as slaves against their will, everyone is “illegal immigrants” and pointed to all the white students.

“So every person in here — unless you're a Native American, and I sure don't see any in here, I could be wrong — we're all immigrants,” she said. “So when you say immigrants are killing folks, that's us. That's you, you, you, you and you.”

Pointing out how ridiculous you fuckwads are about illegal immigration. White people got here through illegal immigration.

You did nothing to become a citzen. Then you have the audacity to treat undocumented people like shit.

Dear RealDave
Yes and no. People who defend Constitutional rights as natural laws for all people
are often the ones defending the laws against violations. While people who are not
taught to respect and defend the laws for their own benefit and empowerment
are more likely to end up violating laws and ending up in jails and poverty.

Yes there are more Whites taught empowerment by knowledge of the laws
while more minorities are not taught to embrace these, but to reject them politically by class.
thus racism has made this disparity worse, by denying the knowledge and empowerment
of the laws from minorities by rejecting these laws as "white privilege" instead of using them to help all people exercise and enforce their equal rights by natural laws.

I agree with you it is unfair to judge people if they were never taught the laws
and how to use these to empower themselves equally as "whites" are more often taught as a "class."

however, the solution is NOT to break laws or enable more violations.
the solution is to teach people the natural laws that have empowered
"white people" like the Founding Fathers to set up and run a country based on universal principles.

Everyone should have the same experience owning and building their own land, property and programs
including govt, so we are all equally empowered.

this is achieved by sharing knowledge of the laws, and mentoring
people to have equal experience as the Founding Fathers did.

We can even use the opportunity to fix border problems by
setting up land grants and creating ownership, residency and jobs
for people who want that equal opportunity for equal empowerment and status.
but not by breaking laws, but by teaching respect for following and enforcing them.

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