School kicks out students because their parents criticized Critical Race Theory

I'm sure there are some who do that, but your generalization is typical demofk banter.

Why are you pushing gayness?
For hundreds of years they were afraid to come out of the closet and be who they are. They should be allowed to be whoever they want to be.

You know what commercial bugs me? The girl has a mustache and a gap between her teeth. Rather than wax her lip she buys a cool yellow Michael Jackson style jacket and dances to her seat in class.



So buying shit from Amazon makes ugly people feel better about themselves? Is that what the commercial is saying?


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Where does it say the school is even teaching CRT? Link that for us, please.
A valid question.

Right here, Bodey-Odie-Ohs:

"Is The School “Teaching Critical Race Theory?” • “Critical race theory” is a term used to describe various historical and theoretical approaches to understanding the role of race in America. It is also used to refer to the writings of specific scholars. • “Critical race theory” per se is not part of the Columbus Academy curriculum. However, some students, particularly in the Upper School, may be exposed to some of the underlying concepts embedded in “critical race theory,” including concepts of systemic racism, as part of learning about different perspectives on various issues."
I don't know about that. I see a lot of liberals on here that apparently think calling someone gay is an insult.
Depends. How is it being said? And I get how if I call you gay, that's being homophobic. So I don't do it in public. Using it as an insult is insulting to gays right?
I have plenty of evidence.

Shows like Will and Grace try to normalize gay people so you cons will stop being so homophobic.

If you think they are going to hell for who they are why not beat on them? Your god is going to do much worse to them right?
That doesn't show your point at all. We're in america, not Brazil or any other country. No, no, you show where conservatives ever did anything remotely close to your previous post. I'm waiting.
How will that make public schools hire conservatives?
They don't ask questions on the interview to see if you are liberal or conservative.

I said if you want cons to go into teaching them, start paying teachers more.

  • The pay and pressures of the job are major – though hardly the only – reasons some schools are struggling to fill certain teaching positions.

Myriad reasons: low pay and morale, mounting political and academic pressures, health and safety concerns. A generation of teachers hitting or nearing retirement and another generation of prospective teachers deterred by the profession’s flailing reputation and the sacrifices it necessitates.
What kind of an idiot would send their kids to an expensive private school that teaches CRT nonsense?

Just curious.
I suspect it is a good school academic wise and the parent wanted to work though the system before yanking their kids out. However, the filthy ass Libtards running the school didn't want to hear a challenge to them teaching racial hatred.

Libtards are very narrow minded and they hate anybody questioning them.
I suspect it is a good school academic wise and the parent wanted to work though the system before yanking their kids out. However, the filthy ass Libtards running the school didn't want to hear a challenge to them teaching racial hatred.

Libtards are very narrow minded and they hate anybody questioning them.
When you're dealing with the government, working through the system is futile.