School Condom give aways to 12 year olds


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
If a school gives away free condoms to children who are very young ie 12 years, can they be held legally responsible for any charges resulting from a statutory rape?

If there are any legal experts on board, I'd really appreciate an opinion.

There's a school in MA who are planning on enacting this policy.

Here's part of the article and a link:

Springfield, MA (WWLP) - A school district in Massachusetts could be getting ready to hand out condoms to middle schoolers. The policy was approved in the first round of voting and some parents are on the fence about it.

Condoms may soon be available for students as young as 12 in Springfield, Massachusetts public schools. School committee voted 5-1 in favor of this new policy in an effort to prevent sexually-transmitted diseases and pregnancy.

"Where they have instituted this program, the incidence of not only sexually-transmitted diseases, but sexual activity itself have decreased," said Christopher Collins, Vice Chair of Springfield School Committee.

Springfield has the fourth highest teen birth rate and second highest sexually-transmitted infection rate in the state. And it's happening to students who aren't even teens yet.

"The thing is that 12-year-olds are sexually active. So we didn't make up an age. We're looking at an age where we feel that the need starts," said Cindy Miller, Tapestry Health

Condom controversy at Springfield, Massachusetts middle school |
If a school gives away free condoms to children who are very young ie 12 years, can they be held legally responsible for any charges resulting from a statutory rape?

If there are any legal experts on board, I'd really appreciate an opinion.

There's a school in MA who are planning on enacting this policy.

Here's part of the article and a link:

Springfield, MA (WWLP) - A school district in Massachusetts could be getting ready to hand out condoms to middle schoolers. The policy was approved in the first round of voting and some parents are on the fence about it.

Condoms may soon be available for students as young as 12 in Springfield, Massachusetts public schools. School committee voted 5-1 in favor of this new policy in an effort to prevent sexually-transmitted diseases and pregnancy.

"Where they have instituted this program, the incidence of not only sexually-transmitted diseases, but sexual activity itself have decreased," said Christopher Collins, Vice Chair of Springfield School Committee.

Springfield has the fourth highest teen birth rate and second highest sexually-transmitted infection rate in the state. And it's happening to students who aren't even teens yet.

"The thing is that 12-year-olds are sexually active. So we didn't make up an age. We're looking at an age where we feel that the need starts," said Cindy Miller, Tapestry Health

Condom controversy at Springfield, Massachusetts middle school |

Of course not.

No more than a drugstore clerk could be held responsible for selling a pack of condoms to a 12 year old.

Are you trying to claim that giving condoms to students will cause them to have sex?
If a school gives away free condoms to children who are very young ie 12 years, can they be held legally responsible for any charges resulting from a statutory rape?

If there are any legal experts on board, I'd really appreciate an opinion.

There's a school in MA who are planning on enacting this policy.

Here's part of the article and a link:

Springfield, MA (WWLP) - A school district in Massachusetts could be getting ready to hand out condoms to middle schoolers. The policy was approved in the first round of voting and some parents are on the fence about it.

Condoms may soon be available for students as young as 12 in Springfield, Massachusetts public schools. School committee voted 5-1 in favor of this new policy in an effort to prevent sexually-transmitted diseases and pregnancy.

"Where they have instituted this program, the incidence of not only sexually-transmitted diseases, but sexual activity itself have decreased," said Christopher Collins, Vice Chair of Springfield School Committee.

Springfield has the fourth highest teen birth rate and second highest sexually-transmitted infection rate in the state. And it's happening to students who aren't even teens yet.

"The thing is that 12-year-olds are sexually active. So we didn't make up an age. We're looking at an age where we feel that the need starts," said Cindy Miller, Tapestry Health

Condom controversy at Springfield, Massachusetts middle school |

Of course not.

No more than a drugstore clerk could be held responsible for selling a pack of condoms to a 12 year old.

Are you trying to claim that giving condoms to students will cause them to have sex?

Simply asking a legal question.

The morality of the issue is already down the toilet and into the sewer when twelve year olds are getting the clap or getting knocked up.
I wonder why you left this part out:
Springfield has the fourth highest teen birth rate and second highest sexually-transmitted infection rate in the state. And it's happening to students who aren't even teens yet.
12 yr. olds have sex ed classes. In one year, they will be in high school, they need to know about contraception.
12 yr. olds have sex ed classes. In one year, they will be in high school, they need to know about contraception.

And yet it has been shown you are incorrect on this issue.

“None of the curricula had any effect on the prevalence of unprotected sexual intercourse or consistent condom use.”
So such courses do not affect safe sex practices. Notice that this study did NOT target older children where sexual education has been thoroughly proven to work but younger, middle school children that are being talked about in this specific instance.

This is outside of making condoms available though. The real question is are they 'handing them out' or are they simply available. That is a difference to me. I don't think schools should be actively handing out condoms (which is actually encouraging early sex0 but making them available is not a bad idea. Teens WILL have sex and the availability of a condom is not going to change their mind. I know it would not have changed my mind when I was young.
I wonder why you left this part out:
Springfield has the fourth highest teen birth rate and second highest sexually-transmitted infection rate in the state. And it's happening to students who aren't even teens yet.

Not attempting to selectively edit. I received an infraction for potential copyright infringement so I'm trying to be careful.

I always give a link.

Now to what you pointed out.

Doesn't it make the case that sex education classes are obviously loaded with failing students?

Is the curriculum at fault? Are the teachers at fault? The only back up they have for this failing is to give out condoms?

Is the new sex ed motto in MA schools

"If we screw up teaching you, we'll make sure you're covered when you screw?"

Obviously we have a real problem here. These youngsters are getting a sex education outside of school. One that is affecting them in a very negative way. So, Tiny, what is your suggestion for addressing this problem?
I wonder why you left this part out:
Springfield has the fourth highest teen birth rate and second highest sexually-transmitted infection rate in the state. And it's happening to students who aren't even teens yet.

Because we all know you liberals have no morals so don't care about the fact that 12 year old's are having sex at an alarming rate and that the supposed solution is to help them do it.

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