Scholars spend $500K in taxpayer funds to deconstruct whiteness in physics

Actually not all colleges waived the SAT scores, mostly due to the Covid restrictions.
I'm sure they will be back to normal soon, otherwise its a beauty contest.
What I have heard and read was that the dropping of SAT and GRE scores for college admissions is permanent. Universities are the most Woke of all institutions. And admissions largely is becoming a "beauty contest". If you have lots of community service on your resume, you are in.
What I have heard and read was that the dropping of SAT and GRE scores for college admissions is permanent. Universities are the most Woke of all institutions. And admissions largely is becoming a "beauty contest". If you have lots of community service on your resume, you are in.
And then you can take remedial math and English courses because you graduated high school damn near illiterate.
In my high school physics class, the two smartest kids were twin Black brothers. Black under-performance in Math and Physics is not due to White Racism. To claim that is patently absurd.

And I bet they did much of their work on a "black board". LMAO The ignorant racist seemed to make a big deal about students using a dry erase board because they are called a "white board", ya just can't make this shit up.

And I bet they did much of their work on a "black board". LMAO The ignorant racist seemed to make a big deal about students using a dry erase board because they are called a "white board", ya just can't make this shit up.

They sure did! We would watch in awe along with the teacher as they solved problems on the "black board". I don't know where those two ended up but they were straight up geniuses and the nicest guys you could imagine. I don't remember race ever coming up once in talking with them. Mind you this was during first two years of busing during the 70s.
Anyone who took physics in college like I did knows that this "study" is absolute horse shit. You study the theories, you learn the formulas, you take the tests. Period. This quote from the article is particularly concerning:

"this endeavor is actually an important step toward the larger undertaking of freeing students and professors alike from the weighty fetters of whiteness."

The Woke Elites are turning universities into race pandering nurseries.

They are just pissy that blacks didn't invent physics, most don't understand physics, they don't teach physics, they don't use physics, don't take physics classes and so on. I'm sure a few do, but just a few.

Physics is pretty much something non blacks understand and use. Blacks have never really contributed to the science community anywhere in the world, ever. Science is all pretty much to the thanks of whites and Asians.

Anytime they see the truth that in mankind's history, all over the world, blacks haven't really contributed much in science, architecture, mechanics, medicine, electronics, technology and so on as everyone else has. Blacks have contributed the least to mankind than everyother race and they think it's racist.

Honestly I'm surprised they haven't said hockey is racist just because blacks don't like to play and it's a bunch of white people hitting a black puck with sticks.

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