Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump

You are the disgusting one. You use unproven stories and outright lies to save your Messiah. You slander our law enforcement agencies. All for cheap politics.
You mean like accusing the President of colluding with Russians which after a year of investigations have yet to be proven? Isn't that what you've been doing, hypocrite? There's plenty of evidence against the top officials in the FBI and there's plenty of evidence against Mueller's investigation team that they conspired to undermine a legitimate presidency. The emails say it all. Let's see the evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ‘holy hell’ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

If Obama had even thought what the Orange Clown said, the GOP loonies would have called him a communist and immediately voted to impeach him. The Dems are patiently waiting.

Once Mueller has all the evidence compiled, the public will demand the Comrade be removed from office.
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