Say It Here.

Since I know that most people here are too uncultured and lazy to look up the 1943 film "Demi-Paradise", I will quote a bit of what Sir Laurence Olivier said about the English sense of humour at the end of the film :

I must tell you that much of the world thinks that you care only about money -- and you care much more about cricket, or nightingales or a good job well done. Much of the world thinks that you are perfidious and hypocritical -- and you are warm and friendly. And do you know why the the world thinks these things? Because you want it to! It amuses you! It pleases that dreadful sense of humour of yours.

That, that sense of humour, is perhaps the guiding factor of your lives. If you can laugh at life and at yourselves, you can be tolerant. If you can laugh, you must hate persecution, you must love democracy. Above all, you must love freedom. For there is no laughter where there is no freedom.

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By laughter only can you destroy evil without malice and affirm good-fellowship without mawkishness.
---Bernard Shaw
Garrison Keillor is quite possibly the most unfunny "comedian" that people swear up and down is funny....I've been a captive audience to Prairie Home Companion uncounted times and it has never ever made me laugh.

No wonder that dullard is on NPR.
you think hes unfunny to listen've never worked one of his live's blowing tumbleweed central.
I'm so sorry yo got subjected to such cruel and inhuman punishment. :lol:
the pay and the swag were it wasn't all bad, gained a new appreciation for watching paint dry.
Spurs made me proud once again last night! They beat Miami again - 114 - 104 - they now lead 3 - 2.

Go Spurs Go - Go Spurs Go

The essence of humour is human kindliness.
---Stephen Leacock
Many thinking people dispute that.

The basis for almost all humor is actually some kind of incongruity.
That is true of the broad, historical meaning of the word "humor."

But ever since the English perfected True Humour, as defined by the quotation from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, it is best to subsume that broad, historical meaning in the general concept, "comedy", and reserve "humor" for the highest, purest form of comedy, which is the glory of England -- and of such lesser breeds as may gather to worship at the feet of the masters.

Like you, for example. You try to be urbane and witty.

But you are, of course, just another cheap ass egotistical bitch with nothing much to justify your vanity.
But ever since the English perfected True Humour, as defined by the quotation from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, it is best to subsume that broad, historical meaning in the general concept, "comedy", and reserve "humor" for the highest, purest form of comedy, which is the glory of England -- and of such lesser breeds as may gather to worship at the feet of the masters.
Like you, for example. You try to be urbane and witty.
How little you understand. Humor is far above "trying."

Wit and sophistication flow from my super-civilized sensibilities as naturally as water flows down a stream.

I liar : Perfection ever sought, the never found !

Numan : Oh, no, no! Perfection never sought, the ever found !

But ever since the English perfected True Humour, as defined by the quotation from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, it is best to subsume that broad, historical meaning in the general concept, "comedy", and reserve "humor" for the highest, purest form of comedy, which is the glory of England -- and of such lesser breeds as may gather to worship at the feet of the masters.
Like you, for example. You try to be urbane and witty.
How little you understand. Humor is far above "trying."

Wit and sophistication flow from my super-civilized sensibilities as naturally as water flows down a stream.

I liar : Perfection ever sought, the never found !

Numan : Oh, no, no! Perfection never sought, the ever found !

humility not you forte' ...?

Daws, you needn't have tried so hard to put the acute accent on the final "e" -- it isn't there !

Check a dictionary.


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