"SAY GOODBYE REPUBLICANS" if you pull this shit, might as well eliminate the party...

Foxfyre does not like that mainstream Republicans, such as myself, have no use for the damage the far right reactionaries and libertarians have done to the party since 2009.

I am in line with the RNC, not the nutjobs.

So let's work on fiscal restraint and get out of the culture and religious wars, Republicans.

They also need to take lessons on not acting batshit crazy when they think nobody is looking

I clearly am missing something when it comes to this topic. Here's what I'd like to see, someone please tell me why it's so terrible:
  • If you're here, you get guest worker status. You can work and you pay our taxes.
  • When you get guest worker status, you go to the back of the immigration line.
  • Your kids have the same status.
  • You work (kids go to school) while you're waiting your turn.
  • When you reach the front of the line, you're in.
This seems so simple. What am I missing?


Letting them "wait in line" after they came here illegally is an insult to people who are waiting in line in their home countries the legal way.

"Waiting in line" for citizenship after you've been here illegally feathering a nest with illegally obtained wages is an unfair advantage over people who did it the right way. You stole a headstart that people who did things the right way didn't get.

Illegal behavior should not be rewarded with citizenship in this country.

Legalization is practical. Full amnesty with citizenship at the end is not. In 25 years we're already going to be in pretty much the same situation we're now in even if we seal the borders tight because of all the other ways people take up illegal residence in the country. Incentivizing this kind of illegal behavior with the hope of citizenship if they just hang on long enough is wrong.

If you are a guest worker you not only are not working illegally, but you are not here illegally.

Of course.

Not sure why you mention that.
The mainstream GOP leadership and most of the workers don't give a crap what the far right thinks about this.

We will get three new voters from women and minorities for everyone of you who walk.

Walk, then. Please do.

On the contrary ... I believe we are telling establishment Republicans like you to carry your ass right on across the aisle and quit trying act like you are any different.
We don't give a rat's ass about your silly little political games fighting over individual demographics.
If you have to desert your values to get along ... If you think the responsibility of governance is to see how many people you can please with no regard to the damage you are creating ... Screw you, not interested.
Sell your snake oil to someone stupid enough to buy it..

Nope, we are telling you redneck insignificant far right reactionaries your power is gone.

Our values will be the same without you corrupting them.

You are so outta here. Watch what happens to your candidates in the primaries.

You liked McCain, he lost, you liked Mitt, he lost... proving that winning the primaries mean dick chit anymore.

However, you liked Obama, and he won... I wonder, did you vote Obama? Seems you are good at picking Democrats, not republicans to win.

Anyways, Jake, you might wana drop the "far right wing reactionary" comments, you're starting to go down the road on TM where you just repeat insults rather than add to the conversation. I'm being honest here man, you only get "thanks" from well know hyper partisan lefties on these boards anymore. They don't even buy that your a republican.

[MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION] makes the point - and correctly so imo, that, if we don't completely, hermetically seal the border (meaning, the Texas / Mexico border), then in 20 years, we will be right back where we are now. Please remember that the Obama administration has put more boots on the ground at the border than any other administration and the Obama adminstration has deported more illegal immigrants than any other, but that is not enough. We may have to build an electronic - and - physical fence, along the entire stretch, without exception.


Actually the point I made was that even if we did hermetically seal the border we'll be in pretty much the same position in a couple of decades because of all the people who came here legally and overstayed their visas.

Tracking and enforcement need to be improved on many fronts, not just border control.

And, imho, all of the above need to be addressed decisively before citizenship is even considered for people who willfully flouted our laws to come here or stay here.

If/when someone whom I respect such as Marco Rubio signs onto a citizenship provision for those who as adults broke the law to come or stay here, I will not turn on that person. However, I favor legalization which stops short of citizenship until we can be sure that we are not telling anyone else in the world that it's worth taking the chance to come here and build a life by illegal means and one day they'll probably get to be a citizen.
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One thing is for sure. . . .

Why in the world would the GOP take advice about what to do or how to handle things from the leftists/statists/progressives/political class/liberals/Jake Starkey? Do you really think they have any interest in giving the GOP good advice?


There are some people on the left here whom I respect, but when they thank Jake they're thanking trollery and undermining the impression they might otherwise have given of being willing to have fruitful discussions with people who are legitimately on the right.
The House Republican leadership’s broad framework for overhauling the nation’s immigration laws will call this week for a path to legal status — but not citizenship — for many of the 11 million adult immigrants who are in the country illegally, according to aides who have seen the party’s statement of principles. For immigrants brought to the United States illegally as young children, the Republicans would offer a path to citizenship.
Yep, it would be the end of the GOP. If the GOP brass does indeed approve this piece of framework, you can guarantee that staunch GOP Conservatives will stay home on election night, regardless the candidate.

The GOP in trying to attract the left to the party will only backfire by alienating it's conservative base.

I disagree, I think they will flood the libertarian party more than they have been. Sure, the Libertarian party will remain insignificant as a viable winning party, but the Republicans will keep losing due to the migration to independent and libertarian affiliations.
The House Republican leadership’s broad framework for overhauling the nation’s immigration laws will call this week for a path to legal status — but not citizenship — for many of the 11 million adult immigrants who are in the country illegally, according to aides who have seen the party’s statement of principles. For immigrants brought to the United States illegally as young children, the Republicans would offer a path to citizenship.
Yep, it would be the end of the GOP. If the GOP brass does indeed approve this piece of framework, you can guarantee that staunch GOP Conservatives will stay home on election night, regardless the candidate.

The GOP in trying to attract the left to the party will only backfire by alienating it's conservative base.

I disagree, I think they will flood the libertarian party more than they have been. Sure, the Libertarian party will remain insignificant as a viable winning party, but the Republicans will keep losing due to the migration to independent and libertarian affiliations.
True. Some will stay home, others will join the Libertarian party or turn to an independent candidate. Either way, they will be taking votes away from the GOP.
One thing is for sure. . . .

Why in the world would the GOP take advice about what to do or how to handle things from the leftists/statists/progressives/political class/liberals/Jake Starkey? Do you really think they have any interest in giving the GOP good advice?

I still have not seen any Republican responses as to their plan of action regarding their diminishing support among Hispanics

What is your advice? You are usually pretty good at it

My advice is to treat Hispanics like people instead of a voting demographic. My advice is to spell out why conservative policies are advantageous to Hispanics as much as they are to any other people. My advice is to explain to the Hispanic leaders why sensible immigration policies are as advantageous to them as they are to any other Americans. Promising amnesty won't gain them votes. The Democrats don't have any better track record than Republicans--not as good actually--on that as the GOP and the Hispanics still vote Democratic because they promise the freebies that the GOP won't promise.

The GOP needs to teach clearly, without hyperbole and without mincing words and without one-liner rally the troops slogans why the private sector is the only way to generate prosperity fo all and what the GOP will do to promote that.

And the GOP needs a clear, easy-to-sell, sensible, and practical immigration policy that accomplishes what our immigration policy has always intended to accomplish along with a practical and sensible visitor work program for our neighbors to the north and south.

And they need to teach their people how to sell principles in a way that the leftwing media can't distort and misrepresent and twist into something the GOP never said and never intended.
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One thing is for sure. . . .

Why in the world would the GOP take advice about what to do or how to handle things from the leftists/statists/progressives/political class/liberals/Jake Starkey? Do you really think they have any interest in giving the GOP good advice?

I still have not seen any Republican responses as to their plan of action regarding their diminishing support among Hispanics

What is your advice? You are usually pretty good at it

My advice is to treat Hispanics like people instead of a voting demographic. My advice is to spell out why conservative policies are advantageous to Hispanics as much as they are to any other people. My advice is to explain to the Hispanic leaders why sensible immigration policies are as advantageous to them as they are to any other Americans. Promising amnesty won't gain them votes. The Democrats don't have any better track record than Republicans--not as good actually--on that as the GOP and the Hispanics still vote Democratic because they promise the freebies that the GOP won't promise.

The GOP needs to teach clearly, without hyperbole and without mincing words and without one-liner rally the troops slogans why the private sector is the only way to generate prosperity fo all and what the GOP will do to promote that.

And the GOP needs a clear, easy-to-sell, sensible, and practical immigration policy that accomplishes what our immigration policy has always intended to accomplish along with a practical and sensible visitor work program for our neighbors to the north and south.

And they need to teach their people how to sell principles in a way that the leftwing media can't distort and misrepresent and twist into something the GOP never said and never intended.

Thank you

Basically what I have been saying. Republicans need to get engaged with the Hispanic community. Trickle down Rhetoric and "Look we have Hispanic Republucans" doesn't cut it
Republicans need to be a presence in Hispanic communities. Not for photo-ops but full time offices. A place the community can go to help get a job or help with a community issue.
Republicans need to stop the hate rhetoric from right wing media. Stop passing English only laws. Stop with show me your papers legislation

Unless they do, their party is doomed
I still have not seen any Republican responses as to their plan of action regarding their diminishing support among Hispanics.

I guess when Hispanics figure out they want to be Americans ... Then it won't make a difference that they are Hispanic.
If Hispanics want special consideration for their community because they are Hispanic and want politicians to cater to them so they can gets votes ... Oh well, I am pretty sure the Democrat party will do a better job of that.

Been happening for years with a bunch of sell-outs in the Democrat party who forgot who we are as a country ... Have compromised the integrity of simply being American ... And are wiling to trade their principles peddling social programs for votes.

I still have not seen any Republican responses as to their plan of action regarding their diminishing support among Hispanics.

I guess when Hispanics figure out they want to be Americans ... Then it won't make a difference that they are Hispanic.
If Hispanics want special consideration for their community because they are Hispanic and want politicians to cater to them so they can gets votes ... Oh well, I am pretty sure the Democrat party will do a better job of that.

Been happening for years with a bunch of sell-outs in the Democrat party who forgot who we are as a country ... Have compromised the integrity of simply being American ... And are wiling to trade their principles peddling social programs for votes.


Guess what?

They are Americans. Maybe not the type of American you like, but Americans just the same

Until Republicans start to tell idiots like you to stay the hell away from their party...they are doomed
Fighting reasonable immigration reform will be the death of the Republican Party

The only reasonable immigration reform is mass deportation of all illegal aliens + a stoppage of all legal immigration, until it is needed. (when US unemployment is zero, and there are more jobs than job seekers)

Even if this were the case, the many other harms of immigration would all have to be taken into account and weighed as well. It's hard to see how immigration could be beneficial to America, when we are already so horribly overpopulated.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

I am impressed by your list

Impressed by the fact that this same list has been applied to every immigrant group that came to this country.....starting with the Irish
Maybe it's a good thing that Democrat's win elections.
They will keep on passing shit bills like ObamaCare.
They will keep the economy stagnant.
Jobs will be hard to get.
Let them have total control...

The people will get fed up and will beg for the Republican party to let them in....
By then I will be in charge and only will the hot looking chicks be allowed in.
Lesbians will be more then welcome,but not the Ellen Degeneres,Rachel Maddow,Chris Hayes type.Only the lipstick lesbians.

As for the Metrosexual,pajama boy type of the Democrat party....No way.
Until Republicans start to tell idiots like you to stay the hell away from their party...they are doomed

If the desire to treat everyone equally as Americans and the absence legislative assistance to individual demographics in attempts to pander for votes is what you think is Un-American ... Well, we are not the idiots.
As long as Democrats keep pandering to individual demographics to achieve more votes ... I am pretty sure you will keep winning elections and probably redefine the entire concept of what an American is.

You still won't be anything more than a shyster and snake oil peddler.

This is why I fired the Pubs a few years ago. They have lost their way and joined into a single party failure with the Dems.

Build the fence


I still have not seen any Republican responses as to their plan of action regarding their diminishing support among Hispanics

What is your advice? You are usually pretty good at it

My advice is to treat Hispanics like people instead of a voting demographic. My advice is to spell out why conservative policies are advantageous to Hispanics as much as they are to any other people. My advice is to explain to the Hispanic leaders why sensible immigration policies are as advantageous to them as they are to any other Americans. Promising amnesty won't gain them votes. The Democrats don't have any better track record than Republicans--not as good actually--on that as the GOP and the Hispanics still vote Democratic because they promise the freebies that the GOP won't promise.

The GOP needs to teach clearly, without hyperbole and without mincing words and without one-liner rally the troops slogans why the private sector is the only way to generate prosperity fo all and what the GOP will do to promote that.

And the GOP needs a clear, easy-to-sell, sensible, and practical immigration policy that accomplishes what our immigration policy has always intended to accomplish along with a practical and sensible visitor work program for our neighbors to the north and south.

And they need to teach their people how to sell principles in a way that the leftwing media can't distort and misrepresent and twist into something the GOP never said and never intended.

Thank you

Basically what I have been saying. Republicans need to get engaged with the Hispanic community. Trickle down Rhetoric and "Look we have Hispanic Republucans" doesn't cut it
Republicans need to be a presence in Hispanic communities. Not for photo-ops but full time offices. A place the community can go to help get a job or help with a community issue.
Republicans need to stop the hate rhetoric from right wing media. Stop passing English only laws. Stop with show me your papers legislation

Unless they do, their party is doomed

The Republicans are engaged with the Hispanic community. There are a lot of Republican Hispanics and they generally get demonized by the left just as all other conservative minorities are demonized. The Republicans aren't hateful to Hispanics nor is the rightwing media. Leftwing media and Democrats portrays it that way however, and the left snarfs that right down as the truth without ever checking the actual facts.

English only laws? Learning the language is the only way for Hispanics to truly prosper and achieve full status in society. Making it easier for Hispanics to avoid doing that is not doing Hispanics any favors. Republicans need to make that case.

Republicans have long been far more friend to Hispanics than the Democrats, but the GOP is not as effective as the Democrats in flattering rhetoric or selling a concept. I suppose truth is just more difficult to sell than are rhetorical lies and empty flattery. But we do nobody any favor by hurting people on the pretense we are accommodating them, nor do we do anybody any favor by continuing to divide people up into groups, each valued for nothing more than their voting power.

So if he GOP has to become big government Democrats in order to survive, they might as well fold up their tents because saving them won't be worth anybody's time and will accomplish nothing.
Until Republicans start to tell idiots like you to stay the hell away from their party...they are doomed

If the desire to treat everyone equally as Americans and the absence legislative assistance to individual demographics in attempts to pander for votes is what you think is Un-American ... Well, we are not the idiots.
As long as Democrats keep pandering to individual demographics to achieve more votes ... I am pretty sure you will keep winning elections and probably redefine the entire concept of what an American is.

You still won't be anything more than a shyster and snake oil peddler.


It is not treating people unequally.....it is helping people who need help

A concept conservatives cannot grasp

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