Saudis never wouldve dreamt of doing such crime against a Washington Post journalist before Trump


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.
They’ve been jailing and killing journalists, bloggers and pretty much anyone who dares speak against them since the beginning of time you dolt. But I suppose you think history started two years ago.
.....these countries do whatever they want--they don't ask the US for permission need to learn some history
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.
They’ve been jailing and killing journalists, bloggers and pretty much anyone who dares speak against them since the beginning of time you dolt. But I suppose you think history started two years ago.
Yes he does, not a peep when a journalist was be headed with a dull sword. But Obama was president then, can't make him look bad.
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.

Where was the outrage from the left when bush jr and Obama killed US citizens with out due process?
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.
They’ve been jailing and killing journalists, bloggers and pretty much anyone who dares speak against them since the beginning of time you dolt. But I suppose you think history started two years ago.
Its amazing how stupid some people can be. And the fact that they are willing to expose that stupidity is baffling
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.

I'm convinced progressives are no longer right about anything. If they open their mouths they're lying or fools: James Foley (journalist) - Wikipedia
"Many of you don’t give a damn what happens to Saudi Arabia, my country, either out of ignorance or malice toward the country or out of hatred for Trump, and you see this tragic event as a convenient weapon to use against the president."
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.
They knew from how Trump handled Putin and the election interference that he would cave on this, too.
"Many of you don’t give a damn what happens to Saudi Arabia, my country, either out of ignorance or malice toward the country or out of hatred for Trump, and you see this tragic event as a convenient weapon to use against the president."
It isn't only that; human rights did used to matter, too.
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.

AWESOME...that’s great news....maybe the filthy pukes like Jim Acosta will be scared straight.
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.


Obama was far worse....

Journalists should not be slain by authoritarians, tyrants, or ideological fanatics for their views, but they have been, and in the case of President Obama with an attitude of callous indifference. Has the media forgotten the attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which, along with a deli attacked at the same time, the Obama administration dismissed as the victims just being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

The lives of the four Jews killed in a kosher market in Paris were dismissed by Obama as "a bunch of folks in a deli" shot "randomly" as they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

After the attack on that kosher market and on Charlie Hebdo, President Obama didn’t have time to join other world leaders in a moving protest march in the streets of Paris. He did have time to watch an NFL playoff game and welcome the San Antonio Spurs to the White House.

After issuing a perfunctory condemnation of the Islamic State’s beheading of American journalist James Foley, President Obama was moments later on a golf course. The realities of dealing with Islamic terrorism, a phrase that cannot cross his lips, could not be allowed to disturb a President who was contemplating the threat of climate change as he works to correct his slice.

Not only did Obama go golfing after James Foley’s execution, he didn’t do all that much to prevent it, according to Foley’s family:

The Obama administration failed James Foley in the 21 months before the journalist was savagely executed, the dead man's brother charged.

Michael Foley, speaking Friday with Yahoo News, said the beheading of his sibling by Islamic State (ISIS) jihadists should change America's handling of similar cases in the future.

"There's more that could have been done directly on Jim's behalf," Michael Foley said in a shot at the White House. "I really, really hope that Jim's death pushes us to take another look at our approach to terrorist and hostage negotiation."

Our delusional former commander-in-chief, who still believes the massacre at Ft. Hood by jihadist Nidal Hasan is a case of “workplace violence” and that theCharlie Hebdo/deli massacre in Paris was a case of random violence and of victims being in the wrong place at the wrong time pathetically proclaimed at the G-20 Conference in Antalaya, Turkey, as the Federalist reports:

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people and to protect the people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like France,” Obama said. “I’m too busy for that.”

Too busy, the same way you were too busy resting up for a Las Vegas fundraiser the night Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, and Sean Smith were murdered by a terrorist attack in Benghazi, an attack you and your Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, told the parents of the deal was caused by a video?
Allegedly a faction of Saudi radicals planned to destroy the World Trade center and were in freaking flight school while Bill Clinton was playing hide the cigar with Monica.
Yes. Clearly they were utterly terrified of President Obama and would never have done anything like this before 2017.

All the other bad stuff they’ve done? I’m sure that’s trumps fault too
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.

Don't be stupid Muslims have been doing this shit for years.
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.
Trump’s dehumanizing, violent rhetoric against the press has signaled to despots an open season for such abuses.

Claims that Jamal Khashoggi was merely killed in a “fistfight” with 15 Saudi agents who flew to “meet” him and the notion that such a consequential operation would be executed without orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government are not credible.


Obama was far worse....

Journalists should not be slain by authoritarians, tyrants, or ideological fanatics for their views, but they have been, and in the case of President Obama with an attitude of callous indifference. Has the media forgotten the attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which, along with a deli attacked at the same time, the Obama administration dismissed as the victims just being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

The lives of the four Jews killed in a kosher market in Paris were dismissed by Obama as "a bunch of folks in a deli" shot "randomly" as they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

After the attack on that kosher market and on Charlie Hebdo, President Obama didn’t have time to join other world leaders in a moving protest march in the streets of Paris. He did have time to watch an NFL playoff game and welcome the San Antonio Spurs to the White House.

After issuing a perfunctory condemnation of the Islamic State’s beheading of American journalist James Foley, President Obama was moments later on a golf course. The realities of dealing with Islamic terrorism, a phrase that cannot cross his lips, could not be allowed to disturb a President who was contemplating the threat of climate change as he works to correct his slice.

Not only did Obama go golfing after James Foley’s execution, he didn’t do all that much to prevent it, according to Foley’s family:

The Obama administration failed James Foley in the 21 months before the journalist was savagely executed, the dead man's brother charged.

Michael Foley, speaking Friday with Yahoo News, said the beheading of his sibling by Islamic State (ISIS) jihadists should change America's handling of similar cases in the future.

"There's more that could have been done directly on Jim's behalf," Michael Foley said in a shot at the White House. "I really, really hope that Jim's death pushes us to take another look at our approach to terrorist and hostage negotiation."

Our delusional former commander-in-chief, who still believes the massacre at Ft. Hood by jihadist Nidal Hasan is a case of “workplace violence” and that theCharlie Hebdo/deli massacre in Paris was a case of random violence and of victims being in the wrong place at the wrong time pathetically proclaimed at the G-20 Conference in Antalaya, Turkey, as the Federalist reports:

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people and to protect the people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like France,” Obama said. “I’m too busy for that.”

Too busy, the same way you were too busy resting up for a Las Vegas fundraiser the night Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, and Sean Smith were murdered by a terrorist attack in Benghazi, an attack you and your Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, told the parents of the deal was caused by a video?

Now you know liberals can’t comprehend unless MSM puts a spin on it first, something like this ( it’s Trumps fault).

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