Saudis have licenses to kill and rape Americans - Buying personally convenient "Justice"


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
There are hundreds of stories of Saudi Nationals here in America that do many really bad things to Americans and get away with it. Seems if you're a Saudi, you can come here, damn near do ANYTHING you want, live like like a maniac....rape whomever you like....and then skip out on your bail and be whisked back to Saudi Arabia to laugh about it at home with relatives and friends.

You'd think that by now our "injustice" system would have fixed these loop holes and make Saudis who commit serious crimes against Americans pay.........but that's not the case.

Try going to Saudi Arabia as an American and running someone over or raping a Saudi woman...see how far YOU get. Their justice system doesn't PLAY around with foreigners like ours does. You won't be allowed to post bail then hop on a state sponsored private jet and secretly whisked back to America. Your ass will get beheaded or 100 lashes (if you're lucky...or happen to be the heir to Exxon).

Google this....over 1 million results ! it is not a rare occurance.
Saudis skip bail and flee

Just another recent example....
Saudi student now US fugitive after skipping on bail posted by government
There are hundreds of stories of Saudi Nationals here in America that do many really bad things to Americans and get away with it. Seems if you're a Saudi, you can come here, damn near do ANYTHING you want, live like like a maniac....rape whomever you like....and then skip out on your bail and be whisked back to Saudi Arabia to laugh about it at home with relatives and friends.

You'd think that by now our "injustice" system would have fixed these loop holes and make Saudis who commit serious crimes against Americans pay.........but that's not the case.

Try going to Saudi Arabia as an American and running someone over or raping a Saudi woman...see how far YOU get. Their justice system doesn't PLAY around with foreigners like ours does. You won't be allowed to post bail then hop on a state sponsored private jet and secretly whisked back to America. Your ass will get beheaded or 100 lashes (if you're lucky...or happen to be the heir to Exxon).

Google this....over 1 million results ! it is not a rare occurance.
Saudis skip bail and flee

Just another recent example....
Saudi student now US fugitive after skipping on bail posted by government
Yeah, I got over a million hits also but I went deeper down the rabbit hole than you obviously did........

The first two pages cover articles about three or four Saudis, the rest focuses on the key search words Saudis, skip, bail, flee............ and mostly not in context but focused on each word in a sentence individually like all Google searches do.
Basically still looking for the "hundreds" of stories you claim exist......... :dunno:

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