Saudi Explosion


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
At oil factory:
Explosion Heard at Saudi Oil Refinery

4 minutes ago

CAIRO, Egypt - Shots and an explosion have been heard at oil refinery in Baqiq, eastern Saudi Arabia, the pan-Arab satellite channel Al-Arabiya TV reported Friday, quoting its own reporter.

The reporter, who was in the Saudi kingdom, told the newscaster that shots and explosion could have been part of an attempt to break into the refinery.

A Saudi oil official said there had been an explosion, but he did not know the cause.

The al-Qaida terror group has called for attacks on Saudi oil installations.
Kathianne said:

Oil jumped 2$ barrel, but seems they were thwarted, notice reports out of Dubai, ;)

Saudis foil attack on oil facility

4 minutes ago

Saudi security foiled on Friday an attack on the huge Abqaiq oil facility by three cars armed with explosives, firing on them as they rammed the outer gates of the facility, Saudi security adviser Nawaf Obaid said.

Obaid told Reuters that the three cars exploded after being fired on by security guards at the gates 1 mile from the main entrance to Abqaiq. "Three cars rammed the first of the three sets of gates protecting Abqaiq and when security shot at them all three cars exploded," Obaid said.

"The attack was stopped at the first security cordon. The cars were not able to get into the refinery ... No blast occurred within the plant perimeter," another adviser said.
dilloduck said:
Why are we buying oil from a country that supports terrorism anyway? :rolleyes:
:lame2: Dillo. There’s big difference between buying a product and allowing someone to control yer ports. For a price of course, but it's not even close to the same thing.

Any positives you mentioned to post on the transaction yet?
Mr. P said:
:lame2: Dillo. There’s big difference between buying a product and allowing someone to control yer ports. For a price of course, but it's not even close to the same thing.

Any positives you mentioned to post on the transaction yet?

Bull----we are financing terrorism by buying oil. These are the people who would SEND a WMD through our port if they could. I've mentioned all kinds of possible postives of the transaction going though.
dilloduck said:
Bull----we are financing terrorism by buying oil. These are the people who would SEND a WMD through our port if they could. I've mentioned all kinds of possible postives of the transaction going though.
Where, I missed them, really I did..
Mr. P said:
Where, I missed them, really I did..

Strengthen an alliance with strategically invaluable ally in the gulf for one.
The company has been vetted for 90 days by people who I don't think want to endanger Americans for another.
They have a proven track record all over the world for another.
gop_jeff said:
Am I the only one who would have liked to seen an explosion in Mecca instead of Baqiq?

I doubt it--There are many here who would like to see Muslims rounded up like Jews in WWII and exterminated.
dilloduck said:
Strengthen an alliance with strategically invaluable ally in the gulf for one.
The company has been vetted for 90 days by people who I don't think want to endanger Americans for another.
They have a proven track record all over the world for another.
I wouldn't call any of that positive, all weak to say the least..

ally? In yer dreams, how many troops does the UAE have in Iraq? I donno. Any?
So we're paying them for staging areas. Some ally.
Oh ya, where is aljazeera based?

The Treasure department is NOT in the business of National Security.

Who has a track record? The newly formed company? The Japanese Company had more experience than even the parent company.
Mr. P said:
I wouldn't call any of that positive, all weak to say the least..

ally? In yer dreams, how many troops does the UAE have in Iraq? I donno. Any?
So we're paying them for staging areas. Some ally.
Oh ya, where is aljazeera based?

The Treasure department is NOT in the business of National Security.

Who has a track record? The newly formed company? The Japanese Company had more experience than even the parent company.

We pay the Israelis for staging areas. Some ally
How many troops do they have in Iraq?

CFIUS is not in the business of national security???? bullshit.
Mr. P said:
You feeling like a fool because you are avoiding the issue?

Not avoiding the issue at all---you asked me for some possible positive outsomes of the deal succeeding. I gave you some such as the CFIUS having already investigated this company. You inaccurately claim the the treasury Dept has nothing to do with national security.
dilloduck said:
Not avoiding the issue at all---you asked me for some possible positive outsomes of the deal succeeding. I gave you some such as the CFIUS having already investigated this company. You inaccurately claim the the treasury Dept has nothing to do with national security.
Look er up Dillo...It's context...

EDIT: I would add you didn't address your two other so called positive points.
Mr. P said:
Look er up Dillo...It's context...

I've read several articles and I know that CFIUS investigates matters that relate to national security. Show me a link that says otherwise.
dilloduck said:
I've read several articles and I know that CFIUS investigates matters that relate to national security. Show me a link that says otherwise.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), an interagency committee chaired by the Department of Treasury, was authorized through the Exon-Florio Amendment to the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act (1988) to review and potentially block foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies that threaten to impair U.S. national security. Exon-Florio was not adopted to halt or slow foreign investment; rather, the Amendment solely focused on those transactions that implicate U.S. national security interests. "National security" was deliberately left undefined as to allow for the greatest presidential control and discretion when determining whether to block a transaction.

Clear enough ?

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