Satanic Maze: A Capitalism Drop-Team


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This capitalism-arcade vignette was inspired by the aspiration-psychology film Logan's Run.

I want to be sure that as Reaganomics gives way to Trumponomics, I was there making myself optimistic with 'exorcism-storytelling.' After all, wouldn't our First Lady (Melania Trump/Nancy Reagan) want that too?

Signing off,


Saber-Rider and his team of Star Sheriffs were assigned to infiltrate the planet Xanadu (on the far outskirts of the galaxy Doragen). Saber-Rider looked at his photo of his human ancestor, the great Jimmy Hoffa, and wondered how intelligent civilization (once the 'hub' for governance debate intrigue) had become a 'cowboy-land' of space-pirates and profiteers! Saber-Rider informed his team that Xanadu was led by a ruthless 'warlock' who called himself 'Satan' (apparently 'Satan' had built a maze on Xanadu --- a maze which was the 'test-run' for any sentient being seeking to challenge his 'dominion' of perception-confidence).


SATAN: Welcome to Xanadu...
SABER-RIDER: What does this maze signify, Satan?
SATAN: If you can run my maze/labyrinth in record-time, you're a 'runner.'
SABER-RIDER: What is the special honor of being designated a 'runner'?
SATAN: Only runners are invited to the galactic council to debate about government.
SABER-RIDER: Oh, so you're using a 'maze-contest' to 'construct' a restoration?
SATAN: Yes; in the past, governance-debate was 'normal,' but now you need 'motive.'
SABER-RIDER: That's clever --- you're capitalizing on the mind's urge to compete!
SATAN: Yes, and why not? There's no other way to 'wash' that odious instinct to dominate.
SABER-RIDER: Yet, many consider you a fascist on Xanadu...
SATAN: If you want to 'challenge' me further, run the maze first!
SABER-RIDER: Alright; you're more shrewd than I thought, Satan.


Saber-Rider and the Star Sheriffs successfully ran Satan's maze and completed it in record time and were therefore invited to the all-important galactic council to debate about 'accidental inheritances' in 'modern galactic government games' situated in what was virtually a capitalism-dominated 'piracy-arena' (e.g., survival-of-the-fittest). At the debate, Saber-Rider suggested that space-explorers crave 'hologram-presentations' of the consequences of ethics-decisions in capitalist systems (e.g., slideshows of nuclear holocausts). It was decided that capitalism 'contests' would be complemented with teamwork incentives (e.g., farmer-operated multicultural supermarkets).



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