Sarah Sanders Presser today, "carve outs" for Canada and Mexico, this is bad news if he does this


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
He will lose all leverage in NAFTA, a renegotiation in which Canada has NO Interest in signing, they want to drag it out and not give an inch, which is why after seven meetings they have 6 of 30 issues addressed which they had intended to have in place by this point. Also, National Security issues will not be addressed as Canada is exporting Chinese goods and helping with the dumping of China products and their state activities against America.

Big mistake on this, I wish Trump wouldn't have given any exceptions, Canada is taking you for a big ride, only China and Mexico do worse, and none of them export socialism like Canada does.

I knew exactly what I would see when I turned on CBC banner at the bottom in bold: "TARIFFS EXEMPTION "CARVE OUT" FOR CANADA AND MEXICO"

This means, Canada will continue to make billions in the auto sector and steal more jobs. He should not have capitulated, and I hope he walks this back or is VERY specific. This will mean exemptions, and it will not assist his campaign efforts. Not a good decision in my opinion, NAFTA will not get done now, the status quo is going to win.

You should see the CBC reporters, beeming and happier than a pig in shyte. They are practically dancing, it's like we stared down the U.S military and won.

Then we pretend that our "services" gives the U.S a surplus against us, so disingenuous. It is the U.S corporations that are buying these services across the border, AND, they include travel "services" such as Snowbirds buying homes.
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Trudeax bitch-slapped the orange old turd into submission and Mexico just put a huge middle finger in Little Donald's face. Like Melania.
What this means is far more damaging than Americans understand.

First, Canadians were scared out of their wits with this, because it meant auto companies would potentially leave Ontario for Michigan and Ohio, which would create many good paying jobs for America, and ensure Trump holds these states most likely. Also, other steel businesses would have followed

Second, it means you will continue to receive cheap Chinese steel and aluminum through Canada. Guaranteed.

Third, and this is probably most important ; you wont get ANY concessions in NAFTA, in fact, I'm going to bet you either walk away from it or the status quo will remain. Based on this decision it's more like the latter. Only six issues dealt with in seven meetings, it was supposed to have 30 done by now. This is because Canada is stonewalling, dragging their feet like any good socialist, waiting for Trump to lose the re-election, or not giving him enough time to alter it as Canada will challenge and maintain control of U.S economic decisions.

Fourth if I am the Democrats I tell them "see, he gave carve outs, he isn't concerned with industry or jobs, he just sells you one thing done another. How many issues will he flip on?" This is a massive opening if the Democrats want to take it. I don't know if they will but they are desperate to take back the House.

The Establishment worked to have Trump stay in TPP, worked to have Trump stay in the Paris Accord, worked to prevent him from building the wall. They worked very hard to prevent this tariff as it could have started a domino to dismantle the global socialist trade network that is harming America.

I support Trump, I was proud of him for not bowing down, this is awful in my opinion. All of the above and then some. If Trump would have remained the brawler, he was unstoppable and no ally or enemy would be able to beat him. I know he loves America, he has to do what he instinctively knows is right and not give any advantages back to these crooks.

God Bless America! Ge 'er done Trump!
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