Sarah Palin Would Challenge Obama in 2012: 4-1 Margin Palin More Qualified

Obama is also the absolute worst President I have seen in my lifetime .

So far, Mr Habitat for Hamas still has him beat IMO. Bush too, simply because of the size of his debacle.

Obama's problem is he still acts like one of the herd rather than putting on the mantle. He isn't just a leader, he is THE leader and he isn't acting like it.

But that's not enough to make me vote for Palin. Or any of the other has-been retreads whose names I've heard floating around. Gingrich? Romney? Paul? How about somebody we haven't already seen and rejected over and over again for a change?

I have to agree. Obama needs to show more backbone and do what has to be done rather than try to make people happy. He needs to put the GOP on permanent "Ignore"
So far, Mr Habitat for Hamas still has him beat IMO. Bush too, simply because of the size of his debacle.

Obama's problem is he still acts like one of the herd rather than putting on the mantle. He isn't just a leader, he is THE leader and he isn't acting like it.

But that's not enough to make me vote for Palin. Or any of the other has-been retreads whose names I've heard floating around. Gingrich? Romney? Paul? How about somebody we haven't already seen and rejected over and over again for a change?

At this moment in time, I'd take Romney over Obama. But we still have at least 18 months before any serious contenders need emerge.

But your dead on on the leadership thing. He isn't acting like a leader. And he's not paying attention to what Americans want.

I disagree with too many of Romney's policies, although he's changed his mind on where he stands so many times it should make me feel better about voting for him anyway. Even odds are he'd actually do something I agree with after all. :lol:
It would be very funny to see repubs back Sarah. They moaned about Obama's lack of experience and yet Palin has even less than him.

Lets see: Business owner, Fmr Mayor, Fmr head of Alaska Oil & Gas Regulatory Commission and Fmr Executive of Alaska vs Community Organizer and small Chicago district 1 term jr Senator by default? Where do you get that Obama is more qualified?

And in every single job, scandal, controversy, lawsuits and accusations of incompetency.

Wow, she is even more qualified than Bush was.

Besides runway, name one thing she has excelled at.

Of course, she did "write" a best selling novel, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent".
She has excelled at running a business and you forgot to mention that out of all those scandals whipped up by the liberal left which resulted into 17 frivilous ethics lawsuits against her were thrown out of court for lack of evidence and no standing. Palin was the victor. Oh and also she maintained a approval rating in the 80s to 90 percentage range which meant that she did a fantastic job. Compared to Obama who knows more about the energy sector and why doesn't Obama want to entice domestic land drilling? Also if Obama has all this hypothetical experience then why hasn't he enacted positive legislation to improve the economy? Why with the democratic controlled congress has he failed to get anything done. I mean even Hitler landed the Olympics.
Palin cannot win. The facts and the stats oppose a reasonable conclusion that she is a winner. And her behavior has shown that she quits and walks away when things are tough. Personable and I think likeable, she has found her niche in faux news, where she can support her husband and family in a style to which she has become accustomed. Good fortune to her.
Lets see: Business owner, Fmr Mayor, Fmr head of Alaska Oil & Gas Regulatory Commission and Fmr Executive of Alaska vs Community Organizer and small Chicago district 1 term jr Senator by default? Where do you get that Obama is more qualified?

And in every single job, scandal, controversy, lawsuits and accusations of incompetency.

Wow, she is even more qualified than Bush was.

Besides runway, name one thing she has excelled at.

Of course, she did "write" a best selling novel, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent".
She has excelled at running a business and you forgot to mention that out of all those scandals whipped up by the liberal left which resulted into 17 frivilous ethics lawsuits against her were thrown out of court for lack of evidence and no standing. Palin was the victor. Oh and also she maintained a approval rating in the 80s to 90 percentage range which meant that she did a fantastic job. Compared to Obama who knows more about the energy sector and why doesn't Obama want to entice domestic land drilling? Also if Obama has all this hypothetical experience then why hasn't he enacted positive legislation to improve the economy? Why with the democratic controlled congress has he failed to get anything done. I mean even Hitler landed the Olympics.

Is she more experienced and qualified than Romney?


Is she more experienced and qualified than Pawlenty?


Is she more experienced and qualified than Jindal?


Is she more experienced and qualified than Huckabee?


Is she more experienced and qualified than Ron Paul?

lol, No.

I guess you better hope her GOP opponents in the primaries don't play your beloved 'qualified/experienced' card on HER eh? You're going to look like an ass trying to talk your way out of that one.
more than the Obama had.

he was a lowly state Senator and Community agitator.

Obama was a law professor
He served in the State Senate for seven years in a state with 12 times the population of Alaska
US Senator for 4 years

Palin was a PTA President and Hockey Mom

Obama is also the absolute worst President I have seen in my lifetime .


Where've you been for the last 8 years?
And in every single job, scandal, controversy, lawsuits and accusations of incompetency.

Wow, she is even more qualified than Bush was.

Besides runway, name one thing she has excelled at.

Of course, she did "write" a best selling novel, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent".
She has excelled at running a business and you forgot to mention that out of all those scandals whipped up by the liberal left which resulted into 17 frivilous ethics lawsuits against her were thrown out of court for lack of evidence and no standing. Palin was the victor. Oh and also she maintained a approval rating in the 80s to 90 percentage range which meant that she did a fantastic job. Compared to Obama who knows more about the energy sector and why doesn't Obama want to entice domestic land drilling? Also if Obama has all this hypothetical experience then why hasn't he enacted positive legislation to improve the economy? Why with the democratic controlled congress has he failed to get anything done. I mean even Hitler landed the Olympics.

Is she more experienced and qualified than Romney?


Is she more experienced and qualified than Pawlenty?


Is she more experienced and qualified than Jindal?


Is she more experienced and qualified than Huckabee?


Is she more experienced and qualified than Ron Paul?

lol, No.

I guess you better hope her GOP opponents in the primaries don't play your beloved 'qualified/experienced' card on HER eh? You're going to look like an ass trying to talk your way out of that one.
How is being a executor of a state with extremely high positive job approval ratings because of countless policies enacted by her that has benefited the largest state with a massive energy sector and seafood industry count as no experience?
Obama was a law professor
He served in the State Senate for seven years in a state with 12 times the population of Alaska
US Senator for 4 years

Palin was a PTA President and Hockey Mom

Obama is also the absolute worst President I have seen in my lifetime .


Where've you been for the last 8 years?

Right here watching the economy go from good to bad ever since the left took over control of congress 37 months ago. What did they do? I don't know but that's when things started to tank.
Obama is also the absolute worst President I have seen in my lifetime .


Where've you been for the last 8 years?

Right here watching the economy go from good to bad ever since the left took over control of congress 37 months ago. What did they do? I don't know but that's when things started to tank.

The seeds for that were planted long before 2006, and both parties plus many private entities share the blame for it. Neither party has exactly covered itself in glory with solutions, either.

Now I'm just reminding myself I'll have to choose between these same jokers and a few third party one-trick ponies all over again if I'm going to vote. And getting depressed.

Where've you been for the last 8 years?

Right here watching the economy go from good to bad ever since the left took over control of congress 37 months ago. What did they do? I don't know but that's when things started to tank.

The seeds for that were planted long before 2006, and both parties plus many private entities share the blame for it. Neither party has exactly covered itself in glory with solutions, either.

Now I'm just reminding myself I'll have to choose between these same jokers and a few third party one-trick ponies all over again if I'm going to vote. And getting depressed.

I just hope there is someone to vote for instead of having to vote against.
Obama was a law professor
He served in the State Senate for seven years in a state with 12 times the population of Alaska
US Senator for 4 years

Palin was a PTA President and Hockey Mom

Obama is also the absolute worst President I have seen in my lifetime .


Where've you been for the last 8 years?

Where have you dipshits been the last 3 years, the Dimwitocrats have had the power since 2006, where are we now? In 2006 we had a stock market in the 14,000 range, where is it now? We were paying less than 2 bucks a gallon for fuel here in Texas, Pelosi and her band of incompetent asswipe took over and look where we are. Obama quit showing up for his Senate job 2 years before he bought the election with 730,000,000 dollars of special interest money, where were the assholes that accuse Palin of being a quitter? That crook Obama continued to cash his Senate paychecks while flying around in a 757 during his 2 year "campaign" of promises that he has broken all of...... where are the quitter dimwits?

Obama is an asshole and a failure at everything he has tried to do this year, even his puppet master is pissed.

Orlando Sentinel – The TV Guy
Obama is also the absolute worst President I have seen in my lifetime .


Where've you been for the last 8 years?

Where have you dipshits been the last 3 years, the Dimwitocrats have had the power since 2006, where are we now? In 2006 we had a stock market in the 14,000 range, where is it now? We were paying less than 2 bucks a gallon for fuel here in Texas, Pelosi and her band of incompetent asswipe took over and look where we are. Obama quit showing up for his Senate job 2 years before he bought the election with 730,000,000 dollars of special interest money, where were the assholes that accuse Palin of being a quitter? That crook Obama continued to cash his Senate paychecks while flying around in a 757 during his 2 year "campaign" of promises that he has broken all of...... where are the quitter dimwits?

Obama is an asshole and a failure at everything he has tried to do this year, even his puppet master is pissed.

Orlando Sentinel – The TV Guy

And our Republican Party's policies and politics had absolutely nothing to do with the meltdown? Granted, BHO and the Democrats, given an opportunity to excel, have blown it, but to pretend that is all their fault is dishonest.

I hope it is Romney and someone in the Veep position on the ticket in 2012. No more repeats of McCains and Palins, please.
Right here watching the economy go from good to bad ever since the left took over control of congress 37 months ago. What did they do? I don't know but that's when things started to tank.

The seeds for that were planted long before 2006, and both parties plus many private entities share the blame for it. Neither party has exactly covered itself in glory with solutions, either.

Now I'm just reminding myself I'll have to choose between these same jokers and a few third party one-trick ponies all over again if I'm going to vote. And getting depressed.

I just hope there is someone to vote for instead of having to vote against.

Or they're not both so almost equally bad I just hold my nose and try to figure out who stinks least. *sigh*
i didn't vote for president for the first time in my life in 2008.

i voted for all the other offices on the ballot, but there was no way i could vote for either of the asshats at the top of their respective tickets.

2012 looks to be shaping up as more of the same.

kurt vonnegut was right.
I honestly believed Obama would be better than McCain version 2008. And as disappointed as I've been with some of the things he's done I still believe that. No way do I regret my vote considering the alternative.

I'd just appreciate better choices than "sucks and sucks worse" next time around.

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