Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I agree. Investigations of Obama's nefarious activities, abuse of government powers, and most important, his constitutional ineligibility to be President should all be investigated thoroughly by the GOP controlled Congress. The one thing I would like to see in addition to this is an intense focus on drastically reducing federal government spending and a significant reduction in the size of the federal government. In other words, GOP, please return our government from a tyrannical behemoth back to a small, responsive, government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

A picture worth a thousand words!

She's right, although not the best person to lead the charge. I believe this election was a mandate to stop Obama and the Republicans should have the balls to carry out the will of the people and STOP him.
She's right, although not the best person to lead the charge. I believe this election was a mandate to stop Obama and the Republicans should have the balls to carry out the will of the people and STOP him.

'Pubes should have worked with him these last 6 years. Now he's going to veto everything that comes in his path and write one EO after another. Stupid Republicans just don't think before they act and realize he's got nothing to lose. Suckers.

And Sorry Sarah was almost a heart beat from the Oval Office and now you're admitting she might be a twit.
You guys do realize that any impeachment proceedings would take longer than Obama has left in office, right?

I was just going to say the same thing. Sarah doesn't understand government or law, obviously. She's just trying to stay relevant since hardly any of the mid-term candidates asked her to their parties.
She's right, although not the best person to lead the charge. I believe this election was a mandate to stop Obama and the Republicans should have the balls to carry out the will of the people and STOP him.

'Pubes should have worked with him these last 6 years. Now he's going to veto everything that comes in his path and write one EO after another. Stupid Republicans just don't think before they act and realize he's got nothing to lose. Suckers.

And Sorry Sarah was almost a heart beat from the Oval Office and now you're admitting she might be a twit.

I hope he does. The dems will be fucked for decades if he does.
She's right, although not the best person to lead the charge. I believe this election was a mandate to stop Obama and the Republicans should have the balls to carry out the will of the people and STOP him.

'Pubes should have worked with him these last 6 years. Now he's going to veto everything that comes in his path and write one EO after another. Stupid Republicans just don't think before they act and realize he's got nothing to lose. Suckers.

And Sorry Sarah was almost a heart beat from the Oval Office and now you're admitting she might be a twit.
Looks like somebody's afraid the foreign exchange president is gonna be stopped.
I agree. Investigations of Obama's nefarious activities, abuse of government powers, and most important, his constitutional ineligibility to be President should all be investigated thoroughly by the GOP controlled Congress. The one thing I would like to see in addition to this is an intense focus on drastically reducing federal government spending and a significant reduction in the size of the federal government. In other words, GOP, please return our government from a tyrannical behemoth back to a small, responsive, government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

A picture worth a thousand words!

“You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don’t break it. Don’t break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That’s not being faithful to what this country’s about.”

Message to Obama, We won!!
You guys do realize that any impeachment proceedings would take longer than Obama has left in office, right?
Doesn't matter. It'll either keep him from doing any more damage or it'll push him over the edge and he'll do something crazy and the decision to remove him will be a unanimous one by both parties.
You guys do realize that any impeachment proceedings would take longer than Obama has left in office, right?
Doesn't matter. It'll either keep him from doing any more damage or it'll push him over the edge and he'll do something crazy and the decision to remove him will be a unanimous one by both parties.
I'm thinking he is going to do something crazy out of spite to harm the country since his policies were rejected this past Tuesday. That's why Boehner warned him about playing with matches burning himself.
You guys do realize that any impeachment proceedings would take longer than Obama has left in office, right?
Doesn't matter. It'll either keep him from doing any more damage or it'll push him over the edge and he'll do something crazy and the decision to remove him will be a unanimous one by both parties.
I'm thinking he is going to do something crazy out of spite to harm the country since his policies were rejected this past Tuesday. That's why Boehner warned him about playing with matches burning himself.
Well, releasing more terrorists is a pretty obvious first shot, like in your other thread.
You guys do realize that any impeachment proceedings would take longer than Obama has left in office, right?

I was just going to say the same thing. Sarah doesn't understand government or law, obviously. She's just trying to stay relevant since hardly any of the mid-term candidates asked her to their parties.
Well, they don't want a bunch of drunk-as-skunks Palins punching people in the face and stammering something about "the God thing".

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You guys do realize that any impeachment proceedings would take longer than Obama has left in office, right?
And would require 67 votes in the Senate to convict. My Lord, what are righties stupid...

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I think there are enough pissed off Democrats in the Senate who would love to see him thrown out of office and would vote to do so if they were 100% sure the necessary number of votes were there.
You guys do realize that any impeachment proceedings would take longer than Obama has left in office, right?
And would require 67 votes in the Senate to convict. My Lord, what are righties stupid...

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Obama is going to be proved constitutionally ineligible by evidence collected from the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office investigation team now since we have leadership in both houses. Arpaio has been waiting for this moment. Impeachment would be nullified and Obama would have to step down immediately since he never was qualified as a natural born Citizen. The investigators say their evidence is universe shattering..

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