Sarah Palin For President?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
How many of you Righties on here actually would support Sarah Palin for President at any time in the future?

Why/why not?
What is the continued obsession by you "lefties" about Sarah Palin?
What is the continued obsession by you "lefties" about Sarah Palin?
Look Jackass, either you answer the question or you get your ass up outta here and flame in some other thread.
Depends entirely on what the other options are. Against Obama, in a heart beat. Against gingtrich in the primary no.
Never...not even if you gave me all the riches in the world and all the desires of my heart.
Thanks for your honest answer, but I'm curious to know 2 more things if possible.
1.) are you a conservative/republican/on the Right


b.) what are you reasons for not being willing to support her?

Thanks again.
How many of you Righties on here actually would support Sarah Palin for President at any time in the future?

Why/why not?

The lefty crowd is afraid of Sarah Palin or they would have stopped talking about her months ago.:lol:
Never...not even if you gave me all the riches in the world and all the desires of my heart.
Thanks for your honest answer, but I'm curious to know 2 more things if possible.

1.) are you a conservative/republican/on the Right

I'm right-wing...but not necessarily "Republican."

b.) what are you reasons for not being willing to support her?
I don't support SP because she does not display the traits necessary to be a good leader. She meets the "basics" (ie constitutionally OK to run), but I really don't see a lot of stuff that she's done that would sway me to her.

In fact, the stuff she's done would turn me away from her.

Thanks again.
Not a problem!
SP is a hot piece of ass, she's extremely redblooded heterosexual male would or could deny that.

But the fact is, she's as dumb as a sack of dirty rocks.
SP is a hot piece of ass, she's extremely redblooded heterosexual male would or could deny that.

But the fact is, she's as dumb as a sack of dirty rocks.

hence your obsession with her.
How many of you Righties on here actually would support Sarah Palin for President at any time in the future?

Why/why not?

Im with the others here that are just as curious as to why the left keeps worrying about Palin...but I'll answer your question for the sake of "involvement".

I seriously doubt that she stands a chance or would even consider running for POTUS, but I would NOT vote for Palin, unless she somehow miraculously ended up on the GOP ticket. I wouldn't vote for her because I think we've learned our lesson about electing someone who it is painfully obvious does NOT have the necessary experience to hold the office. I think she would have made a decent VP, not a great one, but decent. I think she COULD have made a good governor if the blood-thirsty jackels that buried her political career had let her do her job.

No, there's only ONE way she would get my vote. And that would be if she managed to end up running against the encumbant moron that sits on the golden toilet each morning these days.

So, now, I've answered your about a real honest answer from you?

Why are you lefties so concerned with Palin's political career?
SP is a hot piece of ass, she's extremely redblooded heterosexual male would or could deny that.

But the fact is, she's as dumb as a sack of dirty rocks.

She can speak without a teleprompter. She's not an Ivy League lawyer so that makes assholes like you think she is stupid......... you, are an idiot. She's not a polished, fake, politician. Like George Bush, she is real and assholes like you don't want that or know how to react to it. You want a performer, an actor, a facade like Barry with George Soros, hand up his ass, controlling what his puppet does.

I don't know whether Sarah Palin would make a great President, we still know very little truth about her. I do know that the left would go absolutely apeshit and would do whatever possible, including assassination attempts, to get rid of her. The democrats, with this last election, pulled out all of the stops. They spent close to a billion dollars, they used their supporters in the Main Stream Media very effectively, they lied, cheated and stole votes........... with all of that, they were able to beat a 72 year old crippled ex POW by the population of the Houston's metro area. Of course, a great many people that would have voted for a Republican, decided it was smarter to stay home or vote for a "no-way they could ever win Libertarian candidate) so I would guess he really didn't win by as much.

Obama was a community organizer(vote buyer), a state senator(follower), and an absent U.S. Senator for 143 days(absent follower)......... what leadership qualities did he have for the job? Like Bill Clinton, he is no more than an overeducated bimbo, without a shred of common sense and drunk with power.

Speaking of Bimbos......... hear is script reader, Matt Damon, commenting on Palin without knowing anything about her........

[ame=]YouTube - Matt Damon Rips Sarah Palin[/ame]
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SP is a hot piece of ass, she's extremely redblooded heterosexual male would or could deny that.

But the fact is, she's as dumb as a sack of dirty rocks.

She can speak without a teleprompter. She's not an Ivy League lawyer so that makes assholes like you think she is stupid......... you, are an idiot. She's not a polished, fake, politician. Like George Bush, she is real and assholes like you don't want that or know how to react to it. You want a performer, an actor, a facade like Barry with George Soros, hand up his ass, controlling what his puppet does.

I don't know whether Sarah Palin would make a great President, we still know very little truth about her. I do know that the left would go absolutely apeshit and would do whatever possible, including assassination attempts, to get rid of her. The democrats, with this last election, pulled out all of the stops. They spent close to a billion dollars, they used their supporters in the Main Stream Media very effectively, they lied, cheated and stole votes........... with all of that, they were able to beat a 72 year old crippled ex POW by the population of the Houston's metro area. Of course, a great many people that would have voted for a Republican, decided it was smarter to stay home or vote for a "no-way they could ever win Libertarian candidate) so I would guess he really didn't win by as much.

Obama was a community organizer(vote buyer), a state senator(follower), and an absent U.S. Senator for 143 days(absent follower)......... what leadership qualities did he have for the job? Like Bill Clinton, he is no more than an overeducated bimbo, without a shred of common sense and drunk with power.

Speaking of Bimbos......... hear is script reader, Matt Damon commenting on Palin without knowing anything about her........

[ame=]YouTube - Matt Damon Rips Sarah Palin[/ame]

You made a statement that George Bush was real like Sarah Palin. I think you left out dumb. George Bush is real dumb like Sarah Palin.

There are plenty of potential conservative candidates with intelligence and an understanding of the world that Sarah Palin does not have. It is baffling that she is in the mix.
I wish Sarah Palin would run for President just so I could watch David Letterman make a complete ass out of himself some more...:lol:
SP is a hot piece of ass, she's extremely redblooded heterosexual male would or could deny that.

But the fact is, she's as dumb as a sack of dirty rocks.

She can speak without a teleprompter. She's not an Ivy League lawyer so that makes assholes like you think she is stupid......... you, are an idiot. She's not a polished, fake, politician. Like George Bush, she is real and assholes like you don't want that or know how to react to it. You want a performer, an actor, a facade like Barry with George Soros, hand up his ass, controlling what his puppet does.

I don't know whether Sarah Palin would make a great President, we still know very little truth about her. I do know that the left would go absolutely apeshit and would do whatever possible, including assassination attempts, to get rid of her. The democrats, with this last election, pulled out all of the stops. They spent close to a billion dollars, they used their supporters in the Main Stream Media very effectively, they lied, cheated and stole votes........... with all of that, they were able to beat a 72 year old crippled ex POW by the population of the Houston's metro area. Of course, a great many people that would have voted for a Republican, decided it was smarter to stay home or vote for a "no-way they could ever win Libertarian candidate) so I would guess he really didn't win by as much.

Obama was a community organizer(vote buyer), a state senator(follower), and an absent U.S. Senator for 143 days(absent follower)......... what leadership qualities did he have for the job? Like Bill Clinton, he is no more than an overeducated bimbo, without a shred of common sense and drunk with power.

Speaking of Bimbos......... hear is script reader, Matt Damon commenting on Palin without knowing anything about her........

[ame=]YouTube - Matt Damon Rips Sarah Palin[/ame]

You made a statement that George Bush was real like Sarah Palin. I think you left out dumb. George Bush is real dumb like Sarah Palin.

There are plenty of potential conservative candidates with intelligence and an understanding of the world that Sarah Palin does not have. It is baffling that she is in the mix.

What do you base that claim on? What is your opinion of Obama's intelligence?

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