Sandy Hook Shooting: Grieving Parents Hoax


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

How low will the liberal left go?

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[ame=]Remembering victims of CT shooting - YouTube[/ame]
This is eerie and exceedingly fucked up...............

Who buys this shit????

[ame=]Robbie Parker Fake Actor Sandy Hook Shooting - YouTube[/ame]

Ive always made fun of the conspiracy k00ks but the stuff surrounding SAndy Hook is highly bizzare..........
How low will the liberal left go?


Prove it or admit you're lying.

If you can explain his smile.

Hook Dad Smiling in the Wake of Massacre.(Read Info Box)

[ame=]Sandy Hook Dad Smiling in the Wake of Massacre.(Read Info Box) - YouTube[/ame]

Fathers of slain children do not go around joking and laughing the next day this guy is a fraud and he is an actor and so is the aunt that spoke before him and this entire shooting is a scam to take away gun right for a much bigger global domination plan
Woman Claims Her Daughter's Photo was used for a Sandy Hook Shooting Victim

[ame=]SANDY HOOK FAKE Woman's Daughter's Photo used for Sandy Hook Shooting Victim Allison Wyatt - YouTube[/ame]

Published on Jan 2, 2013
Sandy Hook Shooting Victim Allison Wyatt does not exist. Her photo was stolen from her mother's Flickr page. The girl's name is Lily Gaubert and she is alive and well.


I took a screenshot (on Jan. 11, 2013) of her picture on Stars Color in case the site scrubs it in the days to come:
Here’s a picture of Jennifer Greenberg Sexton and her husband Richard Sexton (we don’t know when the photos were taken):



[ame=]The Sandy Hook Actors PART 1 - YouTube[/ame]

video 9:01
But Nick and Laura Phelps look very much like another couple, Richard and Jennifer Greenberg Sexton! See for yourself.

Remarkable resemblance of Sandy Hook victims and professional crisis actors | Fellowship of the Minds
Allison Wyatt was said a victim of Sandy Hook shootings.


Mother says her daughter’s photo is stolen.

A 'fortunate group' to know 'Allie'

Amanda Cuda

Updated 10:37 pm, Thursday, December 20, 2012
"You are a very fortunate group," said the Rev. Walter L. Pitman, who led the service. "At some point over the past six years, Allie Wyatt got in your way and you are better for it."

No family or friends spoke at the service, attended by several hundred people. It was only Pitman, who is actually a senior pastor at another church in Southbury.

He said he didn't know the Wyatt family before last week's tragedy, but has spent some time over the past few days getting to know them and their beloved Allie.

Read more: A 'fortunate group' to know 'Allie' - Connecticut Post
Newtown Mother Exposing Sandy Hook Corruption at Public Hearing


In a furious presentation of mixed words a Newtown resident lays out her thoughts during a Bipartisan Task Force Public Hearing.

By Shepard Ambellas
February 5, 2013
NEWTOWN HIGH SCHOOL — In a strange twist of events, Susan McGuinness Getzinger (a local resident) has come forward regarding shady actions in the Connecticut school system.

The woman stated that her husband was killed in a fatal car accident the night after she protested local corruption at a previous public hearing.

The woman calls out the 3 top administrators of the Newtown School District and mentions a law firms involvement.

The woman states in the hearing, “You walk into your PPT or Educational Hearing, they are all in on it. The staff is told not to identify, they can’t pay their mortgage if they speak out against it. It’s wrong. Fix it. Dead Kid’s that’s the price got it?”.

The woman is rather scattered during her presentation, but goes on to end the presentation before being swiftly removed from the podium with, “Adam Lanza was the first victim cause he probably had medical problems, and the attorneys sealed the records!”.

A speaker cuts the woman off as she is whisked off stage.

[ame=]Newton, CT Mother QUESTIONING things - YouTube[/ame]

The woman also states that there were three schools in lockdown the day of the Sandy Hook School Shooting, but then never follows up on the statement in a manner that one can follow. |
Sandy Hook full view, in a case with a lot of casualty, no ambulance is seen.

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Sandy Hook full view, in a case with a lot of casualty, no ambulance is seen.


First responders are on video talking about how they saw helicopters buzzing over the school from a few miles away but had not gotten called. I guess that is normal!!!:up: Then, by the time they got to the school, they couldnt get even close to getting near the parking lot of ths school......after a mass shooting.:2up:
Sandy Hook full view, in a case with a lot of casualty, no ambulance is seen.


At the time they likely saw only dead bodies, in which case, a coroners van would be required, not an ambulance.

Do you nuts actually think that these kids weren't killed that day?

Seminal day in my life sweetie...........and alot of other people I know.

Oh those kids died alright, but anybody who thinks an 115 pound kid pulled off that precision shooting alone would also buy a story about little blue men pulling off the same stunt.
Sandy Hook full view, in a case with a lot of casualty, no ambulance is seen.


At the time they likely saw only dead bodies, in which case, a coroners van would be required, not an ambulance.

Do you nuts actually think that these kids weren't killed that day?

Seminal day in my life sweetie...........and alot of other people I know.

Oh those kids died alright, but anybody who thinks an 115 pound kid pulled off that precision shooting alone would also buy a story about little blue men pulling off the same stunt.

That's OK, we understand.


  • $images  tinhat(1).jpg
    $images tinhat(1).jpg
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Sandy Hook full view, in a case with a lot of casualty, no ambulance is seen.


At the time they likely saw only dead bodies, in which case, a coroners van would be required, not an ambulance.

Do you nuts actually think that these kids weren't killed that day?

Seminal day in my life sweetie...........and alot of other people I know.

Oh those kids died alright, but anybody who thinks an 115 pound kid pulled off that precision shooting alone would also buy a story about little blue men pulling off the same stunt.

You people are fucking nuts if you don't believe this happened.
The later coming ambulance parks at the center of the road. Paramedics take easy steps with no hurry. Are they exhausted by repeated drills or just know in advance there is no survivors? Compare that red coat running woman.


All of you who support this theory should be ashamed of yourselves... WTF is wrong with you people? You take an internet video dissecting behavior and a response from a parent coping with the unnatural death of his child, and suddenly you know it's all fake? Seriously?

I lost a parent when i was 19, I smiled when I wanted to be polite, stayed strong when I had to, and when I could I grieved.. You want to judge how a person handles loss? How they handle loss and handle being in front of a TV camera for probably the first time as well? Who the hell are you to pass that kind of judgement?

You internet junkies now the grieve police? Get a life, assholes..


police lead people leaving, New Town Bee reporter arrived in Sandy Hook School at 9:59 am and took those pictures. No ambulance was seen in back ground.


police lead people leaving, New Town Bee reporter arrived in Sandy Hook School at 9:59 am and took those pictures. No ambulance was seen in back ground.

Dude WTF? Those pictures could be of your local school... Seriously,seek help..


police lead people leaving, New Town Bee reporter arrived in Sandy Hook School at 9:59 am and took those pictures. No ambulance was seen in back ground.

Dude WTF? Those pictures could be of your local school... Seriously,seek help..

this coming from the troll who could only make this childish and juvenile post when confronted with facts he could not counter and could not face that he had been brainwashed for over 50 years changing the subject avoiding the facts.:lmao:

Got a question for ya... Do you believe in every single conspiracy theory or what? Can you name one you don't believe in?
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