obama birth certificate:


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrlJCg9gyhU]Hawaii State Registar Announces Barack Obama Birth Certificate is NON~VALID ! IMPEACH NOW ! - YouTube[/ame]

i don't know... i still don't know.

if this is true. what i can tell you is that the obot's have been gearing up the last two weeks or so. if it is true, it's proof of the new era of citizen journalism, which is more important than any one man or women. the founding fathers made sure of that. anyone today can be woodward and bernstein in America, land of the free, home of the brave.

i'm still trying to reach alvin onaka in hawaii.
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at this point most people believe obama is hiding something his past. the question is what, and to what lengths have they gone to cover their tracks. perhaps he went to college as a foreign student. maybe he spent more time in pakistan then his story tells. maybe he was born in hawaii before hawaii was a state. i still happen to believe that he was born in kenya.

like benghazi, the chicago way strategy, is just to ignore it and hope it goes away, which it does. but it always comes back.

personally, i am glad that the founding fathers didn't think being under the tyranny of king george III would just go away. since the media has chosen to abandon their principles of journalism in order to glorify the cult of personality, it's up to some of us to point out the truth, even if it's not popular or "obama cool". we're not afraid.

Supreme Court to hear case on Obama's alleged forged documents - National Republican | Examiner.com
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coincidences build as records are scrubbed, but they can never get all of them.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw8jq1req50]obama forgery and scandal with the press... have you seen the light... - YouTube[/ame]
Sooner or later the truth comes out regardless of how hard you try to hide it. Owe Bama was born in Kenya and in time it will be proved regardless of all the bull shit that is tried to cover it up. Who will have the last laugh?
Sooner or later the truth comes out regardless of how hard you try to hide it. Owe Bama was born in Kenya and in time it will be proved regardless of all the bull shit that is tried to cover it up. Who will have the last laugh?

Perhaps if starting in 2009 republicans had focused on jobs and the economy, rather than birth certificates and teleprompters, and sane and responsible governance, rather than legitimate rape and pregnancy resulting from rape being ‘god’s will,’ they wouldn’t be pinning their hopes to some lame, pathetic, and false notion as the president being born in Kenya.
Ahh yes, the party of stupid--and the party animal himself; washedupamerika

hi cornhole, where you been ?? your local hooters all closed up ?? what happened to meatpipe ?? (olbermanica)
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