Sandra Bullock adopts January


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009

she kept him hidden all this time.

Just when we thought Jesse James couldn't look any scummier, we find out he and Sandra just had a baby together

she kept him hidden all this time.

Just when we thought Jesse James couldn't look any scummier, we find out he and Sandra just had a baby together

"Baby as fashion accessory"....o Gawd, I just threw up in my mouth a little. I had wanted to rent "The Blind Side".

I'll watch it 10 years from now when its broadcast for free. This **** has gotten her last dime from me. Who adopts a baby when she has no intact family? When her divorce just started?

This is beyond's sociopathic. Is that supposed to be okay as long as the adoptive parent is rich? WTF runs these adoption agencies anyway?.
Divorce stuff happened in March.

Sandra was really happy with her husband as late as Valentines. If you look back in the history, you can read what she did for him. I think it was kind of ill, but some folks really are into their relationships.

So in January, the family was intact. At least as far as she was concerned.

Her sleaze of a husband.... that is a different story.
Why is this anyone's business?

Damn, just because you know someone's work does not give anyone a right to sit in judgement on her. What kind of pathetic asshole calls a female a c*nt because she adopted a child?

she kept him hidden all this time.

Just when we thought Jesse James couldn't look any scummier, we find out he and Sandra just had a baby together

So this is why Jesse James cheated on her... She adopted a baby without asking him! At least she got a token black child. They're in high-demand among celebrities. Maybe she'll adopt Obama next.
I heard they started the adoption back in January, it went through and Sandra just went through with it, just as she would have gone through with a pregnancy if she'd been pregnant when they split.

she kept him hidden all this time.

Just when we thought Jesse James couldn't look any scummier, we find out he and Sandra just had a baby together

I had no idea that adoptive parents were required to post national notice when they adopt.

...let alone be photographed on the cover of Peeps Mag. Is there no privacy in this country?
This thread is lame, but moving it would deprive me of the joy of negging people who make asinine comments about a woman that could give a shit what they think.
This thread is lame, but moving it would deprive me of the joy of negging people who make asinine comments about a woman that could give a shit what they think.

Once in a very great while, there is a post that just screams 'neg this'.... on those occasions, I wish Gunny's damned rules allowed for a post to be negged more than once by the same person.

Although, I've always considered them more, sort of, guidelines. :lol:

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